So, being that oil companies are the fault of high priced gas/oil, then it is the FARMER that is at fault for the $7/corn?
Is it the FARMER that drives up corn prices?
If there were about 200 farmers controlling all the US corn, you damn right they’d drive it way past $7/bushel…. don’t kid yourself…. fuel charges has ALOT to do with the price of corn… not the other way around. Your not comparing aplles to apples…
This is entirely toooooo much fun!!!!
You ever hear of the “NFO”? National Farmers Organization? 
Commodities are commodities………Whether it be oil, precious metals, minerals, crops.
Where is the outcry about cotton and coffee going thru the roof, raising 2 and 3 fold?
How about cattle and hogs? Ever wonder why beef is so expensive? It’s because nobody is raising cattle, because of corn prices to feed them.
Corn prices are high because of GOVERNMENT FUNDED ethanol.
Ethanol is a ficticious theory of not using fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are required to make the world go round baby…Just the way it is. It is more than your vehicle.
It is more than gasoline.
It is all the plastics in that vehicle at Dodge
it all that rubber in that Dodge. Not just tires, all the hoses.
Then you have all the metal…..All that metal requires fossil fuels to turn it from raw ore to that shinny, pretty chrome bumper!
Oil/PETROLEUM….Petroleum……petroleum is what makes this world go round. Nothing can happen anymore without it. Ethenal can’t fix all that. Ethenal can only make our car engines run….Unless you are going to use ethenal in place of your motor oil?………….Yep, we got synthetic oil now…take a wild gander at how that is processed?
Until we open refineries, we’re stuck for awhile. Prices will come back down though. 2 years ago we were paying $1.50/gallan and oil was $40/barrel. Our economy is hurting. Not because of oil. Because of government policies that were and are set in place.
Just always remember, if you ain’t mining, manufacturing, or farming/cropping (generating commodities), you are not generating any money. All you are doing is moving existing money. That doesn’t fix things. We have to drill for oil, we have to refine gas, we have to mine our precious metals and minerals, and we have to farm our lands.