I receieved a survey in the mail on fishing. When filling it out I noticed there was alot of questions pertaining to tournament fishing. It would be nice to know what they are intending to do. I know some will argue that tournament fishing does harm to the system, but I would argue that tournaments bring much knowlege to the fishing industry. How many times can you say that when you are checked by the DNR do they educate you on what you need to do to promote a healthy fishery, not to often for me. If you go to a tournament, even if you do not fish it, you will most likely come back with more knowledge on how to help preserve the sport we love to do. This survey bothers me a bit. In my opinion it is not the tournaments to blame for unhealthy fisheries, it is the people out fishing that do not understand the bennifits of practicing conservation while fishing.
September 9, 2011 at 2:41 pm