Gas Prices Again?

  • drewsdad
    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137



    And Bachman does have a plan. She is going to open drilling up where it is currently closed down. Good luck with that Michelle.

    Bachman has not released any of her plans for $2 gas.

    As for opening up new oil drilling areas, Obama is planning to do just that.

    Funny, if Bush had proposed this plan, he would have been….


    Who wants to bet that the lifting of offshore oil drilling bans get re-instated in December 2012 by our current President?


    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Seems everyone running for president has a plan to turn this economy in the right direction as soon as they get elected. Why wait???????????
    Don’t we need their expertise now??????????
    A few are still legislators in DC. Get the ball rolling before you run for president so you have a record of getting something good done for the country.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    If our current president had his way, gas would be $7 a gallon. Google it, his words, not mine. We have the wrong man in charge if you really want low gas prices.


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137


    If our current president had his way, gas would be $7 a gallon. Google it, his words, not mine. We have the wrong man in charge if you really want low gas prices.


    No doubt. Look at the calendar and see what is coming out of the mouths of elected officials who want to keep their jobs. Like you pointed out Jon, people need to look at what they do and say when there isn’t an impending election.


    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708


    Gas prices are high because of high regulation of “clean” fuel in Chicago. That is the only reason.
    Ever wonder why fuel is higher in California? That is because of government regulation of “clean” fuel.
    How many oil refineries are in Iowa to supply fuel to Chicago????? Anyone want to guess?

    Our one and only soul problem to gas prices is refining. Our refineries are capped to capacity. Government will not allow new refineries.
    A new refinery takes 12-20 years for turn-key operation.

    We have plenty of oil. Just not the ability to refine it to fuel.

    Want lower gas prices, then we need government to allow more refineries to be built.

    There is one on the drawing board in ELk Point South Dakota. Last I heard developer has put building it on hold another year.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Anybody know if they are building any refineries in North Dakota? Without having looked at it in any detail. It wouls seem to be ideal. Middle of the country, oil close by, low population. I suppose if what Gary says is true about the time-frame to build a refinery, the oil boom would be done before a refinery was up and running.


    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    I believe they are building a pipeline from North Dakota to the proposed Gorilla project in Elk Piont and branching it off to one other refinery South. Most refineries in U.S. cannot refine the type of oil North Dakota is going to produce. Right now alot of oil being produced in N. Dakota is being trucked
    Hyperion has a dig date of 2012 with 4 years to build. Somthing that has not happened since 1975!

    Posts: 5660

    Gary is it your belief that a newfound clean burning fuel regulation has raised gas costs at the pump 200%??

    As for the high cost of gas being a direct relationship to a poor economy I can only shake my head in wonder. I would love to try dig up oil executives meeting with government officials years back when our crashed economy spurred investigations into Gas hikes at the pump. Many felt this jump drove the spike directly into the heart of American households. Slick speaking oil Execs skirted questions continually stating “Oil prices have increased due to the robust economy in America” for one, and drastic increases in demands have escalated prices at the pump. So which is it?? Now a poor economy has drove up the prices?? Do gas refining costs become more costly over holiday weekends?? Interesting?? Americans were urged to carpool, buy economy sized vehicles and conserve fuel at all costs. A simple supply and demand curve I could have created in 10th grade Econ. was good enough to hush both government agencies and the general public who struggled with the drastic increase in monthly expenditures.

    Arguments that stripping $500-$1500.00 a month in average American households didn’t cause an economic crisis in our credit driven world is bit hard to swallow. I’ll need to chew on that one.

    Here’s what I will say; Put that $500-$1500.00 back directly into middle class america’s checkbook and see if it fixes our dismal economy. Blame it on what you want. I’ll put my $$ on Gas. Please show me financials facts that point to something else. I’ll quickly look at my last years expenditures to veryify if that effected our checkbook. I certainly can’t prove my theory nor have the time to do so, but If I was a betting man……I’d go all in on gas prices crushing pocketbooks across the board.

    BTW our minnow costs have also spiked because of transportation costs to get them here. BTW we don’t transport across state lines either. Gas alone my friend. Gas alone. This Month I’ve gone throuch around 100 dozen MINNOWS. $1.00 a dozen hike……..Ahhhh it seemed so easy in concept when I first thought about it. Is it any wonder we can’t climb out of this economic downturn??

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 627

    Well yah know Labor day weekend is coming! FRKN CROOKS!

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    Anybody know if they are building any refineries in North Dakota? Without having looked at it in any detail. It wouls seem to be ideal. Middle of the country, oil close by, low population. I suppose if what Gary says is true about the time-frame to build a refinery, the oil boom would be done before a refinery was up and running.


    I read an article recently that an Indian Tribe in ND is building a refinery in ND.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Robust economic growth and sound economic policy are two different things. We need both.


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I am not saying that prices cannot be manipulated; but if gas prices are not driven by supply and demand and anticipated supply and demand ie. futures (Labor Day), why do the prices ever go down? If Big Oil can control the price why aren’t the prices steadily going up?

