No license means no fishing, says Minnesota DNR

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Exactly. He failed to provide any leadership in the entire process. Even the Dems will admit to that. They were clueless on how to proceed.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    So the Rep’s (admittedly?) were the only one’s with any kind of leadership in this process ?? And they are taking credit ??? Nice job Amy…

    Posts: 5660

    In an update Tom emailed me back this afternoon. Though I might not agree with his position I will give credit where credit is due while realizing our situation is NOT his doing.

    In summarizing his reply he stated it is his position that DNR needs to enforce the law and not work around it or find loopholes. To this I agree with Tom that he is simply doing his job and the command post to look the other way is higher on the pole. Again……LEADERSHIP?? Where is it?? If the state felt it necessary to protect citizens rights to fish and also at the same time wanted to protect small business owners the direction should have came from Dayton. That is IMHO. However you decide to dice it both tourists and tourism have been burned by the state of Minnesota. Like it or not Dayton heads our State goverment and the buck stops here……..Literally

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    I’ll say it again. People who knew out of state clients were coming could have directed them to the DNR site to purchase a license before July 1.

    Correct the resort owner on Leech Lake called us a few days before the shutdown reminding people with reservations to get a license in case of a shut down. Although we already had our license i thought what great service they are providing for their customers.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Anyone who thinks this is Daytons budget & his shutdown (obviously so clouded by their party glasses), needs to learn how our gov’t works (or more appropriately how it doesn’t work) If anyone is a parent, they know it is always the 1 kids fault, for fighting with the other innocent one…

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Thay gave Dayton 5 balanced budgets that did not raise taxes. (Dayton refused to sign any of them.) So, yes they did the job they were elected to do!


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    We are $5 million in the hole! Granted this shutdown did nothing to help that but geez, the elected people have to do something. I think a balanced budget is mandated by law.

    There isn’t one person here that will ever convince me it was the Republicans, Democrats, or Govenors fault alone. It takes two to tangle and two to fight. Now, send the kids into a corner and lets get something worked out.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    and Dayton said he would raise taxes on the top 2%… is he not “trying” to do what he was elected to do, by the majority (whether your included in it or not) ???

    Posts: 3010

    I wouldn’t be quite so charitable in my reaction to Landwehr’s response.
    Simply doing his job?
    and the level at which to make such decisions is higher up the command post?
    He’s the DNR COMMISSIONER fer cripe sakes

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    That’s were the leadership part kicks in. He should have been at the table during all of the negotiations during session. He was absent. Most governors know when they are beat on a issue. He didn’t get it. The republicans had the votes, still do. Remember, these budget bills are voted on by both side of the isle before hitting the Govs desk. He made his entire party look bad here.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I agree with Brian 100%.

    It takes three votes to approve the budget. Dayton was elected on a platform of raising taxes. The republicans (House and Senate) were elected to shrink government — no new taxes. Both sides refused to compromise on those positions until today. This isn’t complicated.

    P.S. Delaying payments and borrowing against future revenue does not balance a budget. I’m not impressed at all with the proposals from either side.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    That’s where we differ… I can admit that our governor, along with both parties look bad and like baffoons… I also can accept that we have Dayton as governor, he is MY governor, whether I voted for him or not, just like my legislature. I won’t spend 2 or 4 years fighting someone, just because I don’t agree with everything they think. For this reason, I could never be a politician…. I would insist on getting stuff done, rather than bickering with all them.

    Posts: 5660

    COULD Dayton have chose to keep the State government functioning that we all count on?? Would have this temporary order to operate have saved millions of dollars for our state?? That was his decision and frankly I could give a **** whether he is a Dem or Rep. We need a busniness prudent government with good leadership. COMMONSENSE.

