So maybe this will be a good change of pace. I was thinking about the Babe Winkelman episode where he was Smallmouth fishing with Greg Miller and a guide. My million dollar question is what lake was that show taped on? I have a thought but I doubt I am correct. Hopefully someone knows.
I have been going nuts trying to figure that one out to and I don’t live anywhere close to that area so it is next to impossible for me. I am a smallie nut and treat smallies with the utmost respect they deserve. I am in SE Iowa and we just don’t have any to speak of. I try to devote one week a year to chase them and hope to get it done within the next month or so. I would love to know where that lake is but understand him not wanting to give it out. Does anyone have a lake they can suggest for me to try? I was thinking I read somewhere sometime about a lake in Wisconsin that was a catch and release only lake. I was thinking that could be lots of fun. I would never kill a smallie to mount/ Strictly CPR! Thanks for the help guys!