4 more species off the life list!

  • walleyeben
    Posts: 963

    Finaly able to slow down for the first time in about a month Tht doesnt mean I didnt wet a few line though The “honeymoon” found us in Kauai the Garden Island of Hawaii, with over 300 small lake/resivours and countless streams some seasonal but most flowing year around from the rain forest I knew it was gonna be a good week!

    First on the list was a little exploreing and a hike, this led to an awsome outing under a double water fall that had to be over 150ft. The fish were on a tear in there and my second cast with a jig and moxie brought a 17 inch fat Smallie to my feet before poping the jig. Every cast would yeild abut 3 bites but most were realy small but an awsome setting with great company to say the least!

    Second trip was after Peacocks in a small resivour near our Resort. The explosive strikes you see on tv are simply not the norm for this species, they feed mre like stripers then large mouths or smallies unless protecting their fry. They are very agressive acting but quite reluctant to hit anything but live bait. Bait of choice was a non native minnow called Midoka that were imported to control Mesquitos(locals have no idea what bad mesquitos I was bit 1 time in 7 days!) Either free spooled or rig behind a slipt shot or under a float it didnt matter, we caught about 15 fish in 4 hours, most were small the big boys just wouldnt go due to the rainy overcast day but didmanage one around 15 inches. A bonus was a big African ciclid that fought reely good!!

    The next 2 were salt water, both Tunas, skip Jacks and Yellow fins. We charted Captain J of Deep Sea Fishing Kauai. This guy knows his stuff spending around 340 days on the water, most days doing double trips for a total of 13 hours on the water per day. We trolled for about an hour out to a bouy in 7000 fow where we marked a ton of fish so we switched gear and ripped slash baits just under the surfce turning a half dozen Skip Jacks in about 10 minutes. For their size the jacks fight very well!! One went in the live well and the rest went under the knife as bait and the one in the live well was rigged on a free spool and let swin freely. Not even 3 minutes in the live bait started getting spooky and I knew it was about to be game on, yep line start spewing off the reel and it was game on as J slamed the reel into gear. 20 minute battle had a 8 ft 400 # grey shark boat side 4 times before the angler from Tennesse said cut it and lets get fishing again. After making a bait slick we started drifting chucks of jack and anchovies thru the slickturn a quick dozen Yellow Fin tunas, the biggest close to 17 pounds thatmy wife caught. All in all it was a blast deep seas fishing and if Im ever near the ocean again I will do it every chance I get!!!! Those fish FIGHT a 17 pound tuna could pull a 17 pound pike any where it wanted to!! We trolled back to the dock but just couldnt connect with the Marlin but that doesnt mean they werent there the week prior J put cleints on a 1000 pounder that hung out of the boat!!!

    Posts: 3835

    Nice report Ben and congratulations.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Awesome Ben. Hawaii is a pretty cool place. Glad you are taking full advantage of it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Sweet trip. That cichlid is awesome

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Sounds like a great place to visit.
    Congratulations by the way!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Sounds like you had a great trip Ben! How many species are now on the list?

    Posts: 963

    Thanks guys means alot, Brad its like a honey do list the older you get the longer it becomes. I REELY want an Blue Cat and a Gar, then the salmonoids!

    Posts: 3681

    Nice fish buddy.Sounds like a blast.

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