    YES for the 100th time most resort owner and guides including myself contacted our customers noting our goverment can’t agree on a budget and thus they need to drop everything they are doing and get online immediately. SUPER!! MANY guests do not book trips months in advance for anyone who cares. PERIOD. Beyond that I can’t help but laugh at the philosophy that the small business should be proactive in nature when our elected higher up in government aren’t held accountable for even getting something done “ON TIME??” I’m not sure I understand that line of thinking?? Beyond that both Resort owners and fishing guide volounteer to do the states job in collecting license fees for them?? Here you go…..TAKE THE $$ I assure you…….YOU NEED IT!!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    And to think this is a drop in the bucket compared to what could happen in D.C. next month.

    Posts: 5660


    And to think this is a drop in the bucket compared to what could happen in D.C. next month.

    My thinking precisely. So for our Pro-Active crew what all do you need to take care of before a nationwide shutdown. Here is your notice…….We all know about it. I’m thinking we all better get off the Net!! We’re gonna be busy.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Chris, I am not disagreeing Dayton loused up… along with everyone else. Prior admins should have gotten it done, to have a lights on provision, like other states. (Can we blame them too ? yes) Blame can be assessed later, let’s get the job done first. Some just put it squarely all on one guy and try to say, their party is just “keeping campaign promises”, which is exactly what Dayton was doing. Did he use the shutdown, to try to move the others to his line of thinking…. yes and that was wrong, but bottom line, 1 guy did not shutdown MN, just as 1 guy cannot get it up and running again…. it was many.

    Posts: 5660

    Agreed Big G!! Agreed

    I like the solution end of these conversations. Of course I wish the Solution end of the complex problem would have come prior to costing millions of dollars……But it IS what IT IS!! Kudos to all those who participated in this thread in a remarkably civil manner. Simply a great group of guys that our goverment could learn from. Lets get this DONE and let fisherman focus on FISH!! Then soon anglers will stop looking over our shoulders and simply be back looking into the bottom of the net!!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Chris, I hope you aren’t including me, I originally posted that comment about a resort owner who was complaining and I bet they are booked months in advance.

    Now, a little story about karma.

    I was excited when I got home and was informed by Michelle that we were invited to a cabin in Walker this weekend.

    You see, although my brother and sister have cabins, we have not been able to go for years because of our dogs. But we were given permission to bring them, so I was quite excited that we’d finally be going to a lake together.

    Yes, you know where this is headed. I caught myself when I started to say, “Yeah, I get to take you out…”. Whoops, she doesn’t have a license.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    1998 – Minnesota Hunting and Fishing Heritage Amendment
    Adopted, November 3, 1998 Article XIII, Sec. 12. Preservation of hunting and fishing.

    “Hunting and fishing and the taking of game and fish are a valued part of our heritage that shall be forever preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for the public good.”

    that is not a statement, a “law”, a policy, etc… It is an amendment to our state constitution. these are the libertys that we are afforded and given, by being a resident of this state.

    If the state chooses not to charge you, for following this constitutional right, then that is on them, NOT us!

    Any CO that chooses to write a citation should immediately be fired, for not upholding the very constitution they were sworn in on to uphold and protect.


    Posts: 5660

    Sorry to hear that mplspug!! Your surely not alone,and I know of several situations similiar to that. That is a prime example of how a large percentage of people don’t plan months in advance when it comes to a Minnesota “Up North” fishing trip. Many times our customers come up for the weekend when they hear of a hot bite. Yes sometimes this is a 7 day fishing bonanza planned a year in advance like a majority of our customers, but sometimes it is a mixture of fun with the family and a couple days wetting a line. Maybe that takes $1000.00 out of our pocket or $5-10,000 out of a local resorts checkbook. Whatever the figure is it stings a bit as we fill the boat up with $4.00 gas. Some guys have opted out of the day on the water and laced up the spikes for 18 holes of golf or other outdoor activities. Not all of us live and die fishing. Yes it is true you would have to lock me up to keep me off the water.

    We feel very fortunate in saying we are once again having a busier year than last. Actually another banner year with a robust customer base rebooking again next year. Still many of our friends and fellow business owners have been negatively effected. Many of these people are not active on the net like we are. These are simply good people working hard to make a buck. Many of us feel our government isn’t there to help us out, but what we do ask is that our local government leaders don’t make life MORE difficult in a downturning economy.

