after reading that, for any of you that are close to the MN border, i would strongly suggest taking a MN course, get the MN Permit To Carry, and then use that as your required training to get your Wisconsin Concealed Carry Permit.
This will allow you to carry in your homestate, and will also grant you more reciprocity in other states. If you are going to spend the money on a training program, i would strongly suggest doing it this way.
just my $.02
WI. is honoring other states permits, meaning if your a MN. resident- when the law goes you can carry in WI.
WI. residents can recieve training from a MN. certified trainer and use that to get WI. permit.
IT will up MN to decide if they honor WI. permits. This is something that has to be ironed out yet.
If your a WI. resident I wouldn’t worry about getting a MN. permit at this time.
Remember a MN. permit will not cover you if your a WI. resident and don’t have a WI. permit.
what i was saying Don, is that lets say you want to get your WI CCW permit. You have to have some sort of training, lets say you have none.
you are going to go to a wisconsin trainer and pay him $100 to get training, which will then be used on your permit application.
when you’re approved, you now have a permit in WI, and for now is good in Wisconsin only. not to mention, that with how loose the requirements in WI are, your reciprocity might not be as good as some other states are.
So, why not spend that $100 with a MN instructor, get your MN permit to carry. then you take that and use that for your “training” for your WI CCW Permit application.
When you receive your WI CCW Permit, you now have the right to carry in WI, MN and all of the states that have reciprocity with both of them.
the only extra cost is the $100 application fee for your MN permit.
does that make sense?
Because if you want reciprocity with more states, and try to get a non-resident permit through say MN or Florida, using your Wisconsin training….it may not pass, since WI does not have as stringent training requirements as MN or Florida.
get your training at a higher level requirement, and then it will pass down onto more permits.
hopefully that cleared it up a bit. Just trying to help out some of you fellow border folks.