Dickinson, ND is hiring. The entire Western part of ND is BOOMING!!!!!!!
Even will pay to train drivers
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » I just find it so frustrating
Dickinson, ND is hiring. The entire Western part of ND is BOOMING!!!!!!!
Even will pay to train drivers
I gotta agree with G on this one. Not fair to lump every case into one “judgment” If a guy is receiving unemployment, that means he had a job and paid into the system at one point. There is a reason they call it insurance. If you want to rip on the extensions paid for by the government, rip on the politicians who voted to spend your money on it. Not the guy on the receiving end!
As for the others on wellfair, different story. There should be limits on how long a person can stay on the program. And we should not “award” single mothers with more money when they decide to have more kids and so on. Drug tests? Dang right!
Laziness in this country is becoming an epidemic. Getting things for free in this country is becoming an epidemic.
It’s not my fault if people don’t stay in school, waste away their years and then at age 30 don’t have what those have that did not waste their years–problem is, they still want it.
It’s not my fault is someone has a kid out of wedlock, can’t control their actions, drinks too much or does drugs, fakes an injury in order to collect disability due to discovering it’s an easier road that they saw others do and now replicate because they can.
This is not about those that need temp. help—-it’s about the lazy bums that want a free ride. Heck, I know least one fella that would fish all winter due to being on unemployment and laugh about it—-we are not talking about the unfortunate, we are talking about the bums that are sucking off society and of which my tax money is supporting.
that is what we are talking about—and it’s real.
Interesting….Farmboy and G, and Watson have already expressed many of my thoughts on this. I was one of the guys that was a head count reduction and took the unemployment benefit I was entitle to apply for. But after 4 months of rejection in a dismal construction industry, I jumped to my feet and started my own business. I didn’t play the cash under the table game and continue the benny’s. Legit and honest! Yes, I lost a few substantial bids that I was counting on and we’re hurting right now. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
But the thing that really makes me think about this differently is simple. There are thousands of people that don’t have the natural drive to be self employed. Not everyone should, or has the confidence level to do so. So, its hard for me to expect everyone to do as I have. However, like I tell my daughters. If you want something, you need to work for it – NOTHING IS FREE! If you don’t want to find your own work, you still need to sell your self to an employer…get out and ask for a job. No effort – NO ALLOWANCE! PERIOD!
As for the relocating for work, I disagree with many on this. Some people are in a position to do so, and great for them. I have a mother and father that I care for. I’m 120 miles from them, and pop in there at least once every two weeks. Much more often when needed. I also help out my wife’s parents as needed and they are 90 miles in the opposite direction. Bottom line is if I took off for Colorado where I know I have work, how do I cover the 1100 miles for a weekend of chores to do for my folks? Also, I know kids are resilient for change, but my daughters are both straight A students. They have individuals that are beginning to take notice in them, and are beginning to invest time and energy into assisting them (job opportunities, contacts, and other future aids) As a parent, I have a responsibility to give them the best opportunities in life as I can. How do I walk away from this environment to the unknown? How many kids at the age of 16 are getting sound guidance from other business owners? Guidance on how to run a business and make great financial decisions. Factors like that will make one stop and think about what level of expense is it to relocate……
I will see your drug tests and raise you mandatory birth control for peeps on public assistance!
I have no clue how people can live for extended periods on PA bennies. I have been laid off from 2 jobs, the first one was a kick in the ‘nads for me. My first job after getting out of the Army. I worked for 3 years with them before the new owners told us to get out. I had already taken a second job selling tires and batteries at Sear’s trying to get ahead a bit. Wife decided she wanted out just before all this happened also. At one point I was getting about 4 hours sleep a night between the two jobs during my divorce, wife had moved out and was pressuring me to take the easy way out and file bancruptcy. Was too proud to do that, I had enough to pay the bills and by a little food. Thank god gas was less then a dollar a gallon at the time!
When the layoff was announced I was bummed. After looking around and only finding work for 7.00/hr I decided that someone above was telling me it was time to move back home to MN. I took my last check and rented a truck and moved back home. My new job here was a 2/hr raise over old job. Saw writing on the wall and bailed out just before layoffs happened, new job another raise, laid off again, was in school at the time for welding, 2 job offers at school job fair no raises this time but only one unemployment check before starting.
I have been a mechanic, a machinist, a assembler/installer, a painter, a dishwasher and a gas station attendant before learning to be a boiler operator. I will do anything and work my butt off doing it to keep my head above water even if only barely so. I never did file bancruptcy, my lazy ex did though and I had the joy of paying off her bills also.
As a kid my dad was active with the American Legion, he went to the proverbial one room school house in rural SD, never graduated from HS and after getting layed off from a job after 25 years discovered that not having that diploma mattered, he retired as a security guard. He was out giving food baskets to the needy and after getting laid off was visited by his friends brining him a basket while he looked for work. Never have I seen dad look so embarrassed. He declined that food, telling them to give it to someone who really needed it. We were eating hot dish (cream of mushroom soup, noodles and some hamburger?) almost nightly at the time. That night stuck with me and I have done whatever it took to not need any help from others.
