Don’t they have something constructive to do??

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    That bleeds over to hardwood floors also. I know a couple of vendors that have had issues with getting some of the exotic woods.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    It sounds like I may be next. Is this what my tax dollars pay for? To what purpose do they confiscate obviously vintage instruments and whose livingrooms and libraries to the get stored in?

    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 90

    Yeah I listened to an interview on glen beck the other day, and they told the guy the only way he can get away with using that wood is to move his shop to madagascar. He employs somewhere around 14,000 people. That makes a lot of sense!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Why aren’t they investigating where all the bailout money for the financial institutions ended up? Or insurance fraud issues? Or take up a shift at the fence between the US and Mex? How about they put a stop to the shipements Katt that the Somali’s like to gnaw on to get high here in this country? I can think of a lot of places out $$$ would get a better workout. Guitars? damn stupid.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    As a professional violinist, I have a Passport for all violins and violin bows I travel abroad with. Accompanied with the passports are all documents required by the U.S. Government and MOST other countries. It is always easy getting into most other countries with my instruments, but when you want to leave, that is a whole other story.

    It is just not the US that makes it a pain in the butt.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’ll bet that that is a tough nut to crack. Still, why not make it harder for these countryies to get thier goods into ours and make our money harder to put in their hands? Games take two parties.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    As a professional violinist, I have a Passport for all violins and violin bows I travel abroad with. Accompanied with the passports are all documents required by the U.S. Government and MOST other countries. It is always easy getting into most other countries with my instruments, but when you want to leave, that is a whole other story.

    It is just not the US that makes it a pain in the butt.


    Wow… The variety of personalities and occupations of the members here is amazing…
    Very cool Francisco
    Fishing IS universal

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Who cares if we are exploiting another countries resources on the black market. That shouldn’t be our concern.

    Globalization. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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