Seat Belts

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Are are all of you who are defending the Government on the seat belt law also going to defend them if they pass laws against Cig’s and Beer????????/

    They already have passed those laws.

    If you guys are going to use that argument, then I can just throw back, why do we have speed limits. Why can’t I strap my 6 month baby to the hood of my car and drive around? Why can’t I yell fire in a crowded theater? Damn nanny state.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010



    Are are all of you who are defending the Government on the seat belt law also going to defend them if they pass laws against Cig’s and Beer????????/

    They already have passed those laws.

    If you guys are going to use that argument, then I can just throw back, why do we have speed limits. Why can’t I strap my 6 month baby to the hood of my car and drive around? Why can’t I yell fire in a crowded theater? Damn nanny state.

    Cuz you have Michelle to answer to.

    Posts: 3010


    Cuz you have Michelle to answer to.

    Would that be Mrs Pug or Mrs Obama ?
    Because Mrs Obama wants to interfere with your Happy Meal too, ya know.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908




    ….save us far, far, more money than the medical bills unbelted people people would create.

    Have any real data to back that up? I’d be interesting in reading more on that topic.


    Shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that with far less mistakes on the road there would be less money spent on medical.
    Maybe in your case it does?

    BK I run over you with my truck at 10mph there’s a good chance of killing you, it’s not the speed, it the mistakes on the road that cause the collisions.

    Do you have a better chance of more damage at higher speeds, sure, but speed itself does not kill.


    Your statements are completely off. Look at stats in other countries where they have successfully eliminated drunk driving. Accident rates remain steady pretty much year to year as they are here.


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    As far as the govt making it a law, nope.

    Other than when has the govt actually done anything right, I’d have them make sure people knew how to drive, and kept drunks off the road, seat belts would become a none issues and save us far, far, more money than the medical bills unbelted people people would create.

    Seatbelt laws are another political feel good law that was easy to enact and really don’t do squat about the bigger problems on our roadways.

    Much like the speed kills BS they preached to us all this time.


    They call them accidents for a reason.

    And for all the reasons you give Al, seatbelts better protect people from people who don’t know how to drive and drunks.

    The deal is if not wearing a seatbelt only affected the people doing it, I would be upset with the law, like I was when it first was enacted. If it only affected those not wearing them I would be all for natural selection in the gene pool.

    Never took a drivers ed course I see, they are not accidents, they are errors in driving…I suppose and earthquake tosses ya into another car that might be a accident, but the majority of crashes on the road are driving errors.

    You eliminate the majority of them, you drop the percentage of people hurt on the road by a large percentage, that’s where the reduction in cost comes from, sober driver who haven’t a clue may only be slightly better than a drunk one.

    I never said don’t wear one, I said don’t let the govt make us..big difference

    Oh…jon read my post…I said drunk drivers and poor road skils.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    Cuz you have Michelle to answer to.

    Would that be Mrs Pug or Mrs Obama ?
    Because Mrs Obama wants to interfere with your Happy Meal too, ya know.

    Miss Pug. And she has cut the happy meal out for me too. Some girls don’t like moobs and guys who look pregnant.

    Back on point, I think to AmWatson’s original post, even if you don’t like the law, as you can see in his post that your actions have consequences on other people. I’ll leave it at that.

    ps. Cutting out McDonald’s hasn’t helped.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Ok, but you present your opinion as fact. It is not unless you can back it up with some real data.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Never took a drivers ed course I see, they are not accidents, they are errors in driving…

    Come on, you have to go and ruin one of my more clever posts!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    NASCAR requires belts. Good enough for me.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Oh wait, I think I wound a loophole or something. Then is there such a thing as an accident? Wouldn’t all things be the result of human error?

    Posts: 3010




    Cuz you have Michelle to answer to.

    Would that be Mrs Pug or Mrs Obama ?
    Because Mrs Obama wants to interfere with your Happy Meal too, ya know.

    Miss Pug. And she has cut the happy meal out for me too.

    Note to self “don’t let anyone named Michelle obtain influence in my life”

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026





    Cuz you have Michelle to answer to.

    Would that be Mrs Pug or Mrs Obama ?
    Because Mrs Obama wants to interfere with your Happy Meal too, ya know.

    Miss Pug. And she has cut the happy meal out for me too.

    Note to self “don’t let anyone named Michelle obtain influence in my life”

    Good Call. Now i am off to do the laundry.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Now i am off to do the laundry.

    Did you and your girlfriend break up?

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    Never took a drivers ed course I see, they are not accidents, they are errors in driving…

    Come on, you have to go and ruin one of my more clever posts!

