Custom rods

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Have any of you had custom rods built for either gifts or personal use?

    What are your feeling of value? Do you think it was worth it or just a once in a lifetime splurge type of thing?

    Interested in your opinions.

    Posts: 3835

    Custom rods depend completely on the blank, guides, reel seat and handle type they use to make your rod. Value to me is really who made it for you. Mine both were nice rods on St Croix blank but I ended up with fast actions and I like extra fast better. They did have my name on them which was cool but I don’t know how much value that is. I had one made for a buddy and he still has it and cherishes it even though we both have better rods. Be specific on what you want. My mistake was to tell the builder that I wanted a couple of jigging rods. His idea of a jigging rod and mine were a bit different.

    Posts: 9309

    I haven’t had any rods custom made, but my father had numerous Avid’s made. Not sure his exact motivation for having them made, but now that he has passed away I know he is always with me when I look down and see his name on them.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I have had 3 done. One for a gift, the other two for myself. I like that you can personalize them and put a message of a special trip or fish you caught. My first one I had the thread color matched to the new Ranger I had ordered. That was kind of neat.

    I tend to try and take care of my equipment and have few kids in the boat. I’m not really worried about breaking them unless I do it myself.

    I think it’s kind of neat to give one as a momento of a trip or special occasion. I’m thinking of having one done for my Grandson. Something he can stick on the wall to remember me by after I’m gone. I think something like that is cool.

    I really don’t know what made me think of this today.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I dont think “splurge” is the right word to use, but of course it depends on if you choose a fancy wrap and all.

    I have built many rods and they are just AS GOOD if not BETTER as the factory built ones and they have my little touch to them, maybe I changed to a different handle or better guides to fit my taste. Most of my rods were of higher end blanks(StCroix),weight and balance was a HUGE factor for me so NO custom wraps for me.

    The cost was considerably less for me to build than to buy premade, but I made my own.

    In no way do I discredit any factory made rods,they are great, those companies have spent thousands to perfect their blanks, I just chose to make my own since I already make my own jigs.

    There is NO better feeling while fishing than catching a fish on equipment you built yourself.

    Are they worth the $$$ YES sir they are

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    as a custom rod builder I can tell you that a custom rod is generally built to higher standards and have a more personal touch than factory mass produced rods
    most rod builders take great care and pride in the rods we craft I put my name on each rod built that way if you have a issue with it you call me not a company csr
    if you chose to have a rod built be very specific about what you want to do with the rod and what your needs are
    a good builder can build whatever you need to your specs
    if I can help you in any way with info or a rod let me know
    good luck

    Dodgeville, WI
    Posts: 73

    I build some rods for myself and a few others. The custom rod is what you make of it, if they are set up properly they can be far superior to a factory rod. The builder needs to spend some time on the craft before they start building for others and need to become proficient before they build for others. I can build a rod that will look better, perform better than a factory rod and it can be made to your specs. If you want a spiral wrapped, micro guide with a wooden grip you can have it. Add some thread wraps for color and you have a set up that no one else can ever have. The custom rod is only as good as the builder, but be very specific about what you want or you may be surprised as to what you get.

    Posts: 65

    the only way to go!!
    I am considering selling my legend tournament rods and getting a few more custom rods myself. i use ELK RIVER CUSTOM RODS. i had my own signature series made up.had some made up for slow death rigging, called them pro death series and they even put a skull and cross bones decal on them. super light and the perfect action that i was looking for. it was like getting fitted for golf clubs,handle type, length, guides,color,it was a great experience. and yes they do catch fish!!!and it is a lot more fun when you catch them on your own design.

    Lake Crystal, MN
    Posts: 42

    That looks like a Mark B. spider handle

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    as a custom rod builder I can tell you that a custom rod is generally built to higher standards and have a more personal touch than factory mass produced rods
    most rod builders take great care and pride in the rods we craft I put my name on each rod built that way if you have a issue with it you call me not a company csr
    if you chose to have a rod built be very specific about what you want to do with the rod and what your needs are
    a good builder can build whatever you need to your specs….


