No license means no fishing, says Minnesota DNR

  • 85lund
    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I am heading to Rainy in August and knew I would need a MN license for the trip. I heard about the shutdown here on IDO. Because I didn’t want to risk it, I went online and purchased my license before the shutdown. I was not sure how long it was going to last, but I wanted to be prepared and have a smooth trip. THANKS IDO!!! Just one more reason to be a daily reader

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    I can not disagree with any of the common sense points you’ve made Chris and I feel your frustration! The pressure should be put on the DNR to change their stance… Maybe a call to your local CO by the Chamber of Commerce, Mayors, all the guides and resort owners is in order?

    I really do wish I could pick and chose which of our 10,000 laws I wanted to follow. There’s bait restriction, number of line restrictions, where I can fish restrictions ect ect…but I follow them and go through he11 trying to get them changed.

    It would be so much easier just to state in a newpaper interview “I’m above the law”.

    Yoiu asked for Phone & Email address? Here is Tom Landwehr’s info. Now, let’s all calls or email him, flood his email and phoine line:

    Thomas J Landwehr
    Commissioner-Natural Resources
    500 Lafayette Rd
    Box 37
    St Paul, MN 551554037
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 651/259-5022

    Let’s have at it!

    Posts: 5660


    I am heading to Rainy in August and knew I would need a MN license for the trip. I heard about the shutdown here on IDO. Because I didn’t want to risk it, I went online and purchased my license before the shutdown. I was not sure how long it was going to last, but I wanted to be prepared and have a smooth trip. THANKS IDO!!! Just one more reason to be a daily reader

    Atta boy Russ! And we’re going to deliver a smackdown on cue!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Chris you just keep making sense. They dedicate a weekend to free fishing every year why the heck not just let it go. Enforce the game laws but forgoe license. That is the most sensible idea I have heard and you’re right. That could have been a feather in their cap. I also like Phigs statement about consitutional right. That is so true. This state is obviously oppressing citizens. This is the kind of stuff that starts very bad stuff…….

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    IMO you guys are getting worked up over nothing. What do you think the DNR commissioner is going to say when asked about writing tickets? Think he is going to say “hey, go ahead and fish. We won’t be writing any tickets.”

    His department is taking tons of heat over the shutdown, which the DNR didn’t cause or have a say in. By saying his officers will write tickets he shifts the blame to the politicians where it should be.

    Show me a written order from his office to the CO’s ordering strict enforcement, then I’ll consider what he says as being serious.

    Besides, it’s the common sense of the troops in the field (CO’s) that matter anyway.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    IMO you guys are getting worked up over nothing. What do you think the DNR commissioner is going to say when asked about writing tickets? Think he is going to say “hey, go ahead and fish. We won’t be writing any tickets.”

    His department is taking tons of heat over the shutdown, which the DNR didn’t cause or have a say in. By saying his officers will write tickets he shifts the blame to the politicians where it should be.

    Show me a written order from his office to the CO’s ordering strict enforcement, then I’ll consider what he says as being serious.

    Besides, it’s the common sense of the troops in the field (CO’s) that matter anyway.

    Exactly, political hot-potato.

    JJ’s right on – a decent lawyer would shred the courtroom with that argument, such that any ticket written during the shutdown would be null/void.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I’m with Brian on this: The law is the law.

    The problem is the gov’t shutdown. The situation is a simple byproduct that we knew would happen ahead of time.

    If you believe there should be no compromise, you have to live with all the consequences of that position. If you think there should be a compromise to get things going again, you’d better tell your state rep and senator along with Gov. Dayton.

    Most importantly, your feelings about this (pro or con) should be reflected in your vote every November.

    Posts: 699


    I agree Chris, the C.O’s are put in a hard position.You know they are thinking the same things we are!

    Some may be, but most will follow the law regardless of if it makes sense to anyone. A certain current, and also another retired CO, in northern Minnesota have/had reputations of being willing to ticket their own mothers for holding a 19 inch walleye for what they deem too long. Chris probably knows who I’m referring to. There’s a few things people are forgetting. The DNR doesn’t make the rules, they enforce them. As the Commish said, it’s illegal to fish without a license. It doesn’t matter that you can’t get one or not.That’s state law. The Commish is just another state employee, who’s also laid off btw. He takes his orders from his boss, the Governor. The lack of license sales is wayyyyy out of the DNR’s hands. Lastly, if you don’t think that this, among other things, isn’t supposed to hurt then you really don’t see what is really going on here. This whole shutdown isn’t about what’s best for the people of Minnesota.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    IMO you guys are getting worked up over nothing. What do you think the DNR commissioner is going to say when asked about writing tickets? Think he is going to say “hey, go ahead and fish. We won’t be writing any tickets.”