    You and I go out fishing, I catch fish…that’s a accident..:)
    btw we should get out if it ever cools down.

    Acts of nature and such I’d think are accident Pug, I’ll give ya defects in vechicles are too, but running into the side of a semi while missing the light has turned red for you because you were on the cell phone and putting your make up on is not a accident..:)


    Posts: 18

    Always wear your seatbelt.

    I am an accident reconstructionist and 99% of my business is from people not wearing them. They get thrown all over the car, and often out of it. They die. Often. I have seen it all and I click my belt before I even drive in a parking lot.

    Think of it this way. Find a nice solid brick wall. Stand back about 50 feet and run at it as fast as you can. Keep running directly at the wall until you smack into it. You can even throw your hands up at the end if you like. Now how do you think that would feel? That’s a car accident at 15mph. Only 15mph. Imagine it at 30. Or 50.

    Central MN
    Posts: 323


    Damn nanny state.

    Traffic deaths in 2009: 31,000

    Heart disease deaths in 2009: 600,000+


    A bunch of do-gooders worrying about someone else buckling up because it allegedly might cost them more in insurance?


    If you want to play the insurance card when it comes to traffic fatalities then you better be careful because it’s a slippery slope towards food regulation. In fact they are already targeting “bad” foods thanks in large part to Obamacare, i.e. socialized health care, hence the point I made earlier about giving up foods detrimental to your health.

    Isn’t it interesting that when somebody’s deep fat fried walleye fillets, pork ribs, or brats and beer are the target that all of a sudden it’s a different story and the goal posts are moved???

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    Damn nanny state.

    Traffic deaths in 2009: 31,000

    Heart disease deaths in 2009: 600,000+


    A bunch of do-gooders worrying about someone else buckling up because it allegedly might cost them more in insurance?


    If you want to play the insurance card when it comes to traffic fatalities then you better be careful because it’s a slippery slope towards food regulation. In fact they are already targeting “bad” foods thanks in large part to Obamacare, i.e. socialized health care, hence the point I made earlier about giving up foods detrimental to your health.

    Isn’t it interesting that when somebody’s deep fat fried walleye fillets, pork ribs, or brats and beer are the target that all of a sudden it’s a different story and the goal posts are moved???

    There are some differences. Food is required to live, driving is not. (most) People aren’t born with genetic predispositions were it doesn’t matter if they put their seat belt on or not. Most people can eat some “bad” food without adverse health affects.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    you were on the cell phone and putting your make up on is not a accident..

    Al, I see you’ve been in the car with Pug too. I don’t care for the shade mascara he uses…but that’s just my opinion.

    …and we all know everyone has an opinion. Happy weekend all!

    Anyone see my guitar?

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    you were on the cell phone and putting your make up on is not a accident..

    Al, I see you’ve been in the car with Pug too. I don’t care for the shade mascara he uses…but that’s just my opinion.

    …and we all know everyone has an opinion. Happy weekend all!

    Anyone see my guitar?

    Posts: 5130


    They call them accidents for a reason.

    I am a firm beleiver in there is no such thing as an “accident”. If you really dig into the root cause of these “accidents”, you will find there is/was a preventable cause. Whether it is lack of sleep, texting, reaching for something that distracts you from the road, to drinking alcohol or using drugs, ALL preventable and are the cause of the collision. We call vehicle crashed MVC’s (Motor Vehicle Crashes) now because there really are no accidents. They are all crashes that were caused by something.
    I have wish people who refuse to wear seatbelts had a sticker in their window that stated, ” I don’t wear a seat belt by choice. In the event of a crash, do not render medical aid”.
    But, that would go against my nature and I couldn’t ethically or morally watch you suffer from ignorance to the law or safety.
    As far as helmet laws, damn right they should be required as well, but that is a whole different animal. The helmet is only going to protect your head in the event of a crash. But, if you are a donor, at least it may be enough to keep you alive long enough to harvest your organs. At least in a car you have the cars structure to allow some protection.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Something tells me if I was putting mascara on in the car with all, I’d need a seat belt on to prevent me from being shoved out while traveling 55mph.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983

    I guess if there are no such things as accidents, then we need to start requiring animals to stay off the roads. Might as well outlaw night driving also. We need to change the minimum age to drive to around 25 and the upper end around 60, as the majority of fatal car crashes are in those age groups. We also need to require vehicles to never have an issue while driving… no more tire blow-outs at high speed, or any speed for that matter, are allowed. Also, no more sudden acceleration can occur… brakes cannot fail, can we get the government to mandate that these things do not happen anymore ? Sounds absurd doesn’t it ???

