zero turn lawn mower help/suggestions

  • onestout
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    My 40 year old riding mower has finally given up on life and I am in the market for a new used mower (the last one was free from my grandpa). I am looking at the zero turns and there are so many choices and price ranges. I’m not in the market for a commercial grade but I want one that is going to last. I currently don’t mow very much but the lawn grows more each year, eventually it will be around 3-4 acres or more. I’m looking for ideas on what others have had good luck with or bad luck. Thanks

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    I know of a couple differant guys who bought gravely 60″ zero turns. one of my friends bought one last year and the other friend bought one this year… cut down there lawn mowing time about half… the last friend had a 40″ zero turn before this one…. i would say you could be getting more fishing time
    as far i know it has been basically trouble free

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    My father’s going to list his Husqvarna Zero turn mower for sale here soon. Cannot remember the exact spec’s on it but it’s very low hours, in great condition, and only a few years old. Only reason he’s selling is because he rebuilt his old lawn tractor which is more friendly for blowing snow and other yard chores.

    Shoot me a PM if you want his contact information.

    Good luck in whatever you decide!

    Swea City, Iowa
    Posts: 451

    I have a 48” Snapper that is a mowing machine, just watch the square cornered decks. Bad design IMO. Just power washed mine out. (Again) Snapper, Hustler, Gravely, I would think all would be a good choice.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    I just boought a simplicity zero turn and it works great, 18hp 44in cut, full roller deck strips sweet check out Gerlachs in hastings i deal with Ross

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I know you said not interested in a commercial ZTR but if your going to be getting into cutting 3-4 acres I would highly recommend one. They are built tougher and blade speed is much faster then home owner models. Which translates into less mowing time and fuel savings. We went from a Simplicity hydrostatic tractor style with a 48 inch deck to a Great Dane commercial with a 60 inch deck. Went from taking almost 4-4 1/2 hours to mow to less then 45 minutes with less hand trimming. We purchased it used and have had it for 7 years now and besides sharpening blades, changing oil, that is it. We mow roughly 3 acres.

    Edited to add…It will mow just as fast as you can stand to ride. This thing will cut at 12mph if the lawn is smooth enough.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569


    Edited to add…It will mow just as fast as you can stand to ride. This thing will cut at 12mph if the lawn is smooth enough.

    That sounds fun! I want one.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Thanks for the responses, I forgot that a freind of mine has one. I’m going to get his and try it out to see if I like them bafore I buy one, his is a Cub Cadet residential model 54″.

    Pete, PM sent.

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