I am glad I am not the first to see this post or I would still be looking. The reply hints helped. I was actually looking for a second photo initially be cause I read BK’s post wrong.
I hope that dog doesn’t like chasing cars or squirrels.
Pretty Cool! I had a yellow lab that found a way on to the garage when the Frisbee ended up on there. Drove here crazy for days then one day I looked up and there she was with a grin on her face and the dang Frisbee in between her legs. She kept going up there until one day she would not come down. Apparently the rout she took to get up there a hornets nest was created and when she went through she got stung and would not go back the same way. We had to get a ladder to get her down because we could not coax her down even after knocking down the nest. Memories, been years since I thought about Bella and the garage. Thanx BK needed that as I have been down since my ma past away and that lifted my spirits a bit. Ya! Ma was there laughing at us while we were on the ladder trying to figure out how to get Bella down. Firemen we were not.