    Beyond that……….No I assure you I wasn’t singling anyone out. Just trying to make my point that asking resort owners or guides to plan months in advance while our elected officials are allowed to drag their feet hindering our economic prospects is a difficult hunk of stinky fish to swallow. Elected by and working for the people? I feel many Minnesotans feel a bit short changed. This for some reason rubs many of us wrong on so many levels as many families work 3-4 jobs. 60-70 hours a week on the job is just a normal week for many. Taking a holiday off doesn’t happen for any resorts or guide services? No sympathy here if they failed to get their job done. Cancel the family vacation “Dad is heading back to the office” That is reality for the rest of the world. I have little compassion for not being able to get it done, and frankly done RIGHT…..ON TIME. As for Dayton…. When you accept the “Top Dog” leadership investing a portion of your fortune to attain……..Then roll up your sleeves like the Blue collar work force when things fly south. Accept the burden of fixing the problem with the leadership qualities the position demands. Just a long winded opinion from a fishing guide.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Chris? can you get your booty over to Wi. and run for Gov??

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Bottom line is they set the rules up to follow. If they expect vacationers to buy a liscense under any circumstances then they are totally commited to have a liscense available under any circumstances. Just because liscenses weren’t available is no excuse. The system the way they set it up doesen’t totally work, so why should fishermen have to pay criminal penelties when they want to participate in it because thier way doesen’t cover everything. If they were issueing paper liscenses over the counter like they did not too long ago then there wouldn’t be any problem now or ever, it was thier decesion to issue them electronicly, not the fishermen. If they expect fishermen to buy one no matter what then they can be expected to have them available no matter what. Anyone could win this one in court, they made the rules so they also should follow them, not haveing them available isn’t the fishermens fault when theres another way to do it like having a temporary simple paper liscense available if the system shuts down for any unexpected reason, remember its no excuses. What would happen if thier electronics would shut down, is it the fishermens fault, temporary glitch? so was the governments shutdown. Remember they operate under a system where theres no excuses so they should also participate fairly.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    This MPR article may have been posted already but

    Fishing W/Out License – The Honor System

    I’m still waiting to hear of anyone, ANYONE, who has got ticketed or even checked for a license during the shutdown. I would bet the DNR will do everything in their power to avoid any controversy on the matter.

    Posts: 3010


    I’m still waiting to hear of anyone, ANYONE, who has got ticketed or even checked for a license during the shutdown. I would bet the DNR will do everything in their power to avoid any controversy on the matter.

    Welllll … that’s certainly not what the DNR Commisioner was saying; and there’s a word for someone who says one thing but does the opposite.
    So … For now I’ll take him at his word that he fully intended to enforce the law while at the same time denying the public of the mechanism by which they would be able to comply with the law. Of course there’s also a word for government officials who operate that way.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Welllll … that’s certainly not what the DNR Commisioner was saying; and there’s a word for someone who says one thing but does the opposite.
    So … For now I’ll take him at his word that he fully intended to enforce the law while at the same time denying the public of the mechanism by which they would be able to comply with the law. Of course there’s also a word for government officials who operate that way.

    You seriously don’t think the commissioner would openly endorse people fishing without a license, even in this circumstance.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792



    Welllll … that’s certainly not what the DNR Commisioner was saying; and there’s a word for someone who says one thing but does the opposite.
    So … For now I’ll take him at his word that he fully intended to enforce the law while at the same time denying the public of the mechanism by which they would be able to comply with the law. Of course there’s also a word for government officials who operate that way.

    You seriously don’t think the commissioner would openly endorse people fishing without a license, even in this circumstance.

    I agree, he’s in a tough spot. He’s been dealt a crappy hand by the idiots in charge in the Leg and executive branches. His best option would be to VERY vaguely state the laws are still in effect during the shutdown, but to tell the officers to enforce all the laws but look the other way on licenses behind the scenes. Which kind of seems what he has done. To my knowledge, the DNR did not decide to shut down the goverment in MN.

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