Fishing without a license?

  • Trev
    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    This wonderful govt. shutdown is really starting to be a pain in the . So I’m thinking I just tell my out-of-state guests to just go out and fish anyway…and honestly i don’t know of anyone that has gotten checked by a CO, just the Sheriff Water Patrol. Rumor has it the CO’s are just writing warnings and not tickets? I know i shouldn’t be telling them to do something that is illegal, but really……They pay hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars each year to travel to and enjoy our state. So if they can’t enjoy it like they really want to and have been doing for decades, are they going to want to return? And, it reaches so much further than just not being able to buy a license….in return those people don’t buy bait, ice, tackle, gas, rent boats and pontoons and hire fishing guides.

    So I wonder if this good ol’ state will be reimbursing us financially for lost income this year if this little shutdown gig goes on much longer…. So far i haven’t seen too much effect with my business, but some have and most will in the next few weeks if this continues. Unbelievable…..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Cool Jon. Obviously a non-issue.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Thanks Jon

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    If I was one of those who came from out of state for my annual trip to find out I couldnt buy a fishing license I would go fishing anyways and if I was stopped I would gladly hand them over the license fee and ID. Tell them they can run it when the state pulls their head out of their .

    Now if you are from MN one should have been aware of the potential shut down and bought their license before hand, but still if forgot hand the DNR your $26 or whatever it is.

    I feel bad for those that had their trips ruined and also for local small businesses who lost money on the whole deal. I am glad that the DNR isn’t writing tickets but telling them to stop fishing isn’t right either.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Depending on the time of year this was happening we could all assume we got turkey or bear permits!
    Oh and moose…..

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Well while we’re at it, what should I do when the license tabs on my truck expire? Register the vehicle in a state that’s still open?

    Or how about this…we’re still paying state income taxes to a government that is shut down. I want my money back until they open up again


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    same issue here, purchased mine and left it in my back pocket the last time(i do mine on line so no “hard copy) and went theough the wash and ruined. I have the receipt in my wallet but no “real liscence” per say. wonder how that will go over in light of the “warning not to fish”.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Trev, print the link JJ posted and have it blown up. Post it where your customers can see it. I personally wouldn’t tell them to fish without a license, but I would point out the article. The DNR is taking the hit for people paid to do a job that were unable to complete that job. Cut the DNR a break. It certainly wasn’t that departments idea to close down.

    “The State” is not who you are mad at. You are mad at the people with names voted into office to do a job for you. This job assignment had a deadline that due to their incompetence they were unable to meet. Now, you as their employer (taxpayer) have the privilege of watching them pass blame like 3rd graders do. You also get to pay them additional Per Diem, wages, benefits to come back to complete their work assignments. All the while the meters continue to run on lost tax collections, license fee’s, park fee’s ect., ect.

    The upside is we are finding out traffic is much lighter without all the state employee’s we have. And life continues without the “big brother” traffic camera systems.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    That is exactly what i plan on doing Brian. I’ll post it in the lodge.

    Not blaming the DNR at all – they have been very informative and helpful answering my questions and concerns.

    Posts: 963

    I personaly think its dumb that the are telling people not to fish with out a license, and Im really pissed at the state and the legislature. Imthe next budget they need to allocate funds to prevent [censored] like this from happening. So the state shutsdown because they cant agree on a finacial budget, how much lost money from this week alone are we talking So on a flip side where is all the money going to go that they saved this week by shutting down?
    I think its insane that people visiting from out of state “shouldnt’ fish due to lack of license because of a state shutdown. The inability of Government in this day and aged is stagering IMHO

    Posts: 470

    The part that really irks me is we don’t have to be enduring a complete shutdown. Governor Dayton has been offered several budgets that could keep the lights on in certain areas, while continuing to debate the others. The DNR and licensing is one area that could still be open if he wasn’t acting like a little baby. He’s wants it all his way and will not call in a special session. The GOP has offered budgets that fund many of the areas that are now shut down, but Dayton wants it all or nothing. IF you want to be mad at someone be mad at Dayton for failing to call a special session and sign a “lights on” bill. Of course he’s immune to all this because he still has his mansion, and his staff (skeleton crew my butt!), and his limo, and his private plane, and his guards, and his job.

    As for your guests I don’t really know what I’d say. I know what I would do. But, I’m sure none of them want to drive back to Minnesota for a court date either. It’s just a sucky situation all the way around for so many people. Hang in there!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Go find a 3rd grader and hand them a box of crayons. Tell them it’s OK to use the Red, Black, Yellow but not any other colors.

