Mr. Pug! I am surprised! How are you going to get “politics” out of the discussion of the economy when a lot of people who can seriously damage or help the economy have making the US into a European like socialist democracy as their endgame? And a lot of those people don’t understand economics and don’t care. When you have a senator from California who suggests that unemployment benefits stimulate the economy there is a serious disconnect amongst our so called leaders.
I hear you! The economy doesn’t need a stimulus. I certainly hope Obama’s plan coming out doesn’t include one and that is a non partisan and objective stance.
Stimulus plans are great stop gap measures. A lot of people like to point to the new deal when it comes to infrastructure work and the economy, but that was during a boom time when America desperately needed infrastructure work to help commerce. Infrastructure work now doesn’t really include building things as much as maintenance work on existing infrastructure and small projects. That will not help the economy.
What the economy needs is incentive and a bright outlook. I certainly hope policy makers will concentrate on this going forward.
If the populace would put aside all the other crap and just hold politicians feet to the fire on the economy, perhaps we could change the course of the rhetoric now.
I am really considering creating a website just about this. If you could get enough of a following to start turning heads of not only the politicians, but the constituents as well, we could really refocus the country.
I know, I am having delusions of grandeur.