Thank you governor

  • AllenW
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Just wanted to say thank you to our gooferner dumbnut, we live in a state that’s financially in the hole, and because you can spend more to put us in the hole even further, we got a chance to see how a state shut down works…while on vacation.

    We got to see…
    Split rock light house….not
    Condign mansion (sp?) …not
    Assorted lake Superior parks…not
    NW fur trading …not
    Add a few more places we seen en route to Grand Mariaras…not
    And part take in using our states wonderful rest stops….not

    Even with all that excitement, we did have a nice time, seen lots of nice country and even a few nice resturants…the Hungry Trout not being one of them though..unfortnately.

    High point was a bill board on 35 coming home that said something to the effect of “The next usable rest stop is only (?)200 and something miles ahead, thank you governor dayton”

    Well…we had a good time in spite of you guv…

    Al…where’s Vince Flynn when you need him????

    Prior Lake/Savage, MN
    Posts: 64

    Who’s taking a paycheck during the shutdown? Our state government can’t seem to balance the budget, but those taking a paycheck feel that they are privileged.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    By the looks of things the costs and the amount of money being spent by your wonderful state of MN during the shut down , don’t look like they need to be shut down.

    Any of you MN residents ever think of going to capitol hill or would you rather complain in a forum where some blood sucking money grubbing politician will never hear or see of it

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Where is this capitol hill of which you speak?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    For those who know no better…. you can hardly blame 1 man for this… especially one that inherited this states debt from priors. Why go to capital hill, he was in my neighborhood yesterday ??? If someone, who shall remain nameless… ever complains on this website about anything.. I can see lot’s of people giving him advice of the “right direction” in which to aim his angst….

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    We needed to shut down for the “children” and the less fortunate.

    Here is a compromise. How about we all get a tax hike. Spread out whatever it would take to bring in the same amount of revenue that taxing just 2% of the people. Seems fair to me.

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373

    Your all welcome to come IL where our governers make license plates in jail. Well 3 out of the last 4 anyhow. Our state just raised taxes 67% on individuals and 75% on businesses and they haven’t paid down dollar 1 on the debt. In fact, with the 70% jump in revenue to the state, they went and borrowed something like 6 billion more cause our credit rating was finally above junk status.

    Hence the masss exodus of businesses and jobs from the state and the politicians can’t understand why!!!
    Giving money to a politician is worse than giving crack to an addict because the politician WILL destroy your life as well, all in the act of trying to help you.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    How about we just spend less???
    You tax the 2%, who do you think ends up making up the difference for them…imho it’d be us middle class paying more for products the 2% companies sell.

    One man to blame..yup, I think so.
    The other side wants to spend less, something all politicians should consider, and while they ain’t much better overall, least they’re making it look like their trying.

    I just wonder how much money these bozo’s spent putting up the barricades and eventually taking them down?
    Much less the rest of the state.

    I somehow doubt even the added tax of the upper 2% is going to be enough to pay for all this folly.

    I doubt you could get dayton elected dog catcher in northern MN right now..:)

    Posts: 510

    also, thanks state of minneota for putting up cement barriers to close off the PUBLIC water access to Cass Lake on highway 2 True it is alongside a roadside rest area b ut all they had to do was move the barriers 50 yards down the road so the access can be used.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    So your saying, your an Amy Koch supporter then (represents the top 2%)

    How can anyone argue with “fair share” ??? I will tell you how. Those with lot’s of money (top 2%) buy a rep & senator or 2…. and get them to hold out votes, for having to pay their fair share on any kind of taxes… that’s how. I find it hilarious how middle class people come to the defense of the upper 2%, like all of them started without a penny and built an empire…. most in the top 2% were handed their fortunes from those who came before them, when employment laws were lax and you could work someone for 18 hours and little pay & no benefits. Do you really think the state shutdown is hurting the top 2% ???

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    most in the top 2% were handed their fortunes from those who came before them,

    I don’t think that is a factual statement. Care to share where you found this info?

    Also, the plan is not to tax the wealthiest 2%. It is to tax the top 2% of wage earners. Those who have an income of $1 million or more. There is a big difference. The top wealthiest 2% may not work, are retired or simply keep their money in another state. The top 2% of wage earners are business owners or executives who work in the state. Just because you make $1m a year here does not mean you are rich. You may very well be paying off huge loans in order to generate that income. Wage earners who make $1m or more likely have employees and run their own business. Raise their cost of doing business and by-by jobs.

    It’s simply a bad plan all around.


    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373


    So your saying, your an Amy Koch supporter then (represents the top 2%)

    How can anyone argue with “fair share” ??? I will tell you how. Those with lot’s of money (top 2%) buy a rep & senator or 2…. and get them to hold out votes, for having to pay their fair share on any kind of taxes… that’s how. I find it hilarious how middle class people come to the defense of the upper 2%, like all of them started without a penny and built an empire…. most in the top 2% were handed their fortunes from those who came before them, when employment laws were lax and you could work someone for 18 hours and little pay & no benefits. Do you really think the state shutdown is hurting the top 2% ???

