Little Biting Flys

  • Czech
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Alright, anyone else have these tiny little black and clear winged biting fly suckers? Really small things, tiny like a deer tick larva, speck size. I was laying (lying?) on the hammock reading the other evening and finally figured out these things were eating me alive, really hateful little buggers. Hateful to the point I’m looking into renting a helicopter filled with bug killer and doing a few flybys of my hood. Hurt too. Anyone know what they are called oir have this issue too?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    YES!!!!!!!! They are driving me crazy! They come right through the screens!

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 214

    We call them “no see ums”. Not sure what the correct name is but they sure bite hard for such a small bug. They really start showing up when the combines start rolling in the corn fields.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 237

    From Rochester Post Bulletin:
    I always feel politically incorrect when I refer to no-see-ums. Should I? And why are there so many…little, tiny bugs…this year?

    The correct term is ceratopogonidae. Let me help you with the pronunciation: it’s SARah-TOP-o-GONE-i-die, or something very close to that.

    Better yet, call them biting midges! Not midgets, midges. If you used to date a girl or have a friend named Midge, you might want to use the term “punkies” instead, or you might want to just say, “Those biting gnat-like bugs are certainly annoying.”

    In any case, biting midges go with the territory and I can’t verify that they’re worse this fall than any other year. As you’ve noticed, it’s been beautiful this week, so maybe the bugs are lingering longer into the season, or maybe we’re just outside more to enjoy them.

    Some people get big welts from midge bites — a colleague here showed me the evidence this week. The swelling goes down within a week, and antihistamines can help.

    Posts: 20

    I believe they are called buffalo knats. I was at a friends wedding the first of June and they were terrible then. We were using a product called buggins. We found it at a farm store in Pittsfield Illinois. This stuff is incredible, stopped them suckers right away. The only problem is I cannot find it anywhere around where I live now. May have to send money down and have some shipped to me.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548


    I believe they are called buffalo knats. I was at a friends wedding the first of June and they were terrible then. We were using a product called buggins. We found it at a farm store in Pittsfield Illinois. This stuff is incredible, stopped them suckers right away. The only problem is I cannot find it anywhere around where I live now. May have to send money down and have some shipped to me.

    Here you go, Menards might have it.

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