    His department is taking tons of heat over the shutdown, which the DNR didn’t cause or have a say in. By saying his officers will write tickets he shifts the blame to the politicians where it should be.

    Show me a written order from his office to the CO’s ordering strict enforcement, then I’ll consider what he says as being serious.

    Besides, it’s the common sense of the troops in the field (CO’s) that matter anyway.

    Pretty much what I was going to say. Just because he isn’t winking when he says they’ll enforce it, doesn’t mean they will.

    In any event, it may be in the constitution, but the amendment is worded such that laws will be enacted and followed for the common good. It is illegal to fish without a license.

    Also, those old credit card machines would not work either, since they cannot be processed if the state is shut down.

    Again, I don’t say these things because I don’t think people should be screwed over and not be able to fish because they have no way of buying one. Just pointing out the facts of the matter.

    Posts: 3010

    Interesting the support a month ago for Steve Fellegy’s defiance vs the uncomfort with the defiance being displayed by guides and resorts with this licensing issue.

    Posts: 5660


    IMO you guys are getting worked up over nothing. What do you think the DNR commissioner is going to say when asked about writing tickets? Think he is going to say “hey, go ahead and fish. We won’t be writing any tickets.”

    His department is taking tons of heat over the shutdown, which the DNR didn’t cause or have a say in. By saying his officers will write tickets he shifts the blame to the politicians where it should be.

    Show me a written order from his office to the CO’s ordering strict enforcement, then I’ll consider what he says as being serious.

    Besides, it’s the common sense of the troops in the field (CO’s) that matter anyway.

    On the contrary many resorts have received cancellations and guide trips have been lost. Don’t believe it?? Ask around then. REALITY Simple REALITY. Many one week per year fisherman don’t like the prospect of looking over their shoulder as the head of the DNR has thrown scare tactics there way. Let’s golf instead?? Frankly I’d go anyway as you would Brian as I have a passion that would drive me to take the chance, but many people aren’t feeling the same “passion” I assure you. Mom and Pop shops have been hurt deeply in many areas as many out of state customers change plans, and even more people plannig fall trips considering Minnesota have chose other destinations. Can’t say I blame them either. Remember not all anglers plan trips months in advance. Many visitors to our local fisheries are spur of the moment.

    Furthermore State parks have ruined thousands of vacations eliminating needed revenue for our state and $$ from local communities benefiting from that travel. That is REAL $$ BLOWN starting in the biggest travel weekend of the entire summer?? How does that not seem to make sense?? Those state park visitors may very likely hold a sour taste in their mouth as possibly the one family vacation they take a year was stomped on willingly. Don’t think so?? Ask Canadian resorts on their opinion on poor treatment of tourists at the borders. Again……Can’t blame them.

    I just prefer a pro-active approach to this mess versus a reactive response that cripples the tourism industry.

    Posts: 5660



    IMO you guys are getting worked up over nothing. What do you think the DNR commissioner is going to say when asked about writing tickets? Think he is going to say “hey, go ahead and fish. We won’t be writing any tickets.”

    His department is taking tons of heat over the shutdown, which the DNR didn’t cause or have a say in. By saying his officers will write tickets he shifts the blame to the politicians where it should be.

    Show me a written order from his office to the CO’s ordering strict enforcement, then I’ll consider what he says as being serious.

    Besides, it’s the common sense of the troops in the field (CO’s) that matter anyway.

    Exactly, political hot-potato.

    JJ’s right on – a decent lawyer would shred the courtroom with that argument, such that any ticket written during the shutdown would be null/void.


    YES!! still the legal case doesn’t really matter for the largest percentage of tourists. Few guys on VACATION mind you while looking for a short escape from the “Hustle and Bustle” of today’s world want to deal with it. I assure you whether you want to turn a blind eye to this or not this has negatively effected the entire fishing industry. One resort and one fishing guide at a time.

    Beyond that……..YES I BELIEVE the head of the Department of Natural Resources should be BOLD enough to state officers are INSTRUCTED to issue a warning ticket with mandated compliance when POSSIBLE. INSTEAD of scare tactics WINK OR NO WINK employed which we feel is the best way to manage??

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’ll say it again. People who knew out of state clients were coming could have directed them to the DNR site to purchase a license before July 1.