    What you are failing to realize is the “rich” don’t pay taxes. Productive people pay taxes. Rich people use trusts, double tax free bonds, and a hundred other vehicles to avoid taxes. Productive people (small businesses) are the “rich” under the tax system. That’s why taxes inhibit job growth. Ask John Kerry why he flagged his yacht in another state after it was built in another country.

    My grandfather brags to me on how much money he can make and never pay more than 15% in taxes. I pay 28%, he makes 3 times as much as I do. Oh, and he’d better get his SS check on time or there is hell to pay.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    I am still waiting to hear how much Dayton paid you for your vote JJ

    OK OK, the poor people only making $1M a year then…. and yes, ALOT of them were handed their salaries from those who came before. You can believe they all came from penny less families, just like Dayton…

    I hear Dayton saying he will compromise… I hear Koch playing to her lemmings… “let’s sign a lights on bill” like that will solve everything.. big BAND AID !!! She will sing whatever song you want to hear

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Where is this capitol hill of which you speak?

    It’s closed you would’nt be able to get there anyways

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    and yes, ALOT of them were handed their salaries from thoSe who came before.

    Again, care to back that up with some factual data? It’s easy basing decisions on things that are not real. Work in a reality based world is dificult.


    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I am NOT the top 2%, (although thank God this is America and someday I hope to make it there)

    I am the quintessential Joe Average when it comes to income, family size etc. I am part of a state agency and I am forced to be in a union that continues to spew nothing but class warfare, and all too often is looking out for only the lowest common denominator. They seem to be for everyone sharing in the “pain” as long as it is not them…or wait , that would be us/me, the hard working family middle class. Do I like to be taxed, heck no, but do I really think that consistently hitting the Big Bad top 2%’ers will solve the problem, nope not in that camp. The same way I am not into a constant “sin tax” increase, although I do not smoke nor drink.

    Fact is most everyone is for doing something as long as they are not having to pay for it or might even benefit from it. I would rather share some pain as long as it would solve a problem, and there in-lies the problem, would it solve anything?

    PS. this thread may not last to long…..

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    I am NOT the top 2%, (although thank God this is America and someday I hope to make it there)
    I am the quintessential Joe Average when it comes to income, family size etc. I am part of a state agency and I am forced to be in a union that continues to spew nothing but class warfare, and all too often is looking out for only the lowest common denominator. They seem to be for everyone sharing in the “pain” as long as it is not them…or wait , that would be us/me, the hard working family middle class. Do I like to be taxed, heck no, but do I really think that consistently hitting the Big Bad top 2%’ers will solve the problem, nope not in that camp. The same way I am not into a constant “sin tax” increase, although I do not smoke nor drink.
    Fact is most everyone is for doing something as long as they are not having to pay for it or might even benefit from it. I would rather share some pain as long as it would solve a problem, and there in-lies the problem, would it solve anything?

    You said it well!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I have a simple question I would like to respectfully ask Gov. Dayton. “What if the family business (Dayton’s, Target) ran their business by spending more than they take in?” Would they still be here??? I could go on and on, but I think you get my point…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I am not coming to the defense of the richest 2%. But I am also not making them my scapegoat like some people.

    And if they don’t pay their fair share now and have all of these loopholes, what the hell good is raising their taxes going to do if they always get out of them? So we can all say, “Yeah, we really stuck it to those super richies!”.

    your hand if you were one who felt hoodwinked by the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment? How about the Transportation amendment that was sold as dedicating money for potholes and road construction, when it had provisions for mandatory spending on public transportation? So now tax the richest to provide more revenue to the government so it can pay down the debt, no way they see new revenue and don’t waste it on something else we don’t need, right?

    Al, you know I am with you. my first post was sort of tongue-in-cheek.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I have a simple question I would like to respectfully ask Gov. Dayton. “What if the family business (Dayton’s, Target) ran their business by spending more than they take in?” Would they still be here??? I could go on and on, but I think you get my point…

    He probably wouldn’t understand. That is why he is a “politician” after being bypassed to run Dayton’s. I get the feeling his family just gives him money to run his campaign to keep him away from the business.

    And his “compromise” to raise cigarette taxes? Who’d that affect the most you think? The bottom 2% maybe? That offer was a slap in the face to us and our intelligence and makes me wonder how serious he really is about doing what is good for Minnesota.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956


    Do I like to be taxed, heck no, but do I really think that consistently hitting the Big Bad top 2%’ers will solve the problem, nope not in that camp. The same way I am not into a constant “sin tax” increase, although I do not smoke nor drink.
    Fact is most everyone is for doing something as long as they are not having to pay for it or might even benefit from it.
    PS. this thread may not last to long…..

