Google +

  • dave-barber
    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Google’s answer to facebook. I am quite impressed. It is by invite only right now… I got in about 4 days in to the beta. I personally think that, once it catches on, it will give fb a run for its money. the permission settings are much better than fb. You can set up circles of friends and decide which circles can see which posts of yours. Much more user friendly than FB.

    Anyway… I got invites to give away. I think right now you have to have a gmail email address to get in. If you are interested in getting in on the beta… either post your gmail here in the thread or send me a PM. I will send invites as I have time and until I use them up (have 51 invites avail right now).

    Please note… google closes down the invite system quite a bit during the beta to prevent an overload. Once I send an invite, when you respond… if you get a message stating it is closed… just keep trying intermittently. That is how I got in. It sounds like they open it up for so many people during the day or during the hour… so you never know.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Another facebook….it’s hard enough to keep up with one

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Dave, wanna be in my IDO circle?

    It is pretty slick. And it feels more refined and less bloated than Facebook. Best of all, no Facebook Apps, so no more fricken game requests from people.

    Facebook killer? That remains to be seen, but I wouldn’t cry if Facebook became the new Myspace.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Dave, wanna be in my IDO circle?

    Sure. I don’t have any circles yet… lol. haven’t had time to mess around with it.

    On a side note… you can create circles and add people.. and those people will not know the NAME of the circles. People will not know what level of sharing/posting is available for them to view.

    And yes… awesome none of that game crap is there.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Google+ or some other one will eventually replace FB. Like myspace, one gets old and people move on. Especially if it is cleaner (not all the apps that FB has). I for one would welcome the change.

    Posts: 10


    Google+ or some other one will eventually replace FB. Like myspace, one gets old and people move on. Especially if it is cleaner (not all the apps that FB has). I for one would welcome the change.

    Posts: 10


    Another facebook….it’s hard enough to keep up with one


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Google+ or some other one will eventually replace FB. Like myspace, one gets old and people move on. Especially if it is cleaner (not all the apps that FB has). I for one would welcome the change.

    Myspace’s issue was that it was too customizable and hackable. Most people’s pages looked like someone threw up skittles on it.

    WARNING: BK is now on Google+. Hmm, what should I name the circle he will be the sole member of. Any suggestions?

    Posts: 1


    Google+ or some other one will eventually replace FB. Like myspace, one gets old and people move on. Especially if it is cleaner (not all the apps that FB has). I for one would welcome the change.

    Thank you, this is good news for new visitors.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    I have sent out 3 invites to the community here. Still have invites left. Not sure how many… but will continue to send invites to those who request one.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Quick question that I could Google in 10 seconds, but I know you IDOers will come through. Can 1 person be added to more than one circle? I am guessing yes.

    Posts: 1583

    google+ is a big sausagefest right now.

    Croix Valley
    Posts: 689

    G+ is going to be hard to beat when they get done with the testing phase Just got done adding my music to the cloud too.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    forgot to add to last post… I sent the requested invites above.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Had a few more PMs… the IDO Google+ community getting strong!

    I am off to County Fair for a short while. So.. if you want an invite… PM or reply and I will do so time permitting. But not as fast as you may like…

    Posts: 2014


    Quick question that I could Google in 10 seconds, but I know you IDOers will come through. Can 1 person be added to more than one circle? I am guessing yes.

    Sorry sure you have the answer already but yes they can be in as many or few circles as you choose. BK’s circle. Blocked?

    I’m rrsweet07@gmail Feel free to add me if anyone wants.
    I’ve been on G+ since day one. IT’s slick but the best part… Family isn’t on it yet.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’ve yet to figure out how to add people via email…

    Nevermind. I found that when you start a new stream post and you type it into the place where you add people to share with, then it converts the email to the persons name/profile and you can then add them.

    It seems silly that it doesn’t work pasting the email into the Find People box.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    what should I name the circle he will be the sole member of.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    what should I name the circle he will be the sole member of.


    You can’t put emoticons in circle names.

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