150 E-Tec

  • ironheadr5
    Northeast, Iowa
    Posts: 373

    Has anyone had trouble with there E-tec not starting after sitting only 5-10 min. I am on vacation for the week and this is the first extended trip for the NEW rig. Kind of frustrating. It acts like it is not getting fuel. It starts fine when it is cold. I will have it looked at when i get back and post the results.

    Thanks Mike

    Posts: 3835

    My friend John Schultz has that same motor and I think he is on his 3rd starter. A fine motor but I can’t say I’m impressed with the starters they put on them.

    Posts: 4524


    My friend John Schultz has that same motor and I think he is on his 3rd starter. A fine motor but I can’t say I’m impressed with the starters they put on them.

    So the questions is does it turn over and not start or is the key dead when trying to start?

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    I am on my 3rd 150 E-tec with a tiller handle. I just had my 1st issue last week. My trim motor quit with the motor all the way up in the middle of Mille Lacs. Thank God for the 9.9 Johnson kicker on the back! Has always started well in fact when I pull my boat out of storage every spring, I have never pre started before going to the lake because they always fire right up. Did you check bulb pressure? When you turn your key on does it go through the check mode? Try turning your key on and wait 10 seconds before cranking. Hope this helps.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Went threw a number of starters on my E tech to. Think it was three new starters by the time the factory warranty was up and the motor was still having issues. Sure wasnt going to pay for them to continue trying to figure what was going on with the motor on my dime so decided to get the Yamaha up grade instead. Best thing I ever did to that E tech.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    My E tech would just not turn over at all when cold. Even hooking jumper cables directly from a vehicle to the starter motor would not get it to turn over. Sounds like your is turning over and not firing. Not sure what that issue would be.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 95

    Check this site out. Etec owners You may find an answer there. I’d check fuel lines, filter, battery connection and water pump. Did you get any alarms?

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    I find it hard to believe there are starter issues when it only takes a tap of the key to start the ones I have had. Were they 150’s.

    Posts: 3835


    I witnessed one of the starter deaths personally and when they go they won’t start no matter how hard you turn your key or if you hit the starter with a BFH. Good thing he has a T-8 kicker on his or we would have needed a tow. The beast wouldn’t turn at all a click and that is it.

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    Guess I’ve been lucky then.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I’ve had two starters fail on my 150 e-tec in 3 years. One was dead pretty much out of the box. The second one died after the motor hadn’t been run in 6 weeks due to surgery keeping me off the water and the bendix shaft snapped when it went to engage. If a third starter goes, the motor will go too.

    As for the original question, I have had two times this year where the motor didn’t want to start after having sat for a while while fishing. Seemed like it wasn’t getting fuel. After pumping the ball (the only two times I’ve ever had to pump it) it started fine. Leads me to believe I have an air leak somewhere, but who knows. Haven’t tried chasing it down because it only happened twice this year in about 30 trips out. If the engine is hot, it always starts.

    Try pumping the ball when it won’t start and see what that does. Just an idea.

    Northeast, Iowa
    Posts: 373

    I have pumped the ball and it does`nt seem to really get as hard as I have seen with just a 6 gal tank and motor. It always starts when it is cold, only when you sit for 15 – 20 min. that there is a problem. No alarms are sounding.Every once in a while just after you take off it acks like it is going to quit then it takes off and runs fine after that. It acts like it is not getting enough fuel though, but why only when it is warmed up ??? you got me. Will post again when I have it looked at, just hate to get stranded somewhere.

    Posts: 4033

    New line and ball. sounds like a fuel pressure issue.

    Northeast, Iowa
    Posts: 373

    Just got back from takeing the boat out of the water for the week. It started fine, left the dock went about 1/2 mile and it slowly lost power and quit Finally got it started and made it to the ramp. I had a 75 hp E-tec before,not on this boat, and loved it not a single problem. I wonder if this is just a 150 hp problem ??? Going to have it looked at as soon as I can next week. By the way it is on a Ranger 1860 Angler and just love the Boat.

    Sure hope I get the motor problem fixed..

    Posts: 4033

    It sounds like you have a hairline crack in the fuel line or ball. loses fuel pressure and dies. Spend the $15 and get a new line… or take it to a dealer and have him put a new one on easy as pie and pay him $30.

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