Motor Question

  • 85lund
    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Traded a friend for en Evinrude 9.9 for a kicker last week. This Saturday I had it out on the lake. It runs fine, but I found some goo running out of the water intakes and the area behind the prop was full of it too. It was a light brown goo. Smelled like gas. I just changed the lower unit lube and checked it today and it is fine. Full, good color and no water. I am going to take it in this week, but just though I’d see it any of you had any ides of what cause was. Pic below is of the goo running out of the water intake.


    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    i had a 40 merc 4 cylinder 2 stroke that would spit out that brownish goo that smelled like gas, happened when trolling for extended periods of time. if your lower unit is good then i think its just the by-product of gas, oil etc burning. may need the carbs adjusted or cleaned. the mechanic where i bought my boat from checked my motor over and wasn’t concerned, may be running rich. ran it for another 5 years without problems.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3895

    I dont think that is your water intake. Reason being, it appears in the picture the goo is coming from above the cavitation plate… if this motor was on a small boat on plane how would it get water into the pump? Make sence?

    I want to say that is just an exhaust port, in addition to another that may be in the center of the prop hub. From what I can see everything seems fine. As you will see that goo from a 2 stroke ran slow for longer periods leach down.

    Perhaps a few more pics at various angles and distances can help.

    Keep in mind, water pickups must be below the cav plate. sometimes on the bottom side of it and sometimes between the plate and gear case and sometime below the gear case.


    Posts: 1054

    My 1977 Evinrude 9.9 will drip goop like that only its more black in color. It only does this after after a long trolling session without running the motor at full speed. My mechanic says it unburnt oil from trolling. Your oil fuel mixture is designed to protect the motor at its highest operation rpm’s . When trolling you are not burning the mixture as completely. If you lower unit oil is fine and water is going thru fine I would just run it hard after trolling to clean it out. The Evinrude has done this since new in “77


    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    It might be wise to check the lower unit for water in the gear lube. It is quick and painless check. Is this motor a 2 stroke or 4 stroke? Some of the 9.9 evinrude 2 strokes like to run rich and have a bit of unburnt gas that like to show up as a black goo that will run down the lower unit. Looking at the picture shown this appear’s to look like fresh oil mixed with water. I would check the lower unit to make sure the upper seal by the water pump has not gone bad. It is hard to tell by looking at the pictures though. If this is a 4 stroke, check the oil and see if there is water in the oil in the crankcase.

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