Trying to catch minnows in my trap “no luck”

  • eauclaireboys
    Eau Claire wi
    Posts: 145

    I bought a minnow trap recently hoping to help with the minnow shortage every time we head out for a 5+ day trip.

    We go to canada and rainy twice a year. And seem to always run out of minnows, and having to back track 20 miles to get more. Or having to get gouged for them at some resort it always painfull.

    So one day a light bulb went off! I’ll buy some, then catch the rest problem solved. However i set my trap out friday night in a near by pond baited it with a hamburger bun. And then saturday afternoon grabed the boat with the plan of getting the trap and a bucket of minnows. Well wouldn’t you know not even one.

    SO my question to you all is what did I do wrong or what do I need to do when I go to Rainy lake next week to catch some minnows.

    Is there a type of location that holds minnows better than other?

    Is there a bait to put in the trap that will produce better results?

    Thanks for your help.

    Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    I’ve had success using a small amount of dry dog food for bait. As far as trap placement, put it where you see a lot of minnows. Typically shallow water near shore where you see schools swim by or near docks.

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    Try bread but find a small creek

    Posts: 3835

    Get a few traps to put out helps too. Just like deadliest catch, some pots come up empty.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I’m trying to picture your plan. Are you taking frozen minnows to Canada?

    I haven’t been to Canada in a few years but did not think you could bring live minnows from US into Canada. Much less live minnows from WI into MN?

    I could be wrong, just asking!

    Eau Claire wi
    Posts: 145

    During our fising trip i hope to get minnows. and this trip we are going to MN side of rainy for five days.

    Last year we ran out on day 3 and the resort that was close was like 8.00 for a scoop. Thats crazy money to pay but what are you gona do. So i spent 10 bucks on a trap, figured id buy 2-3 scoops at the bait shop in international falls, (if you get too many they are hard to keep alive), Then catch the rest.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    If its legal in the area use a minnow seine. Two guys and a minnow seine can get more minnows in a couple hours than a bunch of traps will get over a week. Quick, easy, cheap!

    Posts: 10

    I have friends that fish up there and they swear on frozen salted minnows and gulp minnows too.

    Posts: 1054

    Remember you cannot trap minnows in Ontario. But since you said Mn side this time of year you will need to find feeder creeks and use dry dog food or use ice jigs and waxie under float and catch chubs and shiners in the creeks. Make sure creek is not designated trout stream as you cannot trap bait in them. I have not had much luck trapping minnows in a lake except during spring time. . Seining is an option if you can find sandy beach usually there are minnows around.


    Blaine, MN/Malmo,MN
    Posts: 58


    I’ve had success using a small amount of dry dog food for bait. As far as trap placement, put it where you see a lot of minnows. Typically shallow water near shore where you see schools swim by or near docks.

    X2 I put mine near a dock or downed tree on the mostly windy side of whatever body of water I’m on. Dog food works great.

    SE WI
    Posts: 146

    If you’re in a good location,using decent bait (I use moist catfood in a pouch – extra pouches last forever) then you may be leaving the trap in too long. I’ve found that I would have a dozen or more redtails in my trap in an hour or so but if I left the trap longer,they’d all escape.

    Posts: 5660

    It is my understanding that trapped minnows cannot cross state borders, but I won’t swear to it. I’d check on that.

    Regardless of the transportation of bait across state lines I’d suggest having the Rainy Lake One Stop air pack your minnows and then sinking them in bait tamers in cold water will keep them alive. My guess would be if you can keep minnows alive during your drive to Rainy Lake you,ll be able to keep them alive “Air Packed” from the bait shop to your camping/resort destination. It is a good plan to purchase one of the large bait tamers or 2, and you’ll be able to use this for other trips as well. We’ve been using these “Tamers” for BWCA trips and houseboat trips for years with no issues.

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    One mere trap is not going to keep you going on a good bite.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    Use plastics or Gulp Alive then you won’t have to worry about minows

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