Dont worry boys, eventually America’s own Sodom and Gomorrah (Cali) will slide into the ocean…
WHEN? (as in “How Soon ?”)
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Dont worry boys, eventually America’s own Sodom and Gomorrah (Cali) will slide into the ocean…
WHEN? (as in “How Soon ?”)
If half of them are working, wouldn’t it be great to fill 7 million jobs with legal workers?
I think you’ll find a majority the jobs they are filling aren’t jobs most ‘legal’ American citizens would take. Harvesting crops and picking fruit isn’t the kind of job most “red-blooded Americans” are willing to line up for.
But, I could be wrong….
Im from the upper mid west. Same place as many of you guys. Guess my run ins with south of the border immigrants is that they work. Cant remember the last time I seen a Hispanic pan handling at a intersection in the cities. Seen far more working construction, food processing, lawn care or some other manual labor jobs. Im sure as with any group of people there are some dead beats and criminals. Hate to say their might even be a few legal dead beats in this country.
If they are working and being productive in this country lets make them citizens. Then they can get drivers licenses, insurance and so on. Might just be another solution to the problem.
If they are working and being productive in this country lets make them citizens. Then they can get drivers licenses, insurance and so on. Might just be another solution to the problem.
They have the opportunity to become citizens the same as all other immigrants. Do it correctly, and I will welcome immigrants with open arms, and probably offer them a job.
The key to this whole debate is the “ILLEGAL” part. Very slippery slope to allow one entire class of people to get a free pass simply because it is more convenient.
Im from the upper mid west. Same place as many of you guys. Guess my run ins with south of the border immigrants is that they work. Cant remember the last time I seen a Hispanic pan handling at a intersection in the cities. Seen far more working construction, food processing, lawn care or some other manual labor jobs. Im sure as with any group of people there are some dead beats and criminals. Hate to say their might even be a few legal dead beats in this country.
If they are working and being productive in this country lets make them citizens. Then they can get drivers licenses, insurance and so on. Might just be another solution to the problem.
So if I were to drive over to your house, unlicensed, while smoking pot and slamming some beers to rob your home, that would all be acceptable if I cut your lawn or put up a retaining wall?
Would the unemployment rate be high on your list? You could argue the 2 issues are related. I think I’ve heard the number of illegals is about 14 million. If half of them are working, wouldn’t it be great to fill 7 million jobs with legal workers? Granted, many of our legally unemployed are unwilling to do the same work for the same pay.
Well, considering the unemployemnt number is right around 14 million from what I read on the US Census Bureau, I guess we can all do the math and come to the conclusion that this is a huge effect on our unemployment here in the USA.
Im from the upper mid west. Same place as many of you guys. Guess my run ins with south of the border immigrants is that they work. Cant remember the last time I seen a Hispanic pan handling at a intersection in the cities. Seen far more working construction, food processing, lawn care or some other manual labor jobs. Im sure as with any group of people there are some dead beats and criminals. Hate to say their might even be a few legal dead beats in this country.
If they are working and being productive in this country lets make them citizens. Then they can get drivers licenses, insurance and so on. Might just be another solution to the problem.
So if I were to drive over to your house, unlicensed, while smoking pot and slamming some beers to rob your home, that would all be acceptable if I cut your lawn or put up a retaining wall?
Im not even sure of what to say to that. No that wouldnt be all right if you where legally in this country or not. Are you trying to say Illegals commit more crimes in this country than its own citizens? Dont know that for sure but my guess would be no. Guess if you take into account that they have all broken the law by being here illegally then maybe the answer would be yes.
I dont have much of a opinion on the effects of illegals on our unemployment either. Would imagine there are much more factors to this than just sending them home and it would correct our unemployment problems. It wouldn’t surprise me that if they where sent home many of their jobs and even employers may go with them just to follow the labor force.
I don’t know if I’m on your side on this one, but I definitely see your point. Where the disgust in this article should come from is the fact this police chief is thumbing his nose at a law passed in their state by the people.
Or is he trying to solve a issue in a way that is best for his community and what is going on there? Would imagine the voters will answer that.
