My ex wife is not allowing me time with my daughter again. I am so fed up with her!
If you know a fanily lawyer please post the info thanks!!
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My ex wife is not allowing me time with my daughter again. I am so fed up with her!
If you know a fanily lawyer please post the info thanks!!
My ex wife is not allowing me time with my daughter again. I am so fed up with her!
If you know a fanily lawyer please post the info thanks!!
Where are you located. My bro went through a nasty divorce (are any of them good) and his lawyer was very aggressive in getting my bro what he deserved and keeping the girls in his house.
This is in SE MN (Rochester). Not sure how far he travels.
I am thinking a good lawyer, could get you custody for a few months… if she is court ordered to allow you time with your daughter and is ignoring it, she is in contempt. Typically punishable my some bar time… and I don’t mean the drinking kind She is what would be known as a Deadbeat mom.
Document every phone call and contact with her where she denys you access. Try and get text, fax, written, voice message proof. A good lawyer (if there is such a thing) will make short work of this.
Good luck! Go get her Tiger!
I have become a private person do to this divorce which happened over 2 years ago. I have simply come to a boiling point.
Being a carpenter the work which used to be crazy has slowed to a drizzle. Trying to regroup to make the money I used to has been a challenge.
Never the less this has gone to far. I can not compete with her and her money that she makes and gets from me.
I feel like I have no where to turn. I used to share my life on this site and backed away from it because she has her fingers in everything I do still to this day.
My problem is that I have a divorce decree which is not being followed. I got pissed when a good friend died that was my parents neighbor passed away while turning over his bean feild. I wanted to take my daughter to his funeral. She would let me even though my decree written from the court. I told her she was a stupid you know what. The next week I was served with a OFP. I decided not to fight it. 1st mistake! I was ordered to go to anger management. I took the test they give and was found “Not to have a anger management problem.” Duh I fish and hunt like a crazy fool……… I was also ordered to have supervised vists. However I could transport my daughter to and from my parents house (They were to supervise me.) 75 miles one way….
The OFP expired today. Today I get a phone call from my ex telling me that she is going to extend the order. Bull honkey she is! I honestly have done nothing wrong.
I simply do not know where to turn for help. Hoping I could lean on you guys for some insight.
Thanks Klink
Yep… Deadbeat Mom… hope she reads this
When your daughter get’s older, she will understand what her mom did and hopefully then it’s your time (small consolation now I understand
I hear ya G, what goes around usually comes around sooner or later.
My ex tried to use our son as a pawn in her game too, until I filed the paperwork for full custody, and she shut her mouth pretty fast. One recomendation that I can give is to get yourself a FEMALE lawyer. Also, I heard a commercial on the radio, something like “lawyer for dads”. Check it out. Good luck, we are here for you
Yep… Deadbeat Mom… hope she reads this
When your daughter get’s older, she will understand what her mom did and hopefully then it’s your time
(small consolation now I understand
This is EXACTLY right on! This is the faith and hope piece that kept me going. Kids are 25 & 22 now and don’t have much to do with their mother. Their choice not mine. She even misses out on our grand child. Her loss.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the help guys!!
The times of mom’s being the only person who can care for a child are over and gone. Dad’s are starting to get their due credit! A good dad is something a child needs no matter if he does not get to wake up in the same house as his baby. No matter what this boy has a lot of go left in him!
Thanks for the help guys!!
The times of mom’s being the only person who can care for a child are over and gone. Dad’s are starting to get their due credit! A good dad is something a child needs no matter if he does not get to wake up in the same house as his baby. No matter what this boy has a lot of go left in him!
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