Wiscosin History being made

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987




    Keep in mind that WI does not require ANYTHING to open carry right now.

    I consider open carry and conceal/carry two different mind sets which reaaly don’t compare. Just my opinion however.


    And of course I respect your opinion. Some day we’ll have to chat about this, ’cause I’m befuddled. Unless your talking about open carry for hunting.

    I would like to chat with you too Brian. If your intent is to stay safe and protect yourself as well as avoid confrontation why would one advertise they were armed? (open carry) Why would a reasonable person want to open carry in an urban environment knowing full well they are drawing attention to themselves and upsetting people around them? If you are really concerned with protecting yourself and your family why would you give up the element of suprise which one of the biggest advantages you can have?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Way off track Mike.

    You know I’m all about concealment to avoid the “holy crap a GUN!” syndrome.

    My question to my pro stadium friend was about the “mind set” difference between open and concealed carry. Which by the way I “get” with his explanation.

    My take is that if a person is going to carry for protection should you ever need it, whether it “cowboy” style, concealed, in your car or in your bedroom night stand drawer, we better know the rules. With or without a permit, with or without training we’ll find ourselves in a deep pile of walleyes.

    My disagreement was with no training needed with open carry…again, to me, if it’s for protection it really doesn’t matter where the weapon is kept.

    Yeah, I know the second amendment rights…and really it’s up to the person that wants to carry to know the laws, but these classes are a convenient way to learn them.

    Flame on.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    For those who think “everybody” has a right to carry, how about Charlie Manson, or his followers, the columbine shooters, Ted Bundy, etc???

    Getting closer to the point, how about people who have no idea when they can or can not shoot, what will happen when they do pull the tigger and more importantly where that bullet will go, these people should not be carring, open or closed.

    Their right to do carry should not bring others in harms way, I have a right not to be shot by a shooter who hasn’t a clue.

    I can’t hardly belive in anyone with any common sense that wouldn’t want these people who carry to be safe.

    But everybodies entitled to their opinion.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    But everybodies entitled to their opinion.

    …and everyone is (sadly) entitled to the second amendment.

    Well, almost everyone.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    after reading that, for any of you that are close to the MN border, i would strongly suggest taking a MN course, get the MN Permit To Carry, and then use that as your required training to get your Wisconsin Concealed Carry Permit.

    This will allow you to carry in your homestate, and will also grant you more reciprocity in other states. If you are going to spend the money on a training program, i would strongly suggest doing it this way.

    just my $.02

    WI. is honoring other states permits, meaning if your a MN. resident- when the law goes you can carry in WI.
    WI. residents can recieve training from a MN. certified trainer and use that to get WI. permit.
    IT will up MN to decide if they honor WI. permits. This is something that has to be ironed out yet.
    If your a WI. resident I wouldn’t worry about getting a MN. permit at this time.
    Remember a MN. permit will not cover you if your a WI. resident and don’t have a WI. permit.

    what i was saying Don, is that lets say you want to get your WI CCW permit. You have to have some sort of training, lets say you have none.

    you are going to go to a wisconsin trainer and pay him $100 to get training, which will then be used on your permit application.

    when you’re approved, you now have a permit in WI, and for now is good in Wisconsin only. not to mention, that with how loose the requirements in WI are, your reciprocity might not be as good as some other states are.

    So, why not spend that $100 with a MN instructor, get your MN permit to carry. then you take that and use that for your “training” for your WI CCW Permit application.

    When you receive your WI CCW Permit, you now have the right to carry in WI, MN and all of the states that have reciprocity with both of them.

    the only extra cost is the $100 application fee for your MN permit.

    does that make sense?

    Because if you want reciprocity with more states, and try to get a non-resident permit through say MN or Florida, using your Wisconsin training….it may not pass, since WI does not have as stringent training requirements as MN or Florida.

    get your training at a higher level requirement, and then it will pass down onto more permits.

    hopefully that cleared it up a bit. Just trying to help out some of you fellow border folks.

    Posts: 3681



    But everybodies entitled to their opinion.

    …and everyone is (sadly) entitled to the second amendment.

    Well, almost everyone.

    I can not belive you said that Brian. Sadly.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I have great faith in fools–self-confidence,my friends call it.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I would wait until after Aug. 14th when more light will be shed on training and classes.
    I agree that getting training from a instructor that covers the requirments of more states is a good idea. My point is, don’t rush out and spend 100.00 for a MN. permit and then turn around and burn 50.00 on a WI.
    Would it not make more sense to get the WI. permit that will cover other states anyway. Then you can use that 100.00 for more training.
    Just make sure the instructor you choose covers the other states plus WI.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    I would wait until after Aug. 14th when more light will be shed on training and classes.
    I agree that getting training from a instructor that covers the requirments of more states is a good idea. My point is, don’t rush out and spend 100.00 for a MN. permit and then turn around and burn 50.00 on a WI.
    Would it not make more sense to get the WI. permit that will cover other states anyway. Then you can use that 100.00 for more training.
    Just make sure the instructor you choose covers the other states plus WI.

    Exactly the group doing my training I could have purchased a CC permit for almost any state except Florida where they require hands on shooting. So in reality I can apply for any state permit that does not require residency.

    Posts: 30

    The MN trainers with classes over here are charging $250 and that only covers the class not the application.

    Concealed carry also will allow me to carry a loaded weapon in my fanny pack while hunting which is not legal now.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    The MN trainers with classes over here are charging $250 and that only covers the class not the application.

    Concealed carry also will allow me to carry a loaded weapon in my fanny pack while hunting which is not legal now.

    you need to shop around, because 95% of the trainers out there are less then $250….

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    The MN trainers with classes over here are charging $250 and that only covers the class not the application.

    Concealed carry also will allow me to carry a loaded weapon in my fanny pack while hunting which is not legal now.

    you need to shop around, because 95% of the trainers out there are less then $250….

    Definitely, we paid a $100 for the last 2 classes we took, check the gun clubs or shooting sports like IDPA or USPSA websites for local chapters and ask them about classes.

    Maybe also check the NRA website.


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