Post deleted by bck
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Need help with a neighbor problem *DELETED*
Need help with a neighbor problem *DELETED*
September 3, 2011 at 12:54 am #992741
Call your DNR tip line. Tell them what time they are usually done fishing and hope a warden shows up.
September 3, 2011 at 12:56 am #992742Take a beer over and explain your dilemma. Explain that you really want to be a good neighbor but you won’t stand by to watch him break the limit laws.
Tell him that 7 days from that date you will call the CO’s if you see him poaching over his limit. Tell him you would rather not but if he insists then you don’t value or need his friendship anyway.
It gives him 7 days notice to straighten his freezer out and it will allow you to sleep just fine.
It would be best if you could do this in front of his wife, but make sure his kids aren’t around.
You are doing the right thing.
Poaching is poaching no matter who does it.
September 3, 2011 at 1:00 am #992743You got to love neighbors like that. Reminds me of one of my own. Just one of those that thinks the world revolves around him. Sounds like you have the same type and I understand your concern about reporting him. Sounds like he may also be the bully type like my neighbor. I can’t think of a good answer for you. I have a feeling if you reported him that it wouldn’t matter anyway. He would continue to be a poacher. I have a feeling if I were you, I wouldn’t be able to stand it and would talk to the local game warden and let him know your fear of him retaliating against you. Maybe the warden would have an idea to make it look like you weren’t the one that complained. Be interested in the results. I hate game law violators. Don’t they know there is a reason for the laws we have? I am guessing, they just don’t care! My neighbor, just the other day, had his friend park completely on my grass in my back yard next to the alley. He knows how much I try to protect my lawn. I know some people don’t care about such things but I do. Anyway, I went over and said something like, I know your vehicle isn’t hurting anything because it has been very dry but would you mind moving it off my lawn? The reply was “that’s not hurting anything!” I told him that I am protective of my lawn and he said so was he! Well, you would have thought he would of understood then but he didn’t. I told him I wouldn’t park on his lawn! People are just stupid! Don’t care about anyone elses property and act like they are the ones that pay taxes on it etc. Some people just have never grown up and like I said before, think the world revolves around them. Will be interested to hear the outcome of your predicament.
September 3, 2011 at 1:20 am #992745Quote:
Take a beer over and explain your dilemma. Explain that you really want to be a good neighbor but you won’t stand by to watch him break the limit laws.
Tell him that 7 days from that date you will call the CO’s if you see him poaching over his limit. Tell him you would rather not but if he insists then you don’t value or need his friendship anyway.
It gives him 7 days notice to straighten his freezer out and it will allow you to sleep just fine.
It would be best if you could do this in front of his wife, but make sure his kids aren’t around.
You are doing the right thing.
Poaching is poaching no matter who does it.
That might work if he was a decent guy but he is an a**hole who doesnt care about anyone but himself.
September 3, 2011 at 1:59 am #992751The above idea isn’t a bad one, but you know the person better then we do. If you don’t think it will work then by all means turn his
in. A person like that is stealing fish from all of us law abiding anglers. The limits are there for everyone. Its up to all of use to make sure the resources will be there for the kids to enjoy in the future. Its a hard spot to be in but he is in the wrong NOT YOU.
Posts: 728September 3, 2011 at 2:15 am #992753You could maybe call the DNR and explain the situation to them, and I’d offer up a suggestion like this…
I’m generally fishing off my dock every night at such and such time and my neighbor is as well. I know my neighbor is keeping more fish than his limit every night. Could you maybe come by in the boat and check me for my license while on the dock, and then move onto my neighbor and check him as well. That could maybe lead to something, if not your neighbor will know someone is watching. If you both are checked, your neighbor would think its legit. Just a thought.
Honestly, I’d worry less about being a nice neighbor and worry more about him breaking the law.
September 3, 2011 at 2:31 am #992755I would call your local conservation officer, explain to him the situation (he will understand) and ask him if possible.. that he would stop by while you both are fishing and check both of you so as to not make them think you called.
