Mississippi River Pool 2 get together.

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    We are a little over a week out from the contest and get together. Oct 1st is the date. Started a post yesterday in the Mississippi general forum for the pot luck after the contest.

    Mississippi General Forum Post.

    There is also a post going in the walleye tournament forum for the fishing contest.

    Just looking at the 10 day forecast for next Saturday it looks good so far. 70 degrees and sunny.

    As far as a fishing forcast goes I predict something will bite. Actually the walleye bite has been a little slow as of late on pool 2. The walleyes seem to be spread out and feeding when they want. That should make this a real interesting contest and really level out the playing field.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Hey everyone,

    I am a longtome lurker but now a member and I think this is a great site with tons of information I have found usefull. I would love to join you guys in the Pool 2 contest this Saturday but I don’t have a partner. I am a longtime fisherman but just not real fimilar with Pool 2. I would love to fish with someone who could maybe show me a few spots and the famous Fall walleye pattern down there…I am a great fishing partner and could share boat gas costs as well. Or we could take my boat which ever is easier. Please send me a PM or e-mail me at [email protected].

    Hope to see you guys down there.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Welcome to the posting side of IDO.


    Posts: 4941

    Would it be all right to just show up at the park with some Ice cold brews?

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    Would it be all right to just show up at the park with some Ice cold brews?

    Hell yes!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908



    Would it be all right to just show up at the park with some Ice cold brews?

    Hell yes!

    According to the park rules stated on the city website:


    The use of intoxicating liquor and non-intoxicating malt liquor beverages is prohibited.

    I think if you kept it real low key as in one can in a coolie you may ok. But if you get caught with a cooler full, you may have some explaining to do. And yes, when they say liquor, they mean beer.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Welcome to the site KWP. Maybe try putting a post in the trip swap forum for a partner. Ill keep my ears open for anyone else that is looking to. If nothing else come on down and go fishing. There are a few guys that cant make it all day for the contest but are still planning on showing up and fishing for a while.

    I agree with jon on the beer issue. Im sure the city has those rules in place so there are not a bunch of drunk and disorderly people in the park messing it up. I will have some trash bags with so that we can keep our place nice and clean. Hoping to also be able to get ourselves set up on a spot towards the middle or south end of the island so that we are away from most of the foot traffic there.

    Should be a great time this weekend. If you can fish the contest or not come on down. Even if you dont have a boat there is plenty of shore fishing to be done to. There is a post in the tournament forum about the contest. In the Mississippi General forum is a post about the pot luck get together afterwards. Think we have about 10 to 15 teams in the contest so far. That should make for a pretty good crowd at the get together afterwards.

    Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Not that it matters much to me….but what is a “non-intoxicating malt liquor beverage”?????

    Posts: 9301

    Maybe Odouls? However it is spelled.


    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    I think will post something in the trip swap forum to look for a partner. My fishing buddies have commitments and can’t fish on Saturday. We have tried fishing down there a few times in the Fall with marginal success at best.

    I really would like to understand the Fall Walleye pattern better in Pool 2 and would like to fish it often this Oct/Nov. Worst case, I can just fish by myself with my Lund Alaskan.

    Take Care and hope to see you down there,

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    No better time to meet people and learn some things, if not exactly on the water the picnic will be a good time to atleast get an idea of the areas and techniques.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Looks like this is shaping up pretty well. Looks to be about 10 to 15 teams fishing the tournament and a few more that are just going to show up to fish and enjoy a cook out in the park afterwards. Last I checked the weather still looks good for Saturday to. The fish seems to be enjoying the sunny days lately and thats what the forecast is calling for on Saturday.

    If anyone cares to join me I’m planning on starting my morning for coffee and a quick bite at Park Cafe about 6am or a little earlier. They open for coffee usually about 530. This cafe is right on the way to the landing. This should put me down to the landing a little before 7am to get my boat launched and start getting you guys registered. There is parking behind the cafe.

    I will also have my phone on early Saturday to. 5am. If anyone needs something or directions feel free to give me a call. 763-755-6886

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Park Cafe
    1 (651) 459-7201
    335 Broadway Avenue, St. Paul Park, MN 55071-1841

    Is the parking $10 a car or is that a boat and trailer thing?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Parking? Not sure what you mean Nick. Its free parking in St Paul Park as far as I know.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I thought I read something about a parking fee… nevermind then

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    KWP and I just touched base and will be there for the tourney! See you guys in the am.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    KWP and I just touched base and will be there for the tourney! See you guys in the am.


    That’s what the day is all about! Good luck.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I thought I read something about a parking fee… nevermind then

    You are probably thinking about last fall through most of the early season where Lions Levee was flooded. There is a $10 ramp fee over at Willies Hidden Harbor. (One block down the road.) You are not going crazy!


    PoCo, WI
    Posts: 26

    channel cats will bite during the day ESPECIALLY later in the season because their instincts tell them winter is coming which means metabolic slowdown. come on man.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Giv’em ‘ell Dog!

    Did you see the channel that Jon Jordan caught during the contest in the cat forum??

    Would have been a winner hands down!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    The contest and get together was a great success Saturday. We had 13 teams show up to fish the contest. Lots of fish where caught with even a few nice channel cats making there way to the boats. The contest results and a few photos are in the walleye tournament forum.

    The cook out after the contest in Lions levee park was a great hit to. Lots of food to eat. Thanks everyone for all the great food that was brought. Think we must of had around 30 people that stuck around for a couple of hours after the contest enjoying the food and telling fish stories.

    Thanks again everyone that came out for this. Mark your calendars for this event again next year.

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