    I’ve been building rods since early 80’s, and as Rod-Man said “be very specific about what you want to do with the rod and what your needs are a good builder can build whatever you need to your specs”

    So now the value is in what are your expectations?

    A custom rod should be 100% attention to detail. That starts with blank selection, then components. I prostaff for a rod company, and I know there will be factory rods wrapped that are off the spine. When 1000’s of rods are made, things happen. But a good rod builder will give you superior quality; or a specialty rod to meet your specific needs. As an example, my favorite ultra-lite still to this day is a 7′-10″ Sage RP-II 3 weight flyrod blank built as a spinning rod. Extremely sensitive, very soft backbone, and 4# mono is like having 20# test on it.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    I have given a few and received a couple Thorne Bros ice rods as Christmas presents. It is a spendy gift but I only gave them to people I knew would use and really appreciate. To this day, everytime we go fishing they still thank me for the rod. Putting their name and favorite colors on really gives them a personal touch.

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043



    as a custom rod builder I can tell you that a custom rod is generally built to higher standards and have a more personal touch than factory mass produced rods
    most rod builders take great care and pride in the rods we craft I put my name on each rod built that way if you have a issue with it you call me not a company csr
    if you chose to have a rod built be very specific about what you want to do with the rod and what your needs are
    a good builder can build whatever you need to your specs….


    I’ve been building rods since early 80’s, and as Rod-Man said “be very specific about what you want to do with the rod and what your needs are a good builder can build whatever you need to your specs”

    So now the value is in what are your expectations?

    A custom rod should be 100% attention to detail. That starts with blank selection, then components. I prostaff for a rod company, and I know there will be factory rods wrapped that are off the spine. When 1000’s of rods are made, things happen. But a good rod builder will give you superior quality; or a specialty rod to meet your specific needs. As an example, my favorite ultra-lite still to this day is a 7′-10″ Sage RP-II 3 weight flyrod blank built as a spinning rod. Extremely sensitive, very soft backbone, and 4# mono is like having 20# test on it.

    Randy – Spot on!

    I have had custom rods built for very custom appilcations –

    Ultralight “hair” , Special “corking” rods, long rods for trolling, short rods for trolling, heavy long rods for BIG musky plastics, stiff spinning rods for dock casting, etc. Funny how some of these rods make it the mainstream over time.

    Ice fishing has really taken custom rods to the next level – depending on application.

    Things you can’t find on the “rack’.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m not sponsored by St Croix…first off.

    A few years ago, we made the trek up to Park Falls to visit the St Croix factory. I was surprised to see how “mass” produced rods were made.

    Almost everything from cutting the graphite fiber to wrapping the guides were done completely by hand. They had a laser to find the spline of the blank and a machine that put on the exact amount of glue to hold on the cork.

    Wrapping the dowels (or whatever they are called)
    Moving them to the oven.
    Gluing on the tips
    Adding decals
    Personalized names
    Loading them into plastic bags…all done by real people using their (what I assume was)real hands.

    These are, what I thought to me mass produced custom rods..each and every one.

    This isn’t taking anything away from rod builders. If I wanted say a pink catfish/sturgeon rod for my FW’s birthday with the action of a St Croix blank but different handles and guides…a custom builder is the way to go.

    The point of ensuring the builder knows what you are looking for can not be over stated. What I like in a rod, what you like in a rod and what the builder THINKS both of use like in a rod maybe 4 different things.

    PS if you have a special rod that means something to you, Thorne Brothers does an outstanding job of adding your name to your baby for just a few bucks. I’m guessing most rod builders could do that for you…just have them write your name on a piece of paper first…Just to see if you can read it.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I tend to agree with Briank, I went though the custom rod phase back in the 80’s also and made about two dozen rods, but I found other than having your name on them, fancy wound guides and other personal touches, there’s so many already built rods that if you spend a bit of time, you’ll find one that works well for what your looking for.

    And custom rods rarely ever go on sale..:)

    All about personal choice, I’m not so sure one is any better than the other either, but the custom rod does allow for them “special” touches and may just be worth it to many.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I tend to agree with Briank,

    Careful there Al!

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    I tend to agree with Briank,

    Careful there Al!

    I tend to do rash things…this might have been one of them…


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