Need some help!

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    A good friend/co worker had his brain tumor come back. This is going to be his third surgery. This time is probably going to be his last chance.

    Our company and I would like to take him to a game farm to shoot some birds. If anyone can help point me in the right place I sure would be thankful.

    Travis is only 20. I hired him on the spot. He is a great worker. I just feel terrible. Not sure what esle to do.

    Posts: 48

    I would go to sands up by St Joseph MN have gone there many of times it is a great place feels like your in SD I think he is around $15.50 a bird best of luck to you

    stoddard wi
    Posts: 141

    give pet a call at game unlimited(715) 246-5475

    871 Cty Rd “E”

    Hudson, WI 54016

    they are the closest to you or you can check out for club listings.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Traxlers just SW of you has been a great place for us. -Mark

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    Hank I can not offer any hunting advice to you but it sounds like you are already helping the young man by being a friend and taking the time to care. I do send out prayers to the young man and his family I have an idea of what they are going through. I lost my cousin (my Godmothers son)in Feb this year after 7 year battle with Brain cancer. He was an amazing young man also, he left behind a wife and two little girls and an empty place in our hearts. I truly hope the Doctors can help help your friend.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Game Unlimited is your closest.

    Horse and Hunt will probably donate a bunch of birds also. Talk to Terry Correll and say “Stu” sent you.

    Sorry for the situation.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    No help for game farm, but as far as what you can do, keep a very positive attitude.

    Having spent some time in the oncology ward, attitude can make the difference between life and death, I really believe that.

    Best of luck to him.


    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    It’s great that you are reaching out and being a friend. Let us know how the hunt went and take some pics.
    Prayers sent.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Thanks guys! Going to make some calls! 20 years old….can’t even take him out for a beer. Poor kid.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    Traxlers just SW of you has been a great place for us. -Mark

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    Thanks guys! Going to make some calls! 20 years old….can’t even take him out for a beer. Poor kid.

    no, but you can bring the beer to him…

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    A good friend/co worker had his brain tumor come back. This is going to be his third surgery. This time is probably going to be his last chance.

    Our company and I would like to take him to a game farm to shoot some birds. If anyone can help point me in the right place I sure would be thankful.

    Travis is only 20. I hired him on the spot. He is a great worker. I just feel terrible. Not sure what esle to do.

    I don’t hunt any of the game farms below the Hwy 210 line in MN. They all over charge and rip you off by charging for scratch birds.

    If you were wanting to make a weekend event of it. Take him up to Federal Dam and hunt Bader’s Pheasant Run. Deb and Wade Huotari are excellent people. For a small fee Deb will even make a meal for all the guys hunting. So you not only come in from hunting to warm up or call it a day. There is an excellent home cooked meal ready for you.

    Prices are reasonable and they DO NOT charge for scratch birds.

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