Just wondering how many GL’ers there are on the board.
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Garage Logic
March 18, 2004 at 12:12 pm #297150
Yes! Need to work on my CI which is an urban 26. All running however!
March 18, 2004 at 4:58 pm #297342I am at 31, but 4 of them are a junk 120 hp OB on the floor of my garage.
March 18, 2004 at 5:11 pm #297126A talk show on KSTP radio am1500. Pioneer Press columnist Joe Soucheray is the host.
My CI is 31. Need another 8 by August 7th to catch up with my age.
March 18, 2004 at 5:18 pm #297198An outdoor persons net worth is determined by his CI or cylinder index. The more gasoline engines you own the higher your rating is.
March 18, 2004 at 5:52 pm #297323Two kids in college and two places to maintain leads to a CI of 42. BTW GL is available in the bastian of conservatism in Mn (Rochester) on KROC 1340…we are in a KSTP broadcast node.
March 18, 2004 at 5:53 pm #297350I am ignorant to this as well…so do you count all of the cylinders in the garage?
If so mine would be ahhh 31 counting the weed whip and snow blower??March 18, 2004 at 6:11 pm #297355Love his show….I have a lowly CI index of 22. Rookie was a great addition to the show. He did a little anouncing at the Brainerd JC ice fishing tourny. Good luck and hail to the flashlight king!
March 18, 2004 at 6:17 pm #297356“Garage Logic” is defined as a way of thinking….meaning any problem worth solving can be solved in the garage.
“CI” or Cylinder Index is the total of all of your gas powered cylinders….running or not. You must own them. Also, your total CI should be equal to or greater than your age if you are a true “Garage Logician”.
By the way, I just re-counted my CI and it stands at 28. Forgot about the kicker motor.
March 18, 2004 at 7:16 pm #297368Yes they count
. All cylinders working or not count as well as those owned by your wife or CP.
March 18, 2004 at 8:52 pm #297377I’m at 20 and I’m 44 yrs old!!
I better giddy up!
Maybe a nice new 8 cyl Sequoia to pull the boat?March 18, 2004 at 9:03 pm #297378I’ve taken a reduction in the last year. I dropped 16 and now stand at a lowly 17. That’ll change in the future……..I guarantee it!
My dad has one of the largest that I know of and he took a reduction last year too………… 2 cars gone to lose 16, but still stands at 74……..near as I can calculate. He was at 102 a couple of years back but he’s been reducing clutter. 102!!! I’ve only found 1 other person in our family’s acquaintance that had him beat at that time.
Posts: 517March 20, 2004 at 4:42 am #297569I’m 30 years old and have an index of 35. Not too bad.
Gator Hunter
Posts: 34March 20, 2004 at 5:44 pm #297606Donated a 8-cyl landyacht to the needy so I’m down to a comfortable 31.
March 20, 2004 at 7:41 pm #297612I’m at 21…damn electric lawn mowers a blowers…
….you can learn more on this site by accident then other places by design…. – The Mayor and Fireworks Commissioner
March 21, 2004 at 4:06 am #297650I’m a GL’er but with a measely 34 CI, but in keeping with the theme I may have a posiible end of the world as we know it. I know someone who is a manager of an auto parts store and was told by their regonal manager that to keep their Equal Opportunity numbers right they need to hire more caucasuns. E.O.W? Not sure.
March 22, 2004 at 5:29 pm #297756Hail the Flashlight King!!!!! I’m at a comfortable 37, I just purchased a new leaf blower but I haven’t made the 48 hour rule yet so I need to wait until later in the week.
March 22, 2004 at 6:52 pm #297784Urban GLer w/ a CI of 21-not good!
You should all know the GL rules for acquiring stuff here are a few-add more if you recall them:
community property saving and loan-any cash found laying around belongs to the finder
48 hour rule-if you by something and have it in the garage for 48 hours without her noticing, then she cant say anything about it. If she does, just say -“oh that old thing? we have had that forever”. If she is a GLer too, just say 48 hour rule. tackle, trolling motors, kickers, lawn movers, snowblowers, Harleys-this rule is huge
FFLF-female fun limitation factor, no explanation needed
March 22, 2004 at 10:13 pm #297829I have lived this one……
Three Prices You Pay Syndrome –
1 – The price you paid for the item.
2 – The price you tell her you paid for the item.
3 – The price you pay when she finds out the price you paid.March 23, 2004 at 3:45 pm #297954Brian – You are in a lot of trouble.
What did you do to deserve that? With that look going on I’m afraid you can’t count on any of us for assistance. Good Luck!!
May 14, 2006 at 4:07 am #446150Put it this way, not many euporians surf this website. 35 with a CI of 46.
May 14, 2006 at 4:55 am #446153Now this here is an old post!
The good thing is that my CI went up by 8…
The bad thing is….I still get those “looks”!
Thanks for bringing this back up!
May 14, 2006 at 12:57 pm #446163Age 61, CI of 59…..no wonder I’m buying 400 gal. of fuel every month…….but it looks like I’m still a couple short. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what a dilema.
May 14, 2006 at 5:10 pm #446178Still looking for more but I am 35 and my ci is at 84 as of rite now. Going up this week as I am buying an new lawn mower and there is plans for a new truck soon
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