How are your garden crops?

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    My ‘mater plants are three foot plus and thick! Lotsa flowers, just waiting for this warm snap to get things rolling! Grand Son’s pumpkins are coming along as are the jalapeno peppers. The watermelons are slow moving though.

    How are you looking??

    South St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 371

    My corn needs some HEAT!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    mater’s are lookin good, broccoli is almost to my waist, just about to harvest my garlic, beets are looking good, been eatin lettuce and spinach salads. my jalepeno’s are suckin wind though.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Looking like a banner year for grapes!

    I’ll let you know for sure at the end of Sept.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Down here[ Illinois] tomatoes and basil are growing like weeds. Pole greenbeads are growing a couple inchs a day it seems.Honey bees are working hard on flowers and all of the other plants too! Iam lucky a farmer next to me has 6 hives about a block from my house. Happy gardening to all.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    raspberries galore! peppers don’t like getting streams of rain poured on them, tomato’s are getting caught up. Potato’s are going crazy and watermelon have not started spreading. Strawberries had a short productive season, but they sure are starting to put out some runners.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    I’m not growing pumpkins this year, and everything I planted where they were is HUGE!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I got my garden in late because the ground didn’t warm up enough until about the first week in june, way late. I got 105 broccoli plants that are really takeing off now. Pole beans are also growing about 2-3 inches a day, everyday I’m unwraping the vines. Maters (bigboy) are really growing, thier an outstanding tomato. I got some summer delecious and thier doing ok but not like bigboys. My acorn squash are making progress but I think the roots are just starting too develope good. Zucchinis are doing ok. Cucumbers are also growing like weeds now, both slicers and picklers. Hot peppers and sweet peppers are just now starting to take off. Cauliflower and brussel sprouts are taking off now too. If I do good and can get a second crop in on cauliflower and broccolli I’m going too. Czech, I’m saving those seeds for next year, it was just too cold to risk starting them this year, thanks. I got my cherry tomatoes in a big pot and into the sun early and thier about 3′ tall also and full of flowers but no small tomatoes on them yet. I’m looking for them to get atleast 4′ too 5′ tall and probably bigger and thier growing about 2″ too 3″ a day. My grapevines aren’t even showing any flowers this year. Heres too good gardens

    Posts: 592

    broccoli-question? what variety is everyone growing?
    Garden is OK, seems a little slow usually eating something out of the patch by now, needs some HEAT!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    After eating lettuce, spinach, and radishes for the last 1.5 months the plants are finally done and cleaned out.
    The first planting of Blue Lake bush beans and yellow wax beans should be flowering out in a week and the second planting should be poking through the ground as I type this out.
    Cukes are starting to climb fence and the tomato’s are growing 6 inches a day. With the heat the next few days they should start growing a foot a day!
    The zucchini hills are cover with almost knee high plants.
    And one of our all time favorites…. I should be able to start diggin’ tator’s this weekend. They are Pontiac reds and we like to start digging them once the flowers fall off the plants, they make for excellent parsley potato’s at this stage. With 60 hills of tator’s we dig em as we need them. They normally last until freeze up.
    This pic are the tator’s 2 weeks ago One thing that was verey unusual for us this year, we never seen a potato bug, not a one

    Happy gardening friends

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I planted Waltham 29 broccoli and its a 73 day type with 6″ to 8″ heads. I’ll have to start another planting in mid August too get another crop by heavy frost so Im hopeing the broccoli I have in the ground now is done by then.

    Posts: 215

    I’m glad every one else’s crops are doing well.

    The swiss chard, lettuce-s , and “sushi radishes” are doing great.
    Salad every night!

    Our ‘maters and peppers aren’t as big as I expected by now, but they are flowering and are starting some fruit.

    I have had a heck of a time getting my freaking green beans to not only grow but sprout! I only get about three plants to sprout out of a row of 25. (bad batch of seeds?, the expiration dates are good.)

    We have also been experienceing some cuke, squash wilt. Lost two plants this week.
    I don’t see any bugs, so I am assuming its a bacterial problem. (Sticky stems too)

    Kinda sucks especialy since my wife is a professional gardener!
    She’s blaming it on me (I’m the one who gardens at home. “shoemakers kids have no shoes kinda thing..”)
    and a cool very wet spring.

    Our perrenials and annuals are dong just fine however…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Our perrenials and annuals are dong just fine however…

    Dennis “flower child” Steele!

    Posts: 215



    Our perrenials and annuals are dong just fine however…

    Dennis “flower child” Steele!

    I made a daisy chain for you Brian.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I have had a heck of a time getting my freaking green beans to not only grow but sprout! I only get about three plants to sprout out of a row of 25. (bad batch of seeds?, the expiration dates are good.)

    I got a bad batch of pole beans too, about a 1/4 sprouted, maybe less.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Just started one (garden) this year !! Built a cedar box above ground and put in 25 strawberry plants I got from a friend who was digging them out Got about 6 strawberrys, can’t wait for next year

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I use to have troubles with bush beans until I started getting treated seed from Jolivette’s in West Salem, WI. and, waited too plant a little later in the year.

    I believe beans like warm earth for germinating so I have been planting later the last 2 maybe 3 years. If the seed stays wet and cold I think some seed rot out causing your bare spots. And I might be full of crap but it has increased my harvest thinking this way!

    The seeds from Jolivette’s are coated. I’m not sure what the mixer is but, it certainly helps with the germination process, big time.

    Here’s what I have going. The only week spot you will see in the beans are located in the middle, big foot stepped a couple down

    While we are at it, I’d love to see some pictures. It sure gives a guy ideas if he likes changing things up a bit from year to year

    A shot of miracle grow will take the plants into the next level

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Nice looking garden Bret, I see you have some Cannas planted, Cannas and thier flowers are pretty plants. I started my beans in my greenhouse and I still didn’t get good germination and it was in the 90’s in early June in there. I really do think I got a batch of bad seeds at 20% germination. I’ve thought about buying treated seeds and they say that a person does get better germination rates. I still have to put up a way to hang my tomato plants and was thinking about a 20′ 4 x 4 hung sideways and mounted to posts at each end. Then screw 2 x 4’s at a right angle to it for the plants to hang from. I thought about buying a roll of concrete reinforceing and make round cages for each tomato plant but the price of steel is high so thats why I’m leaning twards the wood supports. I’d also like to see some pictures of the ways anyones got thier tomato plants supports in.

    I got my beans planted by one edge of the garden that has railroad ties for a border. I screwed a 2″ x 4″ up right on each end and then drilled 4 holes in each one. Then I ran No. 9 wire through each hole to the other upright for four strands of wire for the beans to vine on and hang from, I don’t know what it is but I like growing greenbeans. Fresh greenbeans and some bacon or ham is hard to beat. I’ll try to get some pictures up of the way I hung the wires for my beans tomorrow.

    Heres something you have to try if you haven’t and thats fried cauliflower. Just cut into small florets, dip in egg and flour and fry slow using a lid. Then just befor thier ready to eat take the lid off and crisp them up, they are good eats. Dip them in ranch dressing and its very good.

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