We got up there friday afternoon about 1:00 to fish. The wind was only about 10 mph so we knew we could get out with out to much trouble. The first day we pick up fish trolling lead core. The second day the wind blew and blew, 20+ mph. Needless to say the Lund got washed inside and out We managed to put fish in the boat trolling with the waves. Sunday was just plain rough, so much for using boards. We stuck with lead- 158 feet running a 25ft leader using #9 taildancers, 175 ft with #7 shadraps. Reef runners deep little rippers 600 seires were about the same. Just run them till they hit the bottem and reel up 10 ft. that was the ticket this weekend. Heres a few pics- The walleye ranged from 14″-29″ with alot of mid 20’s. Talk about a fun weekend
If you haven’t been to the lake of the woods you got to get up there
Thank IDO’er for the info on what to do