Second dish for TV at Cabin

  • farmboy1
    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have heard a guy can get a second dish from one of the major dish companies for a second dish and receivers for a second location at a minimal cost, something like a few bucks a month. Does anyone have experience with this?

    I am currently on a bundle package with the local Cable TV, and am happy with what I have, just need to add another location. I do not care about all the extra junk, HD, DVR ect. just basic TV.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Second dish?

    If you have cable, how’s this your second dish?



    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I have DirectTV and have a dish at home and the cabin. I have multiple receivers at home and have brought them to the cabin. They work fine. I’ve never asked DirectTV if this is ok to do. My neighbor uses Dish Network. The plan he has with them, allows him to have recievers at both locations (Woodbury and his cabin). It didn’t cost him much extra to be able to do this.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Second dish?

    If you have cable, how’s this your second dish?



    Sorry, I would switch both home and away to this new fangled technology.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    DirectTV does not like it… Not sure on DISH…??? DirectTV will tell you “how” to do it, but that you can’t….WINK WINK..

    I think they found out DISH allows it, so to be competitive, they allow it with a blind eye…

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Both compaies will do it. I don’t have either myself. But the two seasonal campers next to mine have one of each mounted on a post right next to my camper.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    They can’t tell where the receiver is unless you plug in a land line to it and even then they aren’t going to waste any time trying to figure that out. Doubtful you have landline at the cabin or even at home so its a moot point.

    Everybody does it and it’s nothing to worry about at all.

    Posts: 52

    I did this with Direct TV within the last couple months. There were a few configuration changes on the receiver to work with the non-HD dish at the cabin that their tech support helped walk us through. Works well and only costs me the extra price of a spare receiver each month.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    They can’t tell where the receiver is unless you plug in a land line to it and even then they aren’t going to waste any time trying to figure that out. Doubtful you have landline at the cabin or even at home so its a moot point.

    Everybody does it and it’s nothing to worry about at all.

    Until it quits working and they tell you to reset the receiver in your basement… that is 80 miles away at the cabin

    Posts: 1767


    They can’t tell where the receiver is unless you plug in a land line to it and even then they aren’t going to waste any time trying to figure that out. Doubtful you have landline at the cabin or even at home so its a moot point.

    Everybody does it and it’s nothing to worry about at all.

    Its getting harder for them to track, they will usually catch up to you in other ways. They frown heavily on putting equipment from the same account at multiple locations, when there is a possibility getting you to start a second account. (more revenue for them)

    1st. Keep a copy of the receiver and card number at your main residence. In the event you are audited, it does happen.

    2nd. Try not to leave the receiver unplugged from a dish and power source for any extended period of time. They take updates periodically. If they miss an critical update or a few, the receiver programming will shut it down and you will need to call in to reactivate. If this does happen… say you were doing a remodel and had stuff unplugged for a while.
    3rd. You need to call it in. Make sure you have it at your house, plugged in to take the necessary update they send.

    Pier is right for the most part. You shouldn’t have to sweat it… small things to keep in mind in the event things don’t go exactly as planned.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    I know someone who has 6 receivers between 4 locations with DirectTV. As far as I know he hasn’t had any problems. Thanks buddy.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    The record as it stands is 6 receivers at 6 different locations split 5 ways or 18.74 per month if you like it broken down…

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    Until it quits working and they tell you to reset the receiver in your basement… that is 80 miles away at the cabin

    It doesn’t matter where the Receiver is when they resend the data to it. If the cabin box has to be unplugged, if thats what you meant, you could just have them send the reset data once you returned to the cabin.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I know how that works… but… call DirectTv and ask them if you can have 2 addresses served by 1 account. The official answer is no… and you sure as heck can’t have 6 locations on one account It’s kind of like illegal copies of software… do they police it.. not really. Could they push the issue.. yes.. will they ever ? Probably not. But it is not a practice DirectTv supports. Just giving the facts, we all have opinions…

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    We have DirecTv at both our house and camper. I simply put up another dish and leave a receiver at the camper. In DirecTV’s records that receiver is listed as Camper. They have never questioned it. In the spring sometimes you need to call and “reactivate” the receiver. Its a voice activated call and all you need is the access card number. You never even talk with a real person.

    With DirecTV you can have a different service address then your billing address. Strange things happen when you need service at the campground. Recently called DirecTV to have service call at the camper. They said they will be there between 8 and Noon on Monday. About 8:30 Monday morning they called and said the tech is sitting in front of your house. Finally got things straightened out with them and they came and did the service call at our camper. One catch to get the service call at the camper they had to switch the service address to the campground address. The billing address stayed as our home. When they made the service address change the local channels on all receivers (home and camper) switched to the local channels for our camper address.

    But bottom line is DirecTV will let you do both.

    Zimmerman, MN
    Posts: 174

    We have 8 or 9 between 4 locations havent had a problem as long as you can hook up the dish your self. Although we did have a guy come to look at the one at the cabin and he said people do it all the time. I would say that he was probably a private contractor. I wouldnt worry but doing it all yourself will eliminate alot of risk.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    I know Big G. And for the record I don’t share any box’s but know many that do. I do occasionally bring my receiver to the Pond or LOTW though. So guilty as charged…

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