Legacy Dollars for New Viking Stadium?

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Not to mention that game yesterday by AP was “a work of art”!!!

    Do they mail MOHA calendars across state lines?


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Dear Brian,

    Thank you for taking the time to write me a letter expressing your thoughts to stadium financing for the Minnesota Vikings. It is always great to hear from the citizens that I represent.

    You are correct that this is a very important issue that concerns a good number of people across our state. The real challenge we face is that fiscal conservatives do not support public funding towards a private stadium. Liberals will likely reject a plan that sends public dollars toward a stadium instead of education or health and human services. You lose vast group on both sides of this issue.

    For more info please follow link from the Woodbury Bulletin where I spoke at the Woodbury Chamber of Commerce about the stadium.


    Again, thank you for writing to me. Please feel free to contact me again if you have further suggestions or questions on this or any other legislative issue.


    Senator Ted Lillie
    Senate District 56
    [email protected]

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    My follow-up reply was…

    Senator Lillie,

    Where do you stand on this issue?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Spineless comes to mind when people won’t answer simple direct questions.

    Course you at least got a answer. Haven’t heard anything from Sandra yet.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    You guys don’t expect them to communicate where they stand, do you? They can’t do that until they know which side is going to win………..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    You lose vast group on both sides of this issue.

    Is that so bad?

    He obviously doesn’t read IDO.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843



    You lose vast group on both sides of this issue.

    Is that so bad?

    He obviously doesn’t read IDO.

    Why would he read IDO? Heck we are only tax payers & voters. What could we possibly do for him?

    Carp e diem
    Posts: 9

    MOHA works very hard to ensure the legacy funds that affect sportsmen and sportswomen are been used as voters intended and I can say since the beginning they are being used to fund projects which are appropriate.

    Regarding a stadium…..They are speaking about wanting to use funds from the arts pot of the fund. IMHO if they made a real attempt to use the money in such a manner we will see a law suit based on if its constitutional.

    The Legacy Fund is and will continue to be successful! While every year there will be attempts to use funds for other things, remember it must follow the constitutional language…..Hard to stray from that. Perhaps it will have to go to the courts…….So be it as sportsmen and sportswomen will prevail!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Regarding a stadium…..They are speaking about wanting to use funds from the arts pot of the fund. IMHO if they made a real attempt to use the money in such a manner we will see a law suit based on if its constitutional.

    I would expect nothing less!

    Posts: 4941

    So now it’s down to Gambling, exactly where I thought this would go.

    Electronic pull tabs….taking money away from all the charitable organizations “BRICK!”

    Who now has the most money, to impose their will (BUYING A VOTE)

    MPLS Buisness men and thier Casino? or
    Native Anericans…and no casinos? or
    A State Run Rasino? IMHO -The only option for Arden Hills

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    IMHO -The only option for Arden Hills

    If public money is involved in any way shape or form, IMHO the only option is LA where they are breaking ground for the new LA Vikings Stadium.

    Truth is, it will be a lose…but we are use to losing aren’t we?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    If gambling is expanded in Minnesota, I want all of the funds to go to lowering my taxes!!!

    e-mail sent to state rep….


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    If gambling is expanded in Minnesota, I want all of the funds to go to lowering my taxes!!!

    e-mail sent to state rep….


    Agreed, but you really think they’d do that?

    These bozo’s in office can’t wait to spend money, especially when it’s not theirs.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Hate to say it, but “to preserve Minnesota’s history and cultural heritage” can be applied to ‘saving’ the Vikings. One can make the argument that they are part of the culture and heritage.

    Before you poop on me, I am not saying I agree.

    I agree

    Posts: 4941

    I would love to be inside the negotiations on this one.

    A Block E Casino that would be interseting, imagine the bartering with the Native Americans that would take.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Why is it with “eminent domain” the state can take property at any time. But they fear the lash back of the tribes with gambling? The state gave them the gambling, they certainly can take it away in my estimation. However, if they would like to rewrite their contribution to the state like the other states have then I would be in favor of them operating a downtown casino. Their contributions would need to be on all revenue statewide, not just a downtown casino.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    The Legacy Fund is and will continue to be successful! While every year there will be attempts to use funds for other things, remember it must follow the constitutional language…..Hard to stray from that. Perhaps it will have to go to the courts…….So be it as sportsmen and sportswomen will prevail!

    The legacy fund is successful in many respects. Though every time a sportsman deems a project unworthy of a sportsman aspect it only cost us more in the long run. I personally do not feel the legacy act should be used to fund a business though I do agree the Vikings are apart of Minnesota’s recent heritage and in many ways defines what Minnesota is about. There are few things that define us as Minnesotans. Can we live with out this particular definition? Yes we can, we have Basketball to take its place happily we have Hockey that last until July to divert us from that. There are a few things we as Minnesotan’s can not live without and that is hunting, ice fishing and open water fishing and with the supplement of the Legacy act these things we can not live without will be enhanced and sustain our love of the outdoors. Though I don not kid myself, there is another culture in Minnesota that deserves respect and I am not so selfish not to share. This is why I voted for the legacy act so to include most of our culture here in Minnesota, after all we all are paying for this.
    Will there be attempts at abusing the legacy act, yes and we have a great example right here. Gratefully we have an electorate and other watch dogs keeping a close eye on things going on and hopefully the electorate and watchdogs prevail.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908



    If gambling is expanded in Minnesota, I want all of the funds to go to lowering my taxes!!!

    e-mail sent to state rep….