When I started reading this post, I thought no way is this political… how could it be ??? Who is FOR people coming into this country, illegally, driving on the roads without a license/insurance, where one of my family members may be driving ? I don;t care if you are selling drugs, robbing liquor stores, or working in the field… if your here illegally, at one point in time, you commit a crime. The constitution was written to protect “citizens” of the United States… or was it written for illegal aliens ???
Pretty cut and dry here.
Tow em and auction em off to drive down that states record breaking debt
My point is simply this, abide by the laws. If you want to come here, come on in, we have plenty to offer but do it the right way.
Yes we do have our own issues in the mid west but I dont think illegal immigration is real high on the list.
Every man takes the the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
Bingo! Are you really in that small of a box where you don’t think illegal immigration is high on our list? Get real! How about our costs of education, law enforcement, heath care, auto insurance…need I go on? This issue is costing us all a ton of money. If I could go to a place where heathe care was free, didn’t have to pay income taxes (just consumer taxes) give my kids a great education on someone elses dime, count me in.
Or is he trying to solve a issue in a way that is best for his community and what is going on there? Would imagine the voters will answer that.
If they could actually keep the voting to citizens
Have nothing against people that are here legally. They are here to work????
Uforunatley they are probably the most used and abused work force in the Country.
I am not spouting liberalism here…It’s just a fact.
I am glad I am not in thier position.. just walk a mile in another mans shoes and you may see things in a different light.
If they could actually keep the voting to citizens
Amen to that Brett. And they say we don’t need voter IDs. Kind of frustrating thinking that an illegal can go vote based on the address on a utility bill and their vote counts just as much as mine. At least it will be more difficult when they start to enforce WI voter ID Bill.
Or is he trying to solve a issue in a way that is best for his community and what is going on there?
LE’s don’t make laws, they enforce the laws that are given to them.
As bad as it sounds, the above statement is not the Sheriffs job.
I don’t know if I’m on your side on this one, but I definitely see your point. Where the disgust in this article should come from is the fact this police chief is thumbing his nose at a law passed in their state by the people.
My brother is a police officer and I have 2 other good friends that are too. Unfortunately, “nose thumbing” happens way too often. I’m a bit of an idealist. A law is a law; but I’ve been in way too many discussions with these three that tell me otherwise. In effect they are saying some laws warrant more attention than others. I see their point when it starts talking about man hours to write up every Jay walking violation.
As to the original post. Someone mentioned that it becomes difficult to empathize with an issue when we are so far removed. I have to agree. I don’t have a complete history on this specific concern that the Chief is working hard to alleviate. I do know that I spent two years living on the West Coast and have learned that there is way more to the issue than written in that short article. I would venture to say that a partial story has been depicted. No matter how thin the pancake, there’s always two sides. I’m not sure if the chief is “stupid”, but it is evident that there is a problem that is trying to get remedied.
I only need to read some of the bleeding Heart views here to know this country is in a ton of trouble. You say that this is not a midwest issue – You are correct this is a US Issue. Last time I looked the West coast is in the US.
I think the Immigration issue was present 100 and 200 years ago. We are simply uncomfortable having a large number of foreigners around us.
They are here illegally and should not be here. I agree. I have heard that the legal immigration process is extremely difficult, expensive and lengthy.
So, if we agree with them being here legally is OK then lets make that process easier for them. It had to be pretty easy 100 years ago… This would be a very cheap solution and would only boost our urine poor economy.
Mike, you have a supporter out there .
I’m sure he doesn’t want to step on any toes before the next election
If LA is like Minnesota the police chief is not elected. They are appointed by the Mayor. The Sheriff on the other hand is elected.
I think he actually helped himself with this move. He scored some brownie points with the Mayor and will be a shoe in for another appointment unfortunately.
My point is simply this, abide by the laws. If you want to come here, come on in, we have plenty to offer but do it the right way.
I would bet many of those people would love to do that. So how easy is it to become a legal US citizen. My Captain in Zehautanjo mexico says he has been trying for years to make it happen with no luck. Worked with one guy that tried and could not make it happen to the point that it was worth his while to take a 20′ open air panga with a old 40hp from Ecuador across the gulf of mexico to the US and then go into hiding and for a number of years before being able to become a US citizen. Think he might of rather just filed out some forms. Im very happy for him now as he is a journeymen plumber in the local union with a decent house and family.
