Finally took the plung and upgraded to the Droid 3. What are your favorite apps and why?
August 23, 2011 at 2:06 pm
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Finally took the plung and upgraded to the Droid 3. What are your favorite apps and why?
I like Weather Bug, Google Sky(fun when camping), Soundhound (to find out name and artist of song on radio), My Tracks, Knotsguide, and Navionics to name a few. Don’t know what you are upgrading from but think you will like the Android system!
There was a thread before, but a lot has happened since then, so no, I won’t tell you to search for it.
Let me see what I have…
I have a bunch of Weather Apps, you can’t have too mant, yes?
Accuweather, My-Cast, Weatherbug Elite, Rainy Days and Radar Now – The last 2 being just radar apps, which is nice when you want to check real quick while fishing.
Google+ (Google’s answer to Facebook) – I can send an invite if you are interested. No? OK
ATK or Advanced Task Killer – Lets you “kill” apps in the background. I rarely use it anymore, but most people still use it. Technically you shouldn’t need it because the operating system manages all you apps that are running and will kill apps sitting in the background taking up memory, as needed.
Appeak Poker – Texas Hold’em, probably my most used app.
Astrid Tasks – A task organizer
Bubble Level – Because it is more convenient than carrying around a real level.
Chrome to Phone – If you use Firefox, you can install the app and then the add-on to your browser. Then you can send any link from your computer to your phone with the click of a button.
Catch – I use it for note taking, but I might switch back to Evernote as I see they made changes.
Fishin Buddy – Fishing log app. Good for saving data, not so good for gleaning info from that data. I use it and transfer the data to my fishing log on the computer.
LakeFinder (MN DNR) – Gives you all the same info as the online lake finder from the DNR, including maps and surveys. Awesome.
Navionics US Lakes North – Simply incredible. Gives you the contours you’d expect and allows you to do other things like create waypoints and save locations as favorites. The only real complain others and I have had is that it would be nice if it would zoom in one or two more levels.
Lookout – Free virus protection, backups and ability to locate your phone from a PC.
Mapquest – An alternative to the built in Google maps
Mint – Keep track of my bank account and budget. Use it with
My Fishing Adviser – Not sure how well it works for other species, but I think it is junk. Maybe if you were a beginner fisherman, but the suggestions are general and well known and sometimes off.
Our Groceries – Use it to make shopping lists ahead of time where I can cross things off as I go. Not just groceries either. Use this in conjunction with their online website.
The Fisherman’s Log Pro Edition – Another fishing log app that records data well, but doesn’t really offer the tools to research your logs later on when you review your trips.
Time2Fish – If you want to base all your trips around a solunar chart.
Sweet’s gonna laugh at my list.
When guiding at night many many of my customer ask me “what star/constellation is that?”
Since I can only find the moon (sometimes) Google Sky has been awesome!
It gets boring as fast as a telescope, but for that 5 minutes it sure is handy.
Technically it is Google Sky MAP.
Sorry, didn’t mean to go all Sam Walton on you guys.
See G for your tampons.
You still have your Sam’s Club app installed? I do!
Sweet’s gonna laugh at my list.
BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I only laugh because you have fishing apps. that would be like me having fishing apps. No Pug I learned never make fun of a mans apps. otherwise they will find out what’s in your drawers.
I mean app draws boxer/brief boy settle down.
Lets see list -o- apps
I’ll stick with only what is installed.
Amazon App store. -good for the free app of the day.
Daily Twins stats- cause I’m a dork like that
Direct TV- Because it’s TV guide for direct TV. LOVE IT! ALost every provider has TV listings app. helps for planning the takeover of the remote.
Google+ honestly because I was an original Beta tester for them, and grew to not hate it, and I HATE Facebook. Plus it lets me harass Pug, and BK a bit more. It’s like an added bonus.
Google Music – LOVE THIS. lets you upload 20,000 songs that you can listen to on any computer, or Android device. Take that Iphone, it takes up a whole 2.57 MB of space lets see you do that. I have invites….
Now to go WITH that I also have
DSPManager- It’s an equalizer app and makes a difference. I’m a geek my wife just deals with it. everyone else tries to too.
Urban Spoon- I like to be adventurous with me eats. It’s gambling with your meal how can you go wrong? FYI you can!
FoodSpotting- Alright really I should be about 400 lbs but I’m not. I like food, like to know where to get good food, and like to share good food.
Drop box- easy way to share files between computer and phone, and other people.
Barcode scanner- Use it for all sorts of things mainly those silly little QR codes.
Engadget, and wired – See geek comments
Fandango – never know when you may want to watch a movie.
IMDB- this is more for my further geek we really wont get into, but I look up movies I may want to “watch” and by watch I mean Download.
5 different remote apps- because I’m a super geek and have a home network set up and control my tv and computers from my phone.
Bubble Level- see PUG
Mint- See PUG
Our groceries- See PUG oh and it makes my life easier when my wife send me shopping.
Navionics- Because a few times a year my wife lets me fish. So this makes me feel like I actually may know what I’m doing. (I DON’T)
See this is why I am not about to laugh.
Here’s a good site to keep up with Apps and what not.
I subscribe to the daily email, but I couldn’t find it on their site? Every day I learn new things about updates and hardware. I think it is a great site.
Flashlight. Came in handy around the campfire the other night.
Oh yeah, good call. I use Torch
Owner of a Sprint.Evo 4G here. Go to your Currently installed App list. Click on Market. Than look for Apps. Pick your catagory. Click on TOP FREE. There are hundreds to choose from. Some are pretty neat and handy.
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