    Agreed, but you really think they’d do that?

    These bozo’s in office can’t wait to spend money, especially when it’s not theirs.


    This is a perfect example of why Gov Dayton should resign. Governors should lead. That means make a decision, form a policy and stick with it. Not coddle every person with a stake in the stadium. He blows in the wind like a leaf in my yard. I don’t think he even know what he really wants. What a classless loser we have trying to run this state.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I realize this post is moving more towards politics…but…

    The FW pointed out to me that my posts (about Mr. Dayton) make it look like I’m a Republican (one term gov. a few days ago). This is not about which party I’m with…it’s exactly what Jon mentioned above.

    He could be with the Aztec Party for all I care…

    I’m all about supporting the person that’s in office even if I don’t always agree with them. But I’m afraid this fella is just taking up space at the capital.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Couple of quick thoughts,

    1) The timber industry and Cargill have a more deeply rooted past then the Vikings ever will. Does that entitle them to Legacy funds from the Arts side?

    2) BK, I would never in a hundred years think if you are a Democrat, Republican or egg plant. To me you are a citizen and taxpayer. Period.

    3) Where’s pug? These debates aren’t the same without him.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Everyone should learn the term Fiscal Conservative!


    This state is broke. Current budget borrows money to pay the bills with no plan to repay the loans. How long would you (or your household or business) last doing the same?

    Creating new taxes. State backed loans (bonding) or other creative accounting is not the answer at this point. Any new funds scraped up by the state should go to the general fund. Once the general fund sees a surplus (Ventura era) that money should be returned to the tax payers.

    As I wrote in a prior post. The NFL corporation can write a check tomorrow for a Billion dollar stadium if they wanted to. They have cash in the bank! Minnesota is broke. WE AINT GOT NO MONEY!!!!


    Posts: 4941

    I like what he is doing here, he called on all involved and said lets make a decission here, lets build the stadium or not; everyone puts their cards on the table. Everyone involved needs to say I will Or I won’t .I don’t see any other way it could be done.

    I say to the Governor and to all of legislature
    I am in favor of finding a solution and building this stadium, I have been for a long time.

    My 2 cents

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I like what he is doing here, he called on all involved and said lets make a decission here, lets build the stadium or not; everyone puts their cards on the table. Everyone involved needs to say I will Or I won’t .I don’t see any other way it could be done.

    I say to the Governor and to all of legislature
    I am in favor of finding a solution and building this stadium, I have been for a long time.

    My 2 cents

    Like I said, that is not his job. He is wasting time. He should resign. He obviously does not understand what he was elected to do.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22968



    I like what he is doing here, he called on all involved and said lets make a decission here, lets build the stadium or not; everyone puts their cards on the table. Everyone involved needs to say I will Or I won’t .I don’t see any other way it could be done.

    I say to the Governor and to all of legislature
    I am in favor of finding a solution and building this stadium, I have been for a long time.

    My 2 cents

    Like I said, that is not his job. He is wasting time. He should resign. He obviously does not understand what he was elected to do.


    If every politician had to resign on that note…. there would be none left.. rep or dem.. I like your reference to my party…ind jesse

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I see both sides of this one. Dayton is blowing in the wind, but I do want to keep the Vikings here.

    I also guarantee you that ‘if’ the Vikings announced they were leaving, the other party would use that against Dayton, despite his efforts.

    We need a plan and we have not found it yet. Legacy fund = no. Sales Tax = no. Some form of gambling we haven’t considered yet – who knows.

    I’d like to see us put some more pressure on the Native Americans and the deal they have now with gambling. Even a fraction of those revenues per year over say 30 years should get us there.


    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501


    Like I said, that is not his job. He is wasting time. He should resign. He obviously does not understand what he was elected to do.


    I believe it is his job to take on this subject just like it was for the Governors that proceeded him the only difference is he may have a different view point. This effects the state of Minnesota and ignoring anything that effects the state is just bad and dumb policy.

    Though I don’t agree with him and others on what they are willing to give up to keep the Vikings here I do believe we can not just sit on our hands and let another Multimillion dollar company leave the state of Minnesota. Just think if we sat on hands and not loan millions to Northwest airlines how many people would not have a well paying job, thousands?. I don’t know if there are that many well paying jobs offered by the Vikes franchise but I do know if they do leave they will leave a big whole in tax revenue for the state that will not be able to fill easily.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Well, nobody has said they want the Vikings to leave. It’s just we don’t want to pay them to stay. The cost is now over $700 million to the tax payers and going up daily.

    If anybody can come up with a way to fund $700+ million over 30 years without raising taxes, instigating a tax, or calling it a user fee I’m all ears.

    Geez……….give Ziggy a exclusive gambling license for all I care. Just come up with a way I don’t pay if I don’t attend a game. ( Which I never would)

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