Bad Dog Kennel Owner

  • John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    Well I did not last too long before I had get another dog. Well anyways I went and bought a dog from a kennel close to my house. The owner claimed the dog was supposed to be less then a year old and would send me all the data prooving this in the mail. Well I took the dog to the vet because she kept shaking her head and I wanted her ears looked at. The vet came out and asked me how old I thought the dog was. I told her and she then told me that my dog is 2 years old, shows signs of abuse, mallnurished and signs of hartworm and a ear infection. She said I should return the dog and get my money back, but I told the vet that I would never return the dog to a bad environment. What would you guys suggest a person do in this case? My dog has come along ways in getting more comfortable around my home. Trust me she is getting the royal treatment. If anyone has run into something like this let me know, I am going to report this to the Humane Society and the local Sherrif for sure.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    get your money back then report him.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    You didn’t buy her from the lady in NY Mills did ya?

    Posts: 9311

    I rescued a Lab a few years ago that came from the same enviroment. Mine had ears issued and fleas really bad. Her and her brother had been abondoned to a garage where they pissed and s%^t everywhere to the point that the garage was torn down. I took both because the owner called the Sheriff’s Office and said he was going to let them loose or shoot them. I found a good owner for the male a week later. She turned out to be an awesome dog and a phenominal hunter.

    Posts: 348

    People who abuse pets should be sentenced to live in that dogs enviroment for 60 days. then do 60 days in county jail.People who abuse their pets should be abused

    Park Falls, WI
    Posts: 264

    Follow that with 90 lashes! These animals trust us to care for them and they will care for you with unconditional love and trust. If you break that trust, you should be punished.

    I’m ranting, but this greatly upsets me.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Kudos to you not agreeing to return her. Let us know how the reporting goes. People who abuse and don’t take care of animals make me sick, if not enraged.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Kudos to you not agreeing to return her. Let us know how the reporting goes. People who abuse and don’t take care of animals make me sick, if not enraged.


    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742


    You didn’t buy her from the lady in NY Mills did ya?

    You know of her huh? I guess she has gotten into alot of trouble.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    You didn’t buy her from the lady in NY Mills did ya?

    You know of her huh? I guess she has gotten into alot of trouble.

    Yet it sounds like she is able to continue her irresponsible kennel?


    If I only had a 2X4 and a free pass. Her, her husband and the lawyer in a fenced in pen.

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