Hey guys, I posted a thread a couple weeks ago about a guy who caught a 17 pound 9 ounch walleye here in town. I went to the dam tonight and he was there, I told him I was on this site and had talked about this walleye and everyone here told me they wanted to see the truth and proof. I told him what was going on and he gave me a thread to the local news channel here in town that he had gotten intouch with when he caught the fish. I went there and the videos there but I’ll be darned if I can post the video.
He gave me the thread to http://www.KCRG.com vidoes and I’ll be darned if I can post the video, the local news was involved and everything. KCRG.videos/codys walleye.com,,,?
Anyone know how to tell a guy how too post a video.