    That or how about require people to use proven safey equipment that is mandated in every vehicle built, if it is not possible to mandate the above non-accident things from happening… Because as said, these are not accidents, they can be prevented simply….stay home and don’t drive

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    After 35 years as a LEO and investigating hundreds of accidents were someone was killed, I only saw 1 dead person that was wearing a seat belt. Out of the hundreds that were killed, would seat belts have saved them all…..nope. But a lot more would still be alive than what were killed!! The worst were the kids whose parents had the “it won’t happen to me” attitude. As for adults……just another way of thinning out the stupid people and you know you just can’t fix stupid!!

    Central MN
    Posts: 323


    There are some differences. Food is required to live, driving is not. (most) People aren’t born with genetic predispositions were it doesn’t matter if they put their seat belt on or not. Most people can eat some “bad” food without adverse health affects.


    Posts: 5130


    no such things as accidents, then we need to start requiring animals to stay off the roads. Might as well outlaw night driving also. We need to change the minimum age to drive to around 25 and the upper end around 60, as the majority of fatal car crashes are in those age groups. We also need to require vehicles to never have an issue while driving… no more tire blow-outs at high speed, or any speed for that matter, are allowed. Also, no more sudden acceleration can occur… brakes cannot fail, can we get the government to mandate that these things do not happen anymore ? Sounds absurd doesn’t it ???

    Well big G, you just proved my point. Each and every one of those scenarios you described are root CAUSES of crashes.A crash doesn’t “just happen”. It is a simple cause and effect phenomenon.
    Simply being aware of and observing your surroundings helps a lot. It is your personal responsibility to be a safe driver. Get regular check-ups on your vehicles including checking tires. Even if it a manufacturer issue, then guess what, it was their responsibility to produce quality equipment.
    Let’s have a little scenario. You are driving on the road and you attempt to go through an intersection when your light is green. Another driver coming from 90 degrees to your side runs the red light and crashes into your vehicle. Accident? Absolutely not. There are really 2 people at fault here. The car that ran a red light was not paying attention or was distracted in some way. You ultimately would be responsible as well since you did not observe your surroundings and notice the other vehicle was approaching a red light at a rate faster than they could safely stop. Sure, the other car would more than likely be cited by law. But you are just as guilty, IMHO.
    It is too easy for people today to point fingers of blame. God forbid we take personal responsibility. It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault, isn’t it?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983

    I was not saying their is not a “cause” to a crash… there is a “cause” to everything…. if you don’t want to get into a car crash.. stay home. Of course, that does not mean somebody won’t come crashing through your living room wall and hit you in your lounge chair (no seatbelt on that) but come on…. is it not possible to have a vehicle in great shape, be driving down a road and have a HUGE boulder come rolling down a hillside and into your path ??? Should we be looking for boulders constantly ?? What was your original post about… wearing a seatbelt and YOU are gonna turn it into, don’t drive, because you want to blame somebody else…?? How about this, if you don’t want to see people hurt in car crashes, don’t be an EMT ??? Make sense ??? Thats what you want to turn this post into ???

    WOW.. I think the prick part is surfacing…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983

    Definition of ACCIDENT taken from Merriam Webster…

    1a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b : lack of intention or necessity : chance <met by accident rather than by design>
    2a : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance b : an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious <a cerebrovascular accident> c : an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought d —used euphemistically to refer to an involuntary act or instance of urination or defecation
    3: a nonessential property or quality of an entity or circumstance <the accident of nationality>

    Posts: 3010


    …. if you don’t want to get into a car crash.. stay home. Of course, that does not mean somebody won’t come crashing through your living room wall and hit you in your lounge chair (no seatbelt on that)

    Well by gawd we need ta have a lounge-chair seat-belt law.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983



    …. if you don’t want to get into a car crash.. stay home. Of course, that does not mean somebody won’t come crashing through your living room wall and hit you in your lounge chair (no seatbelt on that)

    Well by gawd we need ta have a lounge-chair seat-belt law.

    I do not see how being strapped in when getting hit by a vehicle would help ? I could however see, if your drunk & watching the game, so you don’t fall out ?? Has it been proven, wearing a seatbelt in a lounge chair, when being hit by a car would help ??? If it has, then it would make sense if thousands are being killed yearly because of it…

    Posts: 3010

    News from Capital Hill
    Lounge-chair seat-belt law has been amended to lounge-chair helmet law, consideration of body armor requirement still in committee

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