Buisness owners

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Has anybody found a CHEAP way to handle credit card transactions?

    Also do you own or rent / lease your terminals?

    Anybody have sales people on the road and if so how do they take credit cards? I have heard that there is a product that you can hook to your cell phone to swipe cards but I don’t know anything about them.

    Thanks for any light anybody can shed.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    Make sure you read the fine print. It will cost you more if you don’t swipe the card!

    Lowest fees I have been able to find for my individual situation.


    Posts: 1027

    Do not lease a credit card machine. I am in a lease situation and it is a ripoff. I got lied to by the credit card company rep. and now I am paying for it in the .
    Tried to get out of the lease but am being stonewalled. Stay away from First Data if you can. Good rates, but lots of hidden fees they don’t tell you about up front.
    Not sure what kind of business you are in, but if you belong to any business accociations sometime they work out deals for association members. I found this out too late.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    I’m also interested in any and all info. on the subject…I haven’t made the move yet to accept plastic but it’s only a matter of time. Being seasonal, i’m sure i’ll be subject to a reconnect and disconnect fee as well.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13338

    Dont have any answers for you either. We run our cards threw Quick books online as that is our accounting system. We just bring the numbers back to the office to be entered. If we had more traffic for using cards I would look at a phone swiping system.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    See the guys at the Apple store walking around with card swipers right on their I phones so remotes can’t be that hard to get into. Fees suck regardless, sorry can’t help more there.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13338

    You must mean discount fees? Still cant seem to figure out who is getting the discount. Why also is it that all the legislation to force CC companies to be more “Fair” is all focused at the people that use the cards? All of us retailers pay to accept the cards to and have no say in what we are charged. Yes it can be said that we have a option to accept them or not but in reality we do not. Do not accept and we will pass on business.

    Posts: 3835

    I know if you don’t have a swipe or a signature the card holder can always dispute the charges as being not authorized.

    Croix Valley
    Posts: 689


    I know if you don’t have a swipe or a signature the card holder can always dispute the charges as being not authorized.

    We have a customer disputing a charge that she signed for, and the cc co has not paid it yet after we have faxed (who still uses faxes?) her signed receipt twice as proof as requested.
    I got one of the square swipers, but we also have a monthly charge for most clients so re-swiping monthly isn’t even an option.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22711

    DISCOVER is terrible…. people seem to DISCOVER if they dispute any charge… they don’t have to pay… You can send DISCOVER all the evidence, obviously supporting the charges and they will always side with the cardholder

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    With all the issues I am reading here, I think we need to have the government take over the credit industry.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    PM sent,

    I have 2-friends the are in the business, they claim they have some of the lowest Fees and have been doing a terrific business of signing businesses up.

    Although they are on Vermilion through Sunday enjoying some Fall Fishing.

    Anybody else interested in talking with these guys, pm me and I’ll send you their contact info. or have them call you.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1202


    With all the issues I am reading here, I think we need to have the government take over the credit industry.

    You should Al know, I am sure he would be happy to have government take over even more of our lives…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22711


    With all the issues I am reading here, I think we need to have the government take over the credit industry.

    Naw, they (the gov’t as you call them) will just continue to be in the pockets of the credit industry

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    PM sent,

    I have 2-friends the are in the business, they claim they have some of the lowest Fees and have been doing a terrific business of signing businesses up.

    Although they are on Vermilion through Sunday enjoying some Fall Fishing.

    Anybody else interested in talking with these guys, pm me and I’ll send you their contact info. or have them call you.

    Thanks I will touch base with them.

    Does it seem odd to anyone that a business can process 100’s of thousands of dollars of credit cards and if there is a dispute they side with the card holder every time. WITHOUT even calling the business for their side of the story?

    I’ve managed to stay away from cards for 10 years but the time has come.

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    X’s 3… Haven’t used mine as much as most probably would with my small business but they are the lowest around.



    Make sure you read the fine print. It will cost you more if you don’t swipe the card!

    Lowest fees I have been able to find for my individual situation.



    Alex Anderson
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 104

    +1 for Square up I know a variety of people who use it and love it.

    Posts: 1719

    I have a buddy that runs a service station.He always wants the newest and latest.He had a couple used machines and told me to take my pick {free}.The machine does everything I need at no cost.Went through my bank.Cost$12.50 a month plus pecentage.Very happy with the service and deal with people I know.They help me get set up with new ink cart.and paper for a year or more.If you do a large volume you may want to shop the percentage.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    square up!!!

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    Dutchboy, two years ago I visited a web site where you can get proposals to handle your credit card transactions. ( I can’t remember the site but a google search will probaly reveal it and several others). After entering your information within two weeks you should have all kinds of proposals to look at. Look carefully, there are all kinds of hidden fees that pop up when you read the fine print. We were able to take our cost of using credit cards from just over 3% down to a little over 2% after going through the process. I would be especially careful about the outfits who come to your store with their presentation, in our town alot of business’s switched to a different company after their presentation and literally got hosed. THey had to rent their machine at a very substantial cost.

    Many of the proposals you will receive will include free use of a machine, especially if your going to be doing high volumns.

    Posts: 195

    Good day
    not sure who your using, we are a small company and we needed almost the same service, one of our clients has the solution for almost all of our needs. The Red woods company. Mischa Redmond is the owner and is very helpful in finding a solution for you. here is his email [email protected] Please tell him that Tov from Print Media sent you and he should be able to help you out. if you have any questions please give me a call
    six one 2 – 978 – eight nine one 4

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