steel toe boots/shoes

  • fieds
    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    any suggestions on a comfortable steel toe boot/shoe? have some 12 hour days coming up and i have zero experience with what to look for in a steel toe.

    thanks for any info


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    I would check these out… Boots

    Posts: 974

    Redwings and I know it sounds stupid but I wear 2 pair of heavy socks all year long if its warm or cold out and my feet stay dry and dont stink, and im in boots from 12-20 hours a day some weeks.

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    thanks for the quick suggestions. i’m leaning towards the oxford type, i’ll be working in a high temp environment. do all safety toes come in leather or are their comfortable options in a cordura type material?

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    I’m a big guy and hard on work boots steel toes also only boot I’ve been able to get to last is Georgia 8 inch logger gortex breathable waterproof. The have a tall tongue and 200 grams of insulation I use year round but pricey $180 I get 2 years plus out of these boots and are as comfortable as tennis shoes my 2 cents here’s a link

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Make sure you know what exactly they require, most places are going to require laces and ankle support upto a certain level. I’ve Personally never cared for red wings, right now (as I type) I’m rockin some Nautilus slip on leather shoes that have a composite toe the meets the requirements for my work, nice and light. They look nice, fact I’m willing to bet pretty much nothing one knows they are steel toes. Nice a comfortable, except for being a bit hot. I actually think I’m going to pickup some Converse steel toes shoes, a little heavier, but even more comfortable.
    Keen makes some nice shoes too, looks like they would be nice and cool, but they were a bit heavier, and they didn’t fit my feet to well.

    My advice with steel toes or any other shoes is to not skimp and buy some nice ones, it’ll make a world of difference. Make sure you know what exactly they require, most places are going to require laces and ankle support upto a certain level. I’ve Personally never cared for red wings, right now (as I type) I’m rockin some Nautilus slip on leather shoes that have a composite toe the meets the requirements for my work, nice and light. They look nice, fact I’m willing to bet pretty much nothing one knows they are steel toes. Nice a comfortable, except for being a bit hot. I actually think I’m going to pickup some Converse steel toes shoes, a little heavier, but even more comfortable.
    Keen makes some nice shoes too, looks like they would be nice and cool, but they were a bit heavier, and they didn’t fit my feet to well.

    My advice with steel toes or any other shoes is to not skimp and buy some nice ones, it’ll make a world of difference.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Wil and Wendy will be around later on this after noon. They are one of IDO’s latest sponsors and it would be appreciated if you took a look at their line up.

    I’m sure they’ll be on here to drop in their two cents.

    Link to Wookboothaven’s IDO member 15% discount<<

    Not only do they own the company, but they field test all their foot ware before it goes on line.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well IDO and my phone’s browser aren’t playing nice again…. so it’s a mess to read that above, sorry editing it won’t help on my phone….. there are some autocorrected word issues too….

    Stan Jenson
    sw wisconsin
    Posts: 178

    I’ve been working 10 & 12 hr shifts for over a year and half and I would’nt make without my Redwings.

    Posts: 254

    I will also say that I only but Red Wings. I would suggest that you look into the composite toes. They are much lighter and are also available with the king toe. I have worn steel toes for years and nothing is as coftfortable as when I got into the king toe versions.

    Posts: 4532

    I use the Timberland Pro 47028 with the Titanium/Alloy Toe, very light and can ware them for 12 hours no problem.

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536


    I would check these out… Boots

    I just got a pair of these from work boot haven, I’ve been working road construction for over 20 years, and I wore them for the first time today, I must say they are the most comfortable boots I have ever wore the first day. I can’t wait until they are broke in to my feet, they should be awesome!!!


    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    thanks for the replies, sounds like i need to make sure an oxford type will be acceptable. otherwise the 3/4 adamis from workboothaven looks to be my front runner. being short notice i dont want to be stuck my first days with an “off the shelf at the local mart only to feel like i need crutches,” boot.


    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    Red wings get my vote.All day comfort even on concrete 12 plus hours a day and they last to boot.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Wil and Wendy are having troubles with their ISP. Guess there were some upgrades over the weekend that kinda down graded their internet.

    They’ll be back online here asap. In the mean time, give them a call and let them explain the “Wil and Wendy” Guarantee!

    Wil & Wendy Heiser 763-242-0943

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Hey fieds Wil from workboothaven. Thanks for your post. We can help you with your boot needs. Saw a lot of good info on this topic. Redwings are a well known boot as is LaCrosse. Saw a pic of the Adamis here. nice boot. We have a member special going on. Am posting from my phone as Quest is doing some work on the net. Any special needs for your boots. Some ido fishing friends have purchased from us .all positive feedback. we stand behind ( and in) everything we sell with a customer satisfaction guarantee Send us your thoughts and we will do our best to help. Thank you. Quo

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Hey Thanks Big G, for the post. Will.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Hey Thanks Big G, for the post. Will.

    Wil, will you stop that! One L or two in Wil?

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Hey Mr. Walleye. Hope this helps. We at workboothaven carry boots that have Hyper-Dri.100% waterproof lining. Keeps water out and beeps your feet dry. Thanks Will

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Thanks ederd for,the kind words. We at The Haven thank you. Will and Wendy

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Here the story Brian. William is the full deal. But years ago it was Bill. Wendy and get clan call me Bill(for short). So I changed it to Will as my dad is Bill. Then I decided to reinvent myself. Had no money so I dropped an L. Well you asked. This Ian from Wendy phone. Autocorrect has made these posts an epic event.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Got it!

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Hey Buzzer. If you get a chance check out our Extreme Tough Logger HD. One nice boot. As we find out what people like , we are adding boots daily. You can check these out at If you like them we can give you the discount . Just wanted to let you as a member know. Thank you Will and Wendy

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Ours are mostly leather. Some have Denier nylon on the upper. Our boots have also the composite toe. Non-metallic safety toe. Will. We also carry pull on 3inch top boots. The Extreme Tough Romeo HD. Thank you Will and Wendy.

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Thanks Nick for the excellent post. I learned a lot of things to help me help others. Will

    White Bear Lake,mn.
    Posts: 113

    I have tried alot of shoes,boots,etc. and found Worx to be the best on concrete for 8+ hrs. Good luck!

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Hi fieds, just something i thought of . SOCKS . A thin pair can really ruin the feel of your boots. when you get your boots , try on some comfortable thick style pair and you will really feel the diff. Thanks Wil

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    You have some good looking boots I will say my next pair I will give them a shot ill try anything once

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 357

    Hi Buzzer. Thank you for the look and nice comment. Just want you to know we are here for ya. Wil and Wend.

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