Back Pain

  • smithkeith
    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Hurt my back a couple of weeks ago and been having problems getting rid of it. Had xrays yesterday and they show degenerative disc disease. I can either take meds and time will heal it or have shot to releive the pain. Anyone familar with this and had the shot?

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    Get the shot.

    Davenport, Iowa
    Posts: 203

    Not sure if it is exactly what I had, but I almost crawled in, got the shot in the spine, walked out, felt great ever since. The shot itself was 12-15 seconds of unbelievable pain. Worth every second though.

    Posts: 3681

    Take the shot.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    Ever been to a chiropractor? I had 20+ years of roofing and a few unwanted “trips” off of roofs and was told the same thing. Swear by mine.

    Posts: 698

    I am the poster boy for DDD. Nothing really works. Ibu’s did for awhile.
    Muscle relaxant when you tighten up. Bed rest sometimes. I hear there are laser procedures for some of the symptoms. Really helps to have high pain threshold. I about died from kidney stone and appendicitis cause they didn’t even get close to daily back pain.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    It is different for everyone.

    Personally, I have one leg shorter than the other that causes my back problems. I see a chiropractor on a regular basis and it seems to do the trick for me and keep me off any drugs. It aches on a regular basis, but thankfully no severe pain since my last flare up a couple years ago.

    Good luck.

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    I suffered for years with back pain from a ladder accident. My wife introduced me to her Myofascial Release Therapist. I was a bit skeptical, but dude it works. Below is an explaination of this technique:

    “Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.”

    Knoxville, IL.
    Posts: 208

    Be sure to get a 2nd opinion, I had surgery in 97, I had 2 cortizone shots in my back was supposed to get 3, didnt take the last one! 1st shot worked great 2nd did nothing! There’s a Dr. Spencer in Chicago that worked on my Moms (Age 77) she came home the same day! If you would like his # would be glad to get it for you! The 1st surgeon she seen wanted to put rods, plates, & pins in her back NOT! Anyway my surgery went great never sorry i had it done! Dont give up stay active stretch everyday even if its a little!! Let me know if you want that #!!!!!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Get an MRI. DDD doesn’t come on all of a sudden. You had it before you did whatever you did to hurt your back. Chances are… you have something worse. Slipped Disc, Herniated disc, etc. I have been dealing with 3 herniated discs for 4+ years. NOT good. Do what you can to get it remedied as soon as possible. Core strengthening is the most important to prevent surgery. Shots can relieve the pain… but if not taken care of, shots will lose effectiveness and they will no longer have any effect. Trust me… I know from experience.

    I have avoided surgery. Mainly because the multiple surgeons I have seen have only suggested a 3 level fusion (severly limiting my movement). I have been doing Physicians Neck and Back for a while… been helping tons.
    Good luck!

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    I had an MRI several years ago when I had a severe case of back pain. None of the doctors have ever said I need surgery which is a good thing I guess. The PT I have been going to just said it is important to do the excersies. Hope the shot will take care of the pain. Just wonder how long a shot last??

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    An Epidural Shot is immediate but temporary. It is Anesthetic and Steroids. It can last from anywhere between a few hours to a couple/few months…depending on the shot and how you take it. It is usually immeidiate relief, but it depends on how good the staff are and what your symtpoms are. I have had more epidural shots than I can count. MOST helped… and lasted 1-2 months. a few didn’t help at all. They say that 3 in a year are the most you can do… because more than that aren’t helping. Most importantly… you should definately have them done and see how it works for you! Even though a few didn’t work… some did… and for many, that was enough. For me, it wasn’t… but that doesn’t mean I discourage you in getting them. ANYTHING to dull the pain is worth it. As long as you keep in mind that this likely won’t be a cure…. but yet a relief while you work on the cure. Exercise, stretching, etc will keep it from going long-term. I am long-term and am speaking from a position of what you don’t want to become. I have been dealing with back pain for 4+ years. First couple years weren’t bad… but with 3 herniated discs… and Digenerative Disc Disease… well.. not a very good outlook and I WISH that I knew what I did now at the beginning. You sound like you are at the beginning. Strengthen your core if you can. Surgery if you must. Narcotics are a blessing… but become a curse when you have been on them as long as I have… Just remember, they are a crutch, not a cure. Good luck! As I said earlier… Physicians Neck and Back clinic have kept me away from the knife. As bad as my back is… it has really helped.

    On a side note… medical science is a little behind on the times. Europe and other countries seem to have the lead on back injury operations. There is a procedure for medical “implants” of discs. has been done in Europe and abroad for 10 years… but has JUST been given clearance in a couple locations in the US. They are Artificial discs that replace existing problemed discs. Right now, 99% of places will do Fusions (limiting any movement), or just cutting of discs, etc. I am biding my time for when the artificial discs become acceptable or mainstream and will be having THAT done ASAP!


    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    I have had back pain for about 25 years. Seems like about once a year, I move just right or doing something where I end up doing PT and drugs to get over it. The worst was several years ago while I was fishing at our place in Wisconsin. Lucky my wife was with me. Made it back to the dock but couldn’t get out of the boat. Ended up calling an ambulance and getting carried out on a back board. I bent over to put a fish in the live well and that was all it took. Once I was getting a gallon of milk out of the frig. Used to get over it and several days but as I get older, it takes longer and longer. Don’t think there is anything worse and back pain. Then again, there are people who suffer from a lot worse things.

    Posts: 348

    I also have back issues, get the shots. The first one might not do the trick but i had 2 and i havent had a issue with my back for 2 yrs.If you go to a pain doctor that only specializes in pain management he will numb up the artea and then give you the shot all you will feel is pressure.Make sure he uses a flouroscope, this is a x ray machine so he injects the medicene in the correct spot where you are having trouble. You will be glad you did it, i am

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    Some good info… get 2nd and 3rd opinion… goto surgeon… meds and shot only cover up problem…

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