    Define “consistently” and post when the last time they got a tax increase applied to them, above and beyond what everybody else got as well

    JJ, I have no “facts” that your asking for, but I have a brain and use it along with common sense.(For what its worth, most millionaries I know and associate with, either won the lottery or daddy handed it to them ) I don’t have to wait for someone else to write something down, to make it so & then form an intelligent thought. Fire away…

    Chris, would you also ask Pawlenty the same question ?? He want’s to run the whole shootin’ match now

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Heck! I’ll ask them all!!! At least T-Paw had a budget!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    JJ, I have no “facts” that your asking for, but I have a brain and use it along with common sense.(For what its worth, most millionaries I know and associate with, either won the lottery or daddy handed it to them

    I can assure you, your assumptions are incorrect. The vast majority of wage earners who make $1m or more did not have thier current job or salary given to them.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    Go back to Jessie and ask him

    Having an unbalanced budget is nothing to brag about…(pawlenty) and we sure don’t need any help in DC with that… hope he runs on the Obamacare ticket… not the, “hey..lookie what I can do”…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956



    JJ, I have no “facts” that your asking for, but I have a brain and use it along with common sense.(For what its worth, most millionaries I know and associate with, either won the lottery or daddy handed it to them

    I can assure you, your assumptions are incorrect. The vast majority of wage earners who make $1m or more did not have thier current job or salary given to them.


    Facts.. I need facts… Until then, you assure me of nothing…. JJ, do you agree with the term “loophole” being or playing in any part of any law or regulation ??? In other words, my lawyers are smarter than yours… and then fight tooth and nail to “keep” the loopholes open, all the while ignoring the fact that monies/taxes are not being collected as required/intended ???

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    The way I see it is that the Spending in Minnesota has increased faster than Inflation at a faster rate than anyone of us “Joe Average” people had our incomes (Earned or Unearned) raise.

    Did anyone in this forum receive a 6% Raise in the last year? Personally I have not had a raise in 2-years with my last one at <1% ($0.25/hr). Currently I am Unemployed/in transition.

    Yes, IDO’rs., the Budget proposed by the MN House & Senate was a 6% increase over last years budget and matches what the State Dept. of Revenue estimated Tax Collections would be, hence living within the Income.

    As I understand from reading and listening to both sides propaganda/sales pitches, Governor Dayton (whom receives most of his money as unearned income paid through the Dayton Family Trusts, which are held in South Dakota [where there is no state income tax]) wants to increase the Budget more by increasing the Income Tax on the Richest 2% of State Taxpayer residents.

    We have some where’s in the neighborhood of 25% of State residents that do not pay any state income tax, those at the bottom of the income brackets, and many of those receive more money back as income credits.

    My number one question is, why does the Governor need more when we already increased the budget by 6%? I have written letter to him asking that question.

    I have called my State Senator and Representative and told them to hold the line, and Yes, I know each of them personally and speak to them often. I attend and am active in the local Politics attending Caucuses and Conventions for the last 18 years. I know my City Council members, Mayor and County Commissioners, letting them know my opinions.

    Can anyone here go or would many even dare go to their boss and tell them you need an additional $100 a week?, Ya Boss, here’s my plan to get my raise, “Just increase what we charge our/my largest customer”, they have so much money and can afford it. Best of luck and I congratulate you if you can pull that off.

    Now, What can you do? Call or write them:
    Governor Dayton 651-201-3400 or write him at
    State Senator
    & Representative

    PS: If you are a Hunter and did not buy a Sportsman’s or other Hunting License already, your Season will be non-existent unless this gets resolved, you will not be able to Hunt!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Facts.. I need facts… Until then, you assure me of nothing….


    The governor said his last offer would have raised income taxes only on those earning more than $1 million a year — an estimated 7,700 Minnesotans, or 0.3 percent of all taxpayers, according to the Revenue Department.

    I will guarantee you without a doubt, those 7,700 people did not have thier jobs or income handed to them on a platter. A vast majority of them are well educated, highly motivated, either employed by large corps or own their own business.

    Read this article:


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thank You Carroll58! We have a progressive income tax system. The more you make, the higher the PERCENTAGE of your income you will pay. Same goes with sales, etc. Now if the government wants more revenue, all they have to do is create a better economy. We could tax the rich, tax the smokers, tax the ugly, tax the walleye fishermen, but it does nothing but encourage more spending and waste.

    I don’t have specific facts to that case, but I do have 2 eyes as I am sure most of the rest of us do.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    I did read it… and this line, over & over, in some form or another, is used the most… & continues to mean absolutely nothing to me.

    Currently the top 5% of wage earners in Minnesota pay 43% of Minnesota’s income taxes. Will taxing these job creators that already are responsible for contributing almost half of the state’s budget help Minnesota’s economy?

    The short answer is….YES(BTW, it’s only the top 2%, not the top 5%, which including them, can only help the msg they are spewing). This is a great sound bite… this “sounds” like alot of money… but what “%” of real earnings (including the ones slipping through the tax shelters and loopholes) does a millionaire pay ? Is it 10%, is it 6% or something less than that ??? That’s what I want to know… and they don’t want me too..

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