Free Guided Fishing Trip

  • Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    In honor of Memorial Day, I would like to give back in a small way to those who have served our country. Since fishing is my passion, I thought a fishing trip would be an appropriate way I could give thanks to a veteran.

    Therefore, I’m donating a one day guided fishing trip for two. The winner will be able to pick from one of the premier trips below. Each location is specifically paired with the date to offer the best chance at a trip of a lifetime.

    June 24th, MilleLacs Lake, Walleye trip.
    Sept 11th, Mississippi River, Small mouth trip.
    Oct. 16th, Alexandria Area, Walleye trip.
    (If the winner is unable to make any of these dates, or would prefer a different date, all efforts will be made to accommodate the winner’s needs)

    Now for the contest rules:
    Anyone who would like to nominate a veteran, or someone directly affected by the loss of veteran, is eligible. To nominate someone, please type in 250 words or less why this person deserves special recognition. All nominations must be emailed to me no later than June 12th. Go to and click the “Contact Us” link to apply.

    Obviously there are going to be numerous deserving people, so all entries will be put in a random drawing. After the drawing, held on June 14th, I will contact the winner via email and post the winning nomination for all to enjoy.

    I know this gesture is nothing in comparison to what so many have sacrificed, but I hope this can put a smile on one very deserving veteran’s face. I am honored at the chance to spend a day fishing with one of America’s finest. I’d like to say thank you to all of the veterans and God Bless!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Awesome offer and a Great idea.

    Posts: 3239

    Admirable Joe!

    Southern Wisconsin
    Posts: 113

    Thanks for thinking of the vets, that is a very nice thing to do.

    Thanks for doing what you do.


    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362


    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Very thoughtful.

    Posts: 928

    That’s very nice of you. I hope some tack advantage of this.

    Plymouth WI
    Posts: 314

    No better way to honor our hero’s!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 225

    Joe – Very Cool and THANKS to all of our veterans and those currently serving!!

    Nice talking with you yesterday and I am looking forward to hitting the water with you again in July!!


    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    Way to go Joe!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Way to go Joe!



    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Truly a great way to say thank you to our veterans. Great job Joe!

    Good hour from whitewater
    Posts: 468

    Top notch gesture joe!I have a gonna be vet getting deployed in 5 weeks and hope everything works out so him and I get alot of fishing done when he gets home.

    Derrick Rewerts
    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 16

    Wow buddy great thing to do. Whoever wins this will have a great trip.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Thanks for the support everyone, but I could really use your help. Please spread the word, I’d like to give as many deserving veterans a shot at this trip as I can.

    I’m getting a few emails thanking me for the gesture and saying they’re a veteran themselves, but didn’t do anything that remarkable….. Seriously, you served our country!

    Please anyone how has served feel free to enter. Don’t feel like you need a tear jerking story to enter. I think I speak for many Americans when I say you’re all heroes to us

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Class move Joe, this is something that anyone could get behind!!!


    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Well it’s time to reveal the winner of the Veteran fishing trip give away, but first I’d like to say thanks to everyone that applied and shared their stories with me. I wish I could give you all a free day on the water, but it is a contest and there can only be one winner.

    I put the names of all of the contestants into to a hat and my wife pulled the winning name. I’m proud to announce Captain Don Borgwardt as this years winner.

    Here is his entry.

    I was drafted in November of 1966 right out of high school, just turned nineteen. I was commissioned a second lieutenant, in Artillery, after twenty-six weeks of O.C.S. at Fort Sill Oklahoma. Yes a “shave tail” a “ninety day wonder” a officer-want -to-be. Sent to Fort Leonard Wood Mo. to be a Company Commander of Field Wire/Cook school in a combat support battalion. While at Fort Leonard Wood I was place on a Post Duty Roster witch could be anything from post payroll officer to rifle range to escort officer. A young man was killed in Viet Nam after twenty two days in country and needed to be escorted home to Jacksonville and I was selected . No time to pack a bag just get on an airplane and attend school at Oakland Air Force base at the Army’s morgue. Received Larry Welch’s remains in the morning and after offering respect we where able to board a airplane to Jacksonville, Il for final resting place. While in Jacksonville, I was treated with the utmost respect and was able to carry out my assignment to the highest standard. I was with Larry’s remains until he was buried some three days later. While at the cemetery standing at the head casket I received the American Flag from the Honor Guard. I presented the flag to his eighteen year old widow Susan, with these words; “This flag is offered my a grateful nation, for services preformed by your loved one”. I stepped back ,saluted the flag and sometime between taps and the twenty-one gun salute, I began to cry. It was the hardest thing I have ever done and I was just twenty years old. His name is on the Wall in Washington, D.C.
       Captain Don Borgwardt, Artillery  Commanding Officer

    Captain Borgwardt, will be able to pick from one of the premier trips below. Each location is specifically paired with the date to offer the best chance at a trip of a lifetime.

    June 24th, MilleLacs Lake, Walleye trip.
    Sept 11th, Mississippi River, Small mouth trip.
    Oct. 16th, Alexandria Area, Walleye trip.
    (If the winner is unable to make any of these dates or would prefer a different date all efforts will be made to accommodate the winners needs)

    Along with the trip he will also receive a meal of his choice, thanks to a few fellow Americans that wanted to show their support with a donation of their own. This was unexpected, but a very kind gesture none the less. I’ll make sure Don has nothing but the best throughout his day with me.

    This was a great experience and I hope to offer this contest again next year. Thanks to all the troop who have fought for our freedom and God Bless!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Congrats Don on winning the trip, and again Joe, thanks for the great jesture.

    I’ve been 55 miles deep into LOTW for the last 8 days, can’t wait to read your trip Report !


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