    Posts: 187

    I could not agree more with you Chris… Right on buddy!

    Being an Iowa resident, I am shocked at how the State of MN has handled this. Are they trying to destroy small businesses and the fishing industry up there?

    There are a lot of Iowan’s that travel to Minnesota every year and spend good money to have a great vacation up there. Many are now cancelling their trips or thinking of cancelling them because they cannot legally fish. All the campers have gone elsewhere or stayed at home.

    The news of not being able to buy a license might have been common knowledge up in MN, but I can assure you it was not covered very well down here in Iowa. It’s taken a lot of people by surprise.

    Worst part is people save up their money for this once a year/ once in a lifetime trip only to have it ruined because the state cannot pull their head out. Now everyone is worried about where to get their Miller Lite/Coors beer. Unbelievable!

    Make it a free fishing time until they get the state gov opened back up. Keep the small businesses, resorts and guides working and stop trying to put Minnesota in even worse shape than it already is!

    What a shame!

    Posts: 5660

    Precisely and our customers have been notified if they are pre-booked. AGAIN……..MANY trips lost are trips NOT NOT NOT planned months in advance. Many guys come the area and say “Hey Let’s go fishing tomorrow”.

    I assure you guys kept from hunting this fall will likely have a different opinion. Afterall why didn’t you buy your deer license this spring?? Shame Shame.

    Alright on my one day off I think I’d rather go mow the lawn rather than try fix the States broken economic cycle we’re swirling in………WITH support I might add.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Precisely and our customers have been notified if they are pre-booked. AGAIN……..MANY trips lost are trips NOT NOT NOT planned months in advance. Many guys come the area and say “Hey Let’s go fishing tomorrow”.

    I assure you guys kept from hunting this fall will likely have a different opinion. Afterall why didn’t you buy your deer license this spring?? Shame Shame.

    Alright on my one day off I think I’d rather go mow the lawn rather than try fix the States broken economic cycle we’re swirling in………WITH support I might add.

    Well, I do have sympathy for those circumstances.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I don’t know where you got the impression I was arguing your stance. I was stating we need to give the CO’s credit for being able to see the thing for what it is. The head of the DNR is a political appointment by the Governor. Dayton selected this guy and put him in office. He is doing his job, just as the other department heads must do theirs. Just because he says in a newspaper interview that his guys will write tickets doesn’t mean they will (or have) write tickets.

    Was the tourism industry crippled by this shut down? Heck yes. Is it beyond repair? No, I don’t think so. Will these clowns get blown out of office over this? Not likely. The reason is we as sportsman can talk the talk. But when it comes right down to it each one of us will vote for whats best for us personally. Very, very few will vote for the good of a resource over personal good.

    I’m sure the resorters association along with the guide association will raise hell about this for a few months and by election time it will all have blown over.

    Good hour from whitewater
    Posts: 468

    Anyone heard how the bison herd is coping?

    1. What critical services will DNR continue during the shutdown?

    We will continue to provide those services mandated by the Ramsey County court. The court has agreed with the Governor’s recommendation to deem the following DNR Priority 1 and 2 services as critical to continue ‘at a minimal level of staffing and operating expense’ during shutdown:

    Conservation law enforcement
    Water treatment
    Bison herd care
    Hatchery maintenance and tree nursery care
    Soudan mine maintenance
    Pathology lab testing
    Dam safety and operations
    Dike-water control structure management
    Incident command team, including disaster response coordination
    Support for critical services
    The DNR estimates that these functions will require 220-230 staff. Of those, 186 are conservation officers. These officers will be ensuring the safety and welfare of Minnesota citizens and DNR staff and the security of DNR property and facilities, in addition to serving in their natural-resource protection role.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317



    I am heading to Rainy in August and knew I would need a MN license for the trip. I heard about the shutdown here on IDO. Because I didn’t want to risk it, I went online and purchased my license before the shutdown. I was not sure how long it was going to last, but I wanted to be prepared and have a smooth trip. THANKS IDO!!! Just one more reason to be a daily reader

    Atta boy Russ! And we’re going to deliver a smackdown on cue!!

    I’m counting the days. Can’t wait for a ride in Sho Time

    Posts: 5660

    Well I assure you this fishing guide won’t take this sitting on his hands.

    Here is my email copied and pasted sent to Tom.


    I’m quite concerned on the stance you’ve taken on Minnesota’s fishing license requirement due to the State government shut down.