Posts: 43September 3, 2011 at 4:34 am #992758I would stand there with my arms crossed watching him as the CO writes him a citation. Always, Always, Always meet a bully head on, don’t back down and, make sure he knows you are not to be messed with! Bullies are always delt with a strong hand!
September 3, 2011 at 4:45 am #992759I like Dutchboy’s logic. I like to try to be the nice guy as much as possible and still make a point. I really have a feeling that in this instance, it will do nothing. Don’t be afraid of him, and don’t back down. It’s your resource as much as it is his. Protect it.
September 3, 2011 at 6:52 am #992767Must be sweet to dock fish every night. I say go over and let him know neighbors or not he is breaking the law. All you have to be is right, which you are. Call the dnr on his self absorbed azz and then drink your beer on your own dock. Screw him.
September 3, 2011 at 6:57 am #992768Might as well call the DNR and get it over with. He’s likely read this thread already anyhow.
September 3, 2011 at 9:39 am #992771Calling the DNR is obviously the right answer. HOWEVER,
this is your neighbor, you have to live next to him for a while I would guess. You have to look at what type of person he is. Will he cause constant problems for you. Will he mess with your house, kids, pets. There is a whole new batch of crazy running around now. I hope you can come up with an answer that works for you.
I would set up a video camera from a distance to have proof. If the warden comes to the dock and your neighbor goes in his house can/will the warden search his house on your word?
He could get off with nothing (esp. if he is giving his fish away. 25 (limit?) perch per person is a lot of fish to have in the freezer.) Then he spends the rest of his time making your life miserable. Just my thoughts, good luck. Your neighbor is a self absorbed poo-hole.September 3, 2011 at 11:23 am #992773Have someone call the DNR on you. They will show up, check you out etc. Then when they tell you that they got a call, tell them they got the wrong person but they are close and direct them next door.
September 3, 2011 at 11:47 am #992777So what is he doing with all of the fish? Not sure if I would jump to calling the tip line on him right away. Nothing will set you up faster for years of problems with a neighbor than call the authorities on him. Just keep on him for a while. Ask him what he is doing with all of those fish, how many he kept, how many he kept yesterday and so on. Ride him to a point that he either gets it or not. If he is not getting it let him know you are turning him in. Sure wouldn’t hide from that fact that you are the one that did this. That seems kinda chicken **** to.
September 3, 2011 at 12:06 pm #992780The OP already said the guy was hundreds over the limit and that he’s a dick.If he wants to backdoor the guy like some suggested, go for it. If he wants to call the DNR in front of the guy, go for it. But he better have proof.
But don’t chicken out for fear of retaliation. That’s why so many poachers and trespassers get by with what they do.September 3, 2011 at 1:13 pm #992787A similar example but only with tresspassers.
We have some land in North Dakota and it is well posted.
We cannot watch all the miles of fencelines that abut the federal land.
I have always been concerned about someone who got nailed by the Game and Fish would come back to the house while we are not there and break a window or something.
We have had a very big issue with hunters trespassing.
I also did not want others to think we are out of state jerks by saying no to them.
Well, last fall we caught 5 hunters well across the fenceline and I thought I have to start to have these people ticketed or it will only get worse.
They all went to court to fight it and they lost.
One did shoot a buck and left that lay and he got a ticket for wanton waste and we search for the deer and found it.
After awhile one gets tired of this baloney and one has to put his foot down.
One has to call the CO or TIP line if you want these people to get caught. Otherwise, it will only get worse.
September 3, 2011 at 3:02 pm #992798Back, I feel for you. And you aren’t a chicken ****. I know it is a lot easier for other people not in yours shoes to throw stuff out there.
I know for me, I am not concerned about retaliation on me. However I have a girlfriend and pets that I sometimes leave behind to go out of town, so I wouldn’t be quick to start anything either.
I’d talk to a Game Warden and see what they could do. I wouldn’t offer them specifics either, because they might just disregard any concerns you have and charge in like a bull.
My guess is that if this is happening frequently, they’ll probably want to build a case against him. So I doubt they would just casually come over and check licenses. They probably wouldn’t be able to nail him.
Maybe we could coordinate with some IDO tough guys to go there and stand in support fir you when the warden comes over.
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