If I got laid off again, I will again, do whatever it takes to at least keep what I have.
After paying UI for years I would have no problem taking it. Its my money. The great thing is I paided it but being self employed do not get to use it.
For you guys that are working and loose a job hold your head high, go in and claim what you(and former employer) have paid for.
After years of paying 50k or more in taxes if you think Im going to feel bad about taking some back. Not this guy. If any of you guys are feeling real guilty about taking the money feel free to send it over here. Would be happy to spend it for you guilt free.
Do some of you working guys not understand where this money comes from. It comes out of your and your employers pockets. If you do not claim it someone else will surely jump in and use it up.
From my understanding one has to work 1st to be able to claim unemployment. Cant be a complete dead beat if they at least did enough work to claim the insurance. Then again as most guys in construction we have seen our share of guys that know the UI better then the people that are running it. I knew one guy that had it calculated out to the hour how much he needed to work. Being union he would go in and get laid off and head back to Aitkin until the benefits or his insurance would dry up again. There is always a few that work the system.
I like the idea of drug testing those on public assistance. Not sure what will happen when this idea spread from the east to the west cost where they seem to be more interested in legalizing certain drugs. Talk about a clash of ideals. Good to know one side will soon forget what they are talking about once the 1st bag of chips hits the table.
Someone should start a “Earn a Buck” program for public assistance. From what I have seen they sure make it easy to be poor now a days. But on the other hand after paying to support these programs for all these years I would be pretty ticked off if I had to go pay again to claim them.
Here’s my take on this and I may take a beating for writing this?
First, you expect this guy to sell his home in this economy and move to find a job uprooting his entire family? Not gonna happen.
Now, I was laid off last November. I started drawing unemployment in January. I also started school full time in January taking loans to do so. I have been offered a couple of jobs but after looking at what I was offered I would loose money to go to work. Are you all saying I should take less and go to work to do so? My family hardly gets buy on what we have, but I should take less to make everyone else warm and fuzzy cause I’m no longer drawing money? I paid in for the last 25 years, this isn’t a handout, it’s what it’s there for. Going to school full time, even in the summer, I will finish my degree in the spring and have the potential to make almost double what I was making before. So now this won’t only benefit my family but will benefit those that collect off the extra taxes I will have to pay when I land said job.
And yes, I have done my research and the field I’m schooling for had a lot of openings for very good pay.
So while everyone is looking down from their soapboxes and lumping unemployed with welfare, you need to look at what you would do if put in this situation. I can’t afford to take less money than we manage now and then tack on the cost of getting to and from work and the such.
Here’s my take on this and I may take a beating for writing this?
First, you expect this guy to sell his home in this economy and move to find a job uprooting his entire family? Not gonna happen.
This comment always comes up. I expect everyone (including him) to do what they have to do. If that means packing HIS bags and leaving his family behind to work and send money home to them………….then that’s how it goes.
Hell I can find countless articles and stories of Mexicans working here legally and illegally just to send money home to their family.
I know a lot of guys who live away from the family during the week and try to make it home most weekends.
Obviously you are putting in 100% in an attempt to better yourself and that’s cool. But you also weren’t the one in the article that was crying into your beer about no work. So…………..I’m thinking my posts weren’t directed at you.
I agree with and commend you for what you are doing sandmannd
As far as the stories referenced, the 1st one speaks to exactly what can happen, not lazy people, just unfortunate. (some say you make your own luck…while I can agree in principle, somethings are out of our control…and I don’t care who you are and what you do) The second story brings up a point of prevailing wage… it references a job that the company lost, because Utah does not have a prevailing wage law… that is solved simply… the job they lost was a school.. state funded.. you can make a condition in the bids, that it is a company in state that wins the bid
That would be nice to have a clause is state and local funded project that a certain percent if not all local proposals where considered 1st. Just got down watching the street in front of my house get done by out of the area companies last summer. Do you think they gave a dam about what the out come of the work was. Sure didnt look like it. What it did look like was a contractor that got hired for the cheapest bid and they better slap it in and get out of there.
So you hire a local company to do our work. He cost a few dollars more. Where do you think that extra money goes? In the pocket of local employees to be spent at local shops, restaurants, bars, Ect, Ect, Ect. Either that our you can stick with the cheapest bids and the extra money saved can be used for such things as public assistance for the local people that are not working.
Most likely preaching stuff here that most of you all ready know.
Amen Doc Frigo, Government sems to be telling us “There,there we’ll take care of you. Dont worry”. We that want to work do not want that. Though seems hard at times as the jobs are not as plentiful. Brother in law has been out of work 2-3 yrs now. He keeps on keepin on. But his line of work doesnt seem to be as plentiful as t once was. Wil
Good reply Farmboy !. You nailed it. Those folks with the signs , well you feel for them but I wonder at times. Wil
Good reply Farmboy !. You nailed it. Those folks with the signs , well you feel for them but I wonder at times. Wil
If I see someone with a sign that says they are hungry,I don’t give them cash I’ll run to the nearest fast food joint and get them a sack full of dollar burgers. Kind of a “do onto others” or “pay it forward” kind of deal. I know that if I was ever unfortunate enough to be starving and in a position to need help I would hope someone would help me. I hate to see someone starve
Ag Business Strained Finding Good Crop Of Employees
Huh, these articles just keep coming.