    Blame Dayton all you want. You either shut the state down or you don’t. Half a$$ is not a option.

    ALL the parties work for themselves and the public is not a consideration. Anybody thinking otherwise is being foolish.

    Shut it down and keep it down until you balance the budget WITHOUT raising more income. CUTS, CUTS and more CUTS.

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    This State shut down S**t is really hurting our state. My family went to Chicago over the fourth for a family function. On the drive down thru Wisconsin 95% of the cars heading east had Minnesota plates, and about 50% of those were pulling campers or boats. My guess is with all the parks closed these people had no other option but spend their hard earned money somewhere else.

    I wonder if Gov Dayton will let us all know what his childish behavior costed the state in the end. Come on you children get to work and get your heads out of your ‘s and get this done.


    Posts: 470


    Go find a 3rd grader and hand them a box of crayons. Tell them it’s OK to use the Red, Black, Yellow but not any other colors.

    Blame Dayton all you want. You either shut the state down or you don’t. Half a$$ is not a option.

    ALL the parties work for themselves and the public is not a consideration. Anybody thinking otherwise is being foolish.

    Shut it down and keep it down until you balance the budget WITHOUT raising more income. CUTS, CUTS and more CUTS.

    I disagree. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Remember back a few years ago when Pawlenty passed a lights on bill that kept the state parks open over the holiday even though he had misgivings over other areas of the budget? It can be done, as has already been proven. And for the record, I blame every legislator that can’t do their job, not just Dayton! It’s just that regardless of how hard some of the others try to meet that man in the middle he has TAX THE RICH TUNNEL VISION (name patent pending) so bad that he is the main hurdle in this fiasco…not to mention he is the top dog and should justly get the bulk of the blame.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    This thread originally started regarding an enforcement issue that pertains to the quality our fishing, hunting, lakes, lands, and water. Fishing licenses are just one instance.

    In talking to some folks in other parts of the state, you wouldn’t believe the amount of culverts, drainage tile, shoreline “improvements”, dredging, trailblazing, septic straightpiping, etc. and otherwise illegal activities that are taking place right now. For small operations, being caught in-the-act is the only true way to fine/prosecute, and the state knows how expensive it is to take each individual to court. Unless a catastrophic loss of fish/wildlife exists from a single instance (rare), there will likely be no after-the-fact fines or prosecutions laid down. What’s more typical is that the cumulative affects of such activities previously not permitted, will affect our water quality and fishing/hunting habitat.

    No matter your politics, if you’re a sportsman, the shutdown isn’t just bad for business, it’s bad for the future of MN. I do, however, find it ironic that many of the same folks that rail on government’s existence are the same ones to cry foul and lay blame when it shuts down.


    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    I do, however, find it ironic that many of the same folks that rail on government’s existence are the same ones to cry foul and lay blame when it shuts down

    LOL…so true.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Joel, shouldn’t most of the “projects” you mentioned, be pulling local permits ? I would think city/county/township inspectors shouldn’t be affected by a state shutdown ??? If I seen something like that going on, one call should take care of it

    The gov’t isn’t shutdown… the servcies we paid for are….

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Joel, shouldn’t most of the “projects” you mentioned, be pulling local permits ? I would think city/county/township inspectors shouldn’t be affected by a state shutdown ??? If I seen something like that going on, one call should take care of it

    The gov’t isn’t shutdown… the servcies we paid for are….

    Anything wetlands is typically under DNR jurisdiction, this is especially true on the enforcement end of things. You could be correct in that the process involves local paperwork first, but much of that enforcement work is done from the air and those planes aren’t flying.


    Posts: 104

    I have a trip planned in two weeks. Every year my family heads to the Leech Lake area. I can’t back out now. Kind of late. I spend several thousand in Mn. every year. We always follow the rules. Always CPR our fish. I’m up in the air on whether I’ll fish or not. Don’t like breaking the rules, plus I’ll be the one that get a fine. Was going to hire a guide again. More than likely I won’t this year.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977


    I have a trip planned in two weeks. Every year my family heads to the Leech Lake area. I can’t back out now. Kind of late. I spend several thousand in Mn. every year. We always follow the rules. Always CPR our fish. I’m up in the air on whether I’ll fish or not. Don’t like breaking the rules, plus I’ll be the one that get a fine. Was going to hire a guide again. More than likely I won’t this year.

    Case in point exactly! I’m sure Mike isn’t the only one either. Could be an interesting next couple of weeks around the resort… I’ll keep ya posted.

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