    Shoot! My link did not work. All you gotta do is google gas price graphs and oil price graphs and you will see that the prices are up AND down like a roller coaster in the last 6 years.


    Posts: 3835

    If we curbed speculation on oil by wall street and other speculators who never take delivery of oil, I think the price would go down quite a bit. We are only a free market when the market is making money for the wealthy. If we can put a man on the freaking moon why can’t we build a refinery on a military base or something to increase production in times of hurricanes and political turmoil? the supply is being manipulated by industry hacks and their purchased lackeys.

    Posts: 5660



    Robust economic growth and sound economic policy are two different things. We need both.


    Fair enough. At this point we have neither. By no means do I want this to be a political argument about whose in office thus have never made any reference to single out a man or his administration. I would prefer our discussion would walk the line. The truth of the matter is our Economic woes are far greater than one man unfortunately. On a simlistic note…..”Gas” hikes this weekend will hinder many tourists travel plans or cost others far more of their discretionary income. Don’t believe it to be true?? Ask people?? Still I fail to see how this increase in price will NOT hinder economic growth. We’ll have to disagree on this one Jon.

    Posts: 5660


    If we curbed speculation on oil by wall street and other speculators who never take delivery of oil, I think the price would go down quite a bit. We are only a free market when the market is making money for the wealthy. If we can put a man on the freaking moon why can’t we build a refinery on a military base or something to increase production in times of hurricanes and political turmoil? the supply is being manipulated by industry hacks and their purchased lackeys.

    NOW we’re getting warmer!! Sorry guys have to bow out. I’ve got other world issues to work on!! Horse Chores

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137


    If we curbed speculation on oil by wall street and other speculators who never take delivery of oil, I think the price would go down quite a bit. We are only a free market when the market is making money for the wealthy. If we can put a man on the freaking moon why can’t we build a refinery on a military base or something to increase production in times of hurricanes and political turmoil? the supply is being manipulated by industry hacks and their purchased lackeys.

    So you want the US Government to be in the oil refining business. Is there any private enterprise you don’t want the US government running?


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    yeah, read all about obama $7 gas on “the moral liberals site”…. some people have no comprehension on “context”… yeah, I assume “notify MOD” will be hit soon….gas is cheap…gas is cheap… saying it louder so it becomes true.. GAS IS CHEAP !!! nope… didn’t work…

    Posts: 556

    What I can’t figure out is I filled up in Alex this morning for 3.63 at Fleet Farm. I put a few gallons in the truck at the 3.85 down the street, and figured I’d roll the dice and maybe save a few coins outstate. Saved more than a few coins!?! Not sure why they didn’t jump out there. I guess there’s not a great surge into the land of tall buildings on the w/e’s. good luck…..

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    So, being that oil companies are the fault of high priced gas/oil, then it is the FARMER that is at fault for the $7/corn?

    Is it the FARMER that drives up corn prices?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    So, being that oil companies are the fault of high priced gas/oil, then it is the FARMER that is at fault for the $7/corn?

    Is it the FARMER that drives up corn prices?

    Gotta pay the farmers to grow corn for ethanol. Gas is a huge problem. Lack of quality jobs is a huge problem. Lack of leadership on any level is a huge problem.

    We are Americans. We will figure out a way to survive this. Easiest place to start is lower your driving. Drop the consumption. Next is find your voice and let the politicians know their days in office are numbered. Last………..and this is the biggie……..keep typing on line. It’s a great way to pass the afternoon.

    Posts: 88

    be thankful oil is wheel and dealed in USD! otherwise if it were the “basket of currencies” we’d be at $7+! US is very smart that way. now oil being controlled and manipulated is another show folks.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    Quite honestly if you want cheaper gas the dollar’s worth needs to catch up to the Euro. The US economy is in the tank and a lot has to do with our money not being worth anything. Even with interest rates at all time lows the housing market continues to suffer because of one reason. NO ONE HAS ANY MONEY!!!! In order to make the dollar worth anything and the price of our imports reduced, like fuel, interest rates have to be raised. Sure the markets may suffer but right now they are at their most vulnerable state ever also. Our current US gov’t is driving a lot of false security (economic wise) thus there are many people spending money they do not have. The 4th qtr is setting up to be a real eye opener for a lot of people.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    So, you are saying to start piling your money?

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    You hit the nail right on the head Chris. I’ve been saying this for years. You think its bad now just wait for another 5 if no one does anything about the high gas prices. How can a country dependent on transportation succeed without reasonable gas prices, not cheap but reasonable.