Good reply Farmboy !. You nailed it. Those folks with the signs , well you feel for them but I wonder at times. Wil
If I see someone with a sign that says they are hungry,I don’t give them cash I’ll run to the nearest fast food joint and get them a sack full of dollar burgers. Kind of a “do onto others” or “pay it forward” kind of deal. I know that if I was ever unfortunate enough to be starving and in a position to need help I would hope someone would help me. I hate to see someone starve
How does that saying go? “Give a man a fish…”?
Ag Business Strained Finding Good Crop Of Employees
Huh, these articles just keep coming.
If you really want to help… then give up your job here, so someone else can have it and have fun in SW Michigan You have all the answers…. are you running for gov’t ???
How does that saying go? “Give a man a fish…”?
I’ve tried…lord knows I’ve tried to teach Jesse how to fish.
…and you guys talk about frustrating….you have no idea.
Ag Business Strained Finding Good Crop Of Employees
Huh, these articles just keep coming.
If you really want to help… then give up your job here, so someone else can have it and have fun in SW Michigan
You have all the answers…. are you running for gov’t ???
I like living here. Plus I worked hard for years to be where I’m at. Lastly, what they are paying can’t touch my salary.
I can tell you this. If I were to get fired or my office burnt tomorrow. I could have a job by the close of business next Friday somewhere in the country. That’s because I would actively go get that job and I’m lucky enough to be in a high demand field. You wouldn’t see me in the news whining that I have to declare bankruptcy cause I can’t find work.
I wouldn’t make a good politician. You should know from my posts here, I say what I mean.
Don’t politicians start on fire when they tell the truth?
I am sure there are plenty of people with your positive can do attitude, that lost their jobs….. and are still looking. Just because you say it, does not make it true… hence my politician statement… Fire ???…I don’t see any smoke yet…
I am sure there are plenty of people with your positive can do attitude, that lost their jobs….. and are still looking. Just because you say it, does not make it true…
hence my politician statement… Fire ???…I don’t see any smoke yet…
Exactly!! I have 13 years experience and was at my most recent job for 10 years. I had the same feelings. It’s a whole different game when get laid off.
Wade, I’m glad you think so highly of yourself. However, not everyone is in the type of career that can pick up jobs easily. That is not the norm, it’s the rarity. I’m not sure how high your horse is, but it sounds like it’s up there a ways.
I am sure there are plenty of people with your positive can do attitude, that lost their jobs….. and are still looking. Just because you say it, does not make it true…
hence my politician statement… Fire ???…I don’t see any smoke yet…
Exactly!! I have 13 years experience and was at my most recent job for 10 years. I had the same feelings. It’s a whole different game when get laid off.
Wade, I’m glad you think so highly of yourself. However, not everyone is in the type of career that can pick up jobs easily. That is not the norm, it’s the rarity. I’m not sure how high your horse is, but it sounds like it’s up there a ways.
Just lucky I guess. I must have chose a good career field.
I’m sure it helps that more than 1/2 my work day is spent assessing and critiquing the work of my peers county wide (and even hemisphere wide). So with that I know where the work is, where it needs help and who to contact about such things.
I can tell you this. Networking is 80% of feeling secure in the professional world. Knowing I could spend all day on the phone calling in favors with people who know the exceptional work I am capable of providing makes me feel very confident that I’m covered.
Obviously you guys are touchy this AM or I’m coming off as a huge A-hole. Since I’m not an A-hole I apologize if you interpret that to be the case.
Obviously you guys are touchy this AM or I’m coming off as a huge A-hole. Since I’m not an A-hole I apologize if you interpret that to be the case.
Don’t sell yourself short, your a huge a-hole
Don’t sell yourself short, your a huge a-hole
Dang, I’ve been outed.
I’m sure it helps that more than 1/2 my work day is spent assessing and critiquing the work of my peers county wide (and even hemisphere wide).
and the other half on IDO… I know “most” employers look for someone who can spend half their day, telling somebody else how to do their job correctly (critic)… and the other half, posting on a internet forum, how they can’t stand looking down their nose at others, who don’t have a job…
I’m sure it helps that more than 1/2 my work day is spent assessing and critiquing the work of my peers county wide (and even hemisphere wide).
and the other half on IDO…
I know “most” employers look for someone who can spend half their day, telling somebody else how to do their job correctly (critic)… and the other half, posting on a internet forum, how they can’t stand looking down their nose at others, who don’t have a job…
There you go. Now you to have the recipe for success. I’m glad I could help you there.
I’m sure it helps that more than 1/2 my work day is spent assessing and critiquing the work of my peers county wide (and even hemisphere wide).
and the other half on IDO…
I know “most” employers look for someone who can spend half their day, telling somebody else how to do their job correctly (critic)… and the other half, posting on a internet forum, how they can’t stand looking down their nose at others, who don’t have a job…
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