the vaccine has about a 50% efficacy. I son’t suggest it unless you are in a high risk zone. It screws up diagnosis. Given that treatment is VERY effective, i’d almost rather have an accurate estimate and treat after.
FWIW, i also got it myself. Glad I got my doxycycline in a timely fashion. I would have wagged my tail to the last day…
Thinking just about time for me to go in and get mine too, so far my dogs are lymes free, but am doing a better job of prevention this year also… In the last two years, 20 ticks would be in one one hour outing and just one dog… In some hot zones up here 70-80 in an hour session with both dogs grouse hunting might be normal…
RG: I am so hoping that your dog recovers from what its dealing with, just some nasty tick stuff going on out there right now with erlichiosis and anaplasmosis (may have spelled both wrong). I know on the hunting side Steve White, after loosing a hound to the stuff, has been using some sprays with small amounts of pymentrin in it.
Tick Prevention
God’s Speed for your dog’s recovery!!!