    You’ve openly thrown Minnesota’s resorts and fishing guides under the bus while you are now clearly behind the wheel with the statement that “Anglers Can and WILL receive a ticket” regardless of any possible way to conform to a law. I believe constitutional rights to hunt and fish legally are being broken and expect this to be challenged shortly. I’m interested in how you expect people to comply with the law??

    Fishing guides and resorts are willing to do your work for you collecting license revenues. Fishing license sales were reportedly down nearly 33% to start the season, and now this stance?? I fail to understand your reasoning for this ridiculous scare tactic to ensure the Minnesota fishing industry is cut even deeper??

    I urge you to re-consider this stance you’ve taken by opeining the doors to Minnesota’s tourism industry in this critical period while business men and women already struggle through this tough economy. A promise to pay philosophy seems prudent with our inept nature currently while trying to create a budget.

    I must also point out living here in International Falls it is quite evident the lines that used to await crossing at the border into Canada are nearly non-existent now. Many fisherman are not willing to forget being taken advantage of as they lost big deposits through resorts on fishing trips when they were unable to cross customs. Although this is slightly different I assure you the lasting impact will hurt the whole state of Minnesota whether you honestly care about a lowly fishing guide or resort.

    Chris Granrud

    Strangely enough……..Here is my return email

    “Due to the current state government service interruption, I am unable to respond to your email in a timely manner. Once state operations resume, I will return your message as soon as I am able. Thank you.”

    SO……..Surely the next time we’re thrown under the bus surely he’ll remember or emails and phonecalls.

    I can clearly see how maintaining the Soudan Mine is far more important than keeping the head of the DNR in office?? Anyone know the last time the Soudan mine was open for viewing??

    What a mess.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I’ll donate the 1st $100.00 if somebody wants to get a bill board inside the metro loop on a freeway.

    “Shame on what our elected officals did to Minnesota tourism.”

    Posts: 1564

    Good points Chris!!
    Knowing a few CO’s, both are level-headed. Think they can see the forest through the trees and know the guides “did not ask for this”, and will find other things to do that are piled up on their list of tasks. Think most would be more than undertanding. Now, the upper end of the DNR (paper pushers and administration)–well, usually the brain cells that control commmon sense get burned out when they reach that level.
    Even though the law is the law, think the wardens will understand and use digression to the best of their ability.

    I feel for you guys Chris and others, you guys did not ask for this, yet the house payment still comes in the mail.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Does anyone know of anyone who got a ticket for fishing without a license during the shutdown? Or, anyone who got any kind of warning instead? As opposed to theorizing what the CO’s would do, does anyone know what they actually ARE doing?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001


    I’ll donate the 1st $100.00 if somebody wants to get a bill board inside the metro loop on a freeway.

    “Shame on what our elected officals did to Minnesota tourism.”

    I seen a similar one already up but cant remember what it said. Anyone else?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I want to make one extremely valid point supporting the license enforcement.

    If they were to admittedly look the other way on this I believe that you would have an enormous ampunt of people blatantly abusing this. This is simply not acceptable.

    Chris, your suggestion about making this a marketing opportunity is brilliant and totally supports the point I just made! I fully support this and it is not too late to make something happen. After all, there is really nothing to lose with this.

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    Next time elections come up in Minnesota, you people have the right to throw everyone of your state legislators “under the bus”. If they could not forsee this coming, they’re not doing thier jobs. plain and simple.”Poor planning”

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Next time elections come up in Minnesota, you people have the right to throw everyone of your state legislators “under the bus”. If they could not forsee this coming, they’re not doing thier jobs. plain and simple.”Poor planning”

    The legislature did thier job. The govenor failed on many levles. The biggest was not doing a darn thing for 5 months until it was too late!

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902



    He’s been guiding unlicensed clients and will continue to do so.

    Well, it’s not the first time this “hall of famer” followed his own laws.

    I would like to know of what other laws these are? Tom is a class act guy that has done a lot for the community up there and the sport of fishing. A guy in his position is held to a higher standard and he wouldn’t do something that would jeopardize his business or name.

    If I was a guide I would most certainly take people with out a license fishing. If they are spending $400+ for a day of fishing, resort & travel cost…etc I am sure they wouldn’t have a problem buying a license!

    Why should other people/businesses suffer because our lovely governor & office cant figure their crap out? Granted if you work for the state you are in a pinch and I feel bad for you.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Curious… when was “his” budget first presented to the hard working legislature ???

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Curious… when was “his” budget first presented to the hard working legislature ???

    The govenor does not present a budget. His job is to provide leadership in the process.


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