Country going to heck? From what? People coming to this country looking for opportunity? Not sure but I dont think that is anything new. People expressing different opinions? Maybe we should shut that down. Think there are a few countries right now that are trying that but are a little preoccupied with their leaders trying to stay in power. Maybe the issue is with elected officials trying to do what is best for their communities and maybe sticking their necks out a little and putting their jobs on the line. Thats it. Dam him for making a decision that was asked of him by his community.
Guess he should of called Wisc and ask them what was best for southern California.
My sister-in-law’s family “legally” immigrated from Mexico..
They were not rich or privileged in any way,so it’s not that tough….they just had to work for it….
BTW She and her family are very unhappy about the illegals also..
Guess he should of called Wisc and ask them what was best for southern California.
Glad you beat that horse again
I have great friends that live in Arizona that work in the school system there that are very happy to know there are people in Wisconsin that support there illegal immigrants laws. You want to hear horror stories’, open your ears and listen to the law abiding citizens in these states so close to the boarder. Texas also has there hands full right now. I’d bet there are some in California that would like to know the US tax payer is opening there eyes and taking notice while supporting stricter immigration laws too!
You will not get me to buy into making it easier for these people to become citizens or that they are all hard workers doing what the rest of us don’t want to do. How soon we forget how we were flooded with illegal Cubans when they cleaned out there jail system. I lived that right here in the La Crosse area when they set up refuge camps at Fort Mc Coy. That was also a bunch of BS.
Illegal immigrants are driving up your cost of living. How do you not see that or want to support that is beyond me.
Why do we just keep slapping there hands? Well, I guess it is because not enough people have seen the light yet. Amazing in my opinion
Has anyone read the book “The World is Flat”? Friedman, I think. Those who adapt, flourish. As we have witnessed, there are hugely varing viewpoints that have been expressed around here on cyberspace. I find the name calling interesting. It seems to me like there is/could/should be a bigger picture perspective taken from this topic.
Why do we just keep slapping there hands? Well, I guess it is because not enough people have seen the light yet. Amazing in my opinion
So you’re saying that you don’t support illegal immigration?
I geuss all of the illegal immigrants in California stay in California….not. There are many in the midwest and they have come through Arizona, Texas and California to get here and others are brought here by those that are here already increasing the number of illegal immigrants in the midwest. I have a nephew that lost a job last month that he just started because he asked the wrong question to an illegal immigrant (which he did not know was) working for a company about taxes on a his first paycheck, he has a baby due in October, so not all jobs they do are ones Americans do not want to do. I know this information for a fact, I can not say in public forum how because others may suffer from reprisal, even job loss. This is a problem for the whole US and cost the American citizens millions of dollars, maybe more. I also know many who are legal immigrants and I welcome them and applaud them for their efforts to become citizens of this country.
I wonder if there are any stats on illegal Canadians in the US. There must be some. How come they don’t create such an emotional upheaval?
I wonder if there are any stats on illegal Canadians in the US. There must be some. How come they don’t create such an emotional upheaval?
Did you do a search? You don’t hear anything because its 3 Canadians versus 14 million Mexicans.
Im from the upper mid west. Same place as many of you guys. Guess my run ins with south of the border immigrants is that they work. Cant remember the last time I seen a Hispanic pan handling at a intersection in the cities. Seen far more working construction, food processing, lawn care or some other manual labor jobs. Im sure as with any group of people there are some dead beats and criminals. Hate to say their might even be a few legal dead beats in this country.
If they are working and being productive in this country lets make them citizens. Then they can get drivers licenses, insurance and so on. Might just be another solution to the problem.
Great, they can become citizens. I don’t care how much they work, do it legally and pay taxes like the rest of us. It must be nice to get tax free money for the work you do and then still collect section 8, food stamps and the like.
I wonder if there are any stats on illegal Canadians in the US. There must be some. How come they don’t create such an emotional upheaval?
Did you do a search? You don’t hear anything because its 3 Canadians versus 14 million Mexicans.
Nope. That’s why I said “wonder”. I’ve done way too much research lately. Basically to lazy to find out for myself, but not too lazy to ask the question.
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