    I’m looking at few houses to buy in the rural areas about 45 miles out of town. This seems to be the limit people can drive, not will drive but because of high gas prices can drive and still pay thier bills. In the two towns I’ve been looking in both towns have houses in forcloser and plenty of vacancies in rentals. Why? because they can’t afford to drive from where they live and commute to work. So they save thier last few months rent or house payments and move into town here. I looked in Craigs list to see if there was anyone looking for a place to rent, this confirmed my suspecions. Craigs list here is full of people from out of town looking for rentals in town here. Some may say well they will just have to move: what are the banks saying that hold those titles to those forclosed properties. Its getting so bad the banks in those small towns are takeing a hit because of outrageous gas prices all thought out and put in place by everybody involved. I looked at two houses that were forsale for back taxes. One was a house worth over $100,000 on two acres and the guy just walked away from it. Its up forsale for $500, yep $500. Now tell me things are going right. Theres 25 forclosers just in Central City 20 miles out of town my brother said, that blew me away. In perspective, the money that would be going to those banks and other industries is now going to high gas prices, overseas and lineing the pockets of the whole industry and everyone involved. When it gets that bad that the rural areas are getting hit when things usually pass right over them, thats getting bad, thier usually thier own economy seperate from the bigger cities.

    I’ll also vote for anyone who can bring the price of oil down so people and banks won’t have to struggle. I’ve said for along time that theres always been plenty of oil. Give Opec and wall street any excuse at all and they will hike up prices because they know its thier oppotunity to make a buck. I think they all ought to be loaded up on a boat and shipped to somewhere besides the United States. I’m getting sick and tired of all this money grabbing and causing hardship to everyday working people, its just not right. Anybody can argue any diffrent opinion but Ya thats the way I feel and I’m not changeing my mind, someones got to do something about these oil prices and the people in control of that industry.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Exactly right Glen, if anyone thinks this isn’t that bad, just wait until they put fresh water up for bid and controled by any corporation to sell to people instead of controled by a city, or township. Necessary commodities should be controlled by local governments so everyone can have them.

    Just so people don’t think I’m a socialist, I think any government has the duty to keep certain prices within a range where it dosen’t cause hardship, if theres enough of this product. If people keep letting these prices rise, when the commodities could be sold at half the price they are now, then this is bordering imperialism and imperialism isn’t safe for any society. Why is it such a bad thing when someone says a governemnt should set rules or laws so hardship isn’t caused. Why is it so bad when a president would say were going to use our own oil and not buy from other countries to keep prices under control. If those involved like Opec and wall street did care we wouldn’t be here discussing this topic right now.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    You guys are all smarter than I imagined…I’m not even going to add my theory….except, if you voted for CHANGE last time…you sure as H@LL better vote for change again…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    So, being that oil companies are the fault of high priced gas/oil, then it is the FARMER that is at fault for the $7/corn?

    Is it the FARMER that drives up corn prices?

    If there were about 200 farmers controlling all the US corn, you damn right they’d drive it way past $7/bushel…. don’t kid yourself…. fuel charges has ALOT to do with the price of corn… not the other way around. Your not comparing aplles to apples…

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057



    So, being that oil companies are the fault of high priced gas/oil, then it is the FARMER that is at fault for the $7/corn?

    Is it the FARMER that drives up corn prices?

    If there were about 200 farmers controlling all the US corn, you damn right they’d drive it way past $7/bushel…. don’t kid yourself…. fuel charges has ALOT to do with the price of corn… not the other way around. Your not comparing aplles to apples…

    This is entirely toooooo much fun!!!!
    You ever hear of the “NFO”? National Farmers Organization?

    Commodities are commodities………Whether it be oil, precious metals, minerals, crops.

    Where is the outcry about cotton and coffee going thru the roof, raising 2 and 3 fold?

    How about cattle and hogs? Ever wonder why beef is so expensive? It’s because nobody is raising cattle, because of corn prices to feed them.
    Corn prices are high because of GOVERNMENT FUNDED ethanol.
    Ethanol is a ficticious theory of not using fossil fuels.

    Fossil fuels are required to make the world go round baby…Just the way it is. It is more than your vehicle.
    It is more than gasoline.
    It is all the plastics in that vehicle at Dodge
    it all that rubber in that Dodge. Not just tires, all the hoses.
    Then you have all the metal…..All that metal requires fossil fuels to turn it from raw ore to that shinny, pretty chrome bumper!
    Oil/PETROLEUM….Petroleum……petroleum is what makes this world go round. Nothing can happen anymore without it. Ethenal can’t fix all that. Ethenal can only make our car engines run….Unless you are going to use ethenal in place of your motor oil?………….Yep, we got synthetic oil now…take a wild gander at how that is processed?

    Until we open refineries, we’re stuck for awhile. Prices will come back down though. 2 years ago we were paying $1.50/gallan and oil was $40/barrel. Our economy is hurting. Not because of oil. Because of government policies that were and are set in place.

    Just always remember, if you ain’t mining, manufacturing, or farming/cropping (generating commodities), you are not generating any money. All you are doing is moving existing money. That doesn’t fix things. We have to drill for oil, we have to refine gas, we have to mine our precious metals and minerals, and we have to farm our lands.

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