Why choose dbl bubbles over windshields?

  • broadwaybob
    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    I’m serious about removing my full windshield and going to double bubbles and am looking for the upside of double bubbles. My main reason for changing is to get away from working around a tall windshield and narrow walkthrough. I work out of the bow a lot and when I have a netman, he usually struggles with the windshield and the net to land the fish. I hate catching my shirt on it going between the windshield. And I feel that the windshield acts like a parachute when towing into headwinds upping my fuel consumption. I have a tonneau cover and the air coming over the truck hits the boat full on and increases drag. These are my reasons for choosing to switch. Anyone have any other pluses for having bubbles instead?

    In case you are going to inform me as to why I should not switch, please don’t, my family goes for a ride with me only when the temperature is perfect and they have nothing better to do–about once a season, maybe twice and they still complain about the wind that’s cold.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I’m serious about removing my full windshield and going to double bubbles and am looking for the upside of double bubbles. My main reason for changing is to get away from working around a tall windshield and narrow walkthrough. I work out of the bow a lot and when I have a netman, he usually struggles with the windshield and the net to land the fish. I hate catching my shirt on it going between the windshield. And I feel that the windshield acts like a parachute when towing into headwinds upping my fuel consumption. I have a tonneau cover and the air coming over the truck hits the boat full on and increases drag. These are my reasons for choosing to switch. Anyone have any other pluses for having bubbles instead?

    In case you are going to inform me as to why I should not switch, please don’t, my family goes for a ride with me only when the temperature is perfect and they have nothing better to do–about once a season, maybe twice and they still complain about the wind that’s cold.

    Sounds like you’ve answered your own question. I have a windshield ONLY because I fish nasty weather and it shines at that moment when I can hide behind it and stay dry and warm.

    If and when I decide to get away from the windshield. I’ll be running around in a center counsel.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    If you pull the windshield, why not pull the second console as well??? Nothing but a few screws and pop rivets. If it’s a newer boat, I understand from a resale standpoint, but if the boat is pretty well deprecriated, why not. I will tell you that resale on a windshield boat is higher than a console, maybe time for a trade.

    Just a thought


    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    One thing I like my double bubbles for is traveling; I take them both off and place them on the floor for less wind resistance. Plus, you don’t have to worry about rocks coming up and chipping or breaking them, as well. I also think they’re easier, most of the time, to walk up to the front deck when you’re a big guy like myself. Full windshields definitely have their place, but so do bubbles.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Bubbles catch the wind much less allowing better boat speed control while trolling or drifting when its windy.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    It all depends on what kind of fishing you do. I do allot of trolling in the summer from a Lund Angler with a single counsel. I have always thought how nice it would be to have a full windshield with a bimi top so I could get out of the hot sun and to be able to stay dry when it is raining. For me I have always thought that dbl bubbles take up just as much room as a full windshield so why not go with the full windshield which would help protect you more from bad weather than the dbl bubbles would. So for me it would be a single counsel or a full windshield.

    Posts: 2721

    Have been struggling in the reverse of your situation. Have a 2000 Lund 2025 Pro V SE single bubble. That’s the one where the console is set back. Really like the boat. But as with everything else there are times I wish it had a full windshield or at least a double bubble. Almost bought a port side console off CL a few weeks ago. Thought long and hard about it. Have been looking into putting a full windshield in for a while. Talked it over with the wife and my 2 oldest kids about the pros and cons of both. The biggest issue with a single is that passengers get the peanuts beat out of them on windy wet days. Thing is that is the minority of the time and good rain gear can help a little with that problem. The benefits of a single bubble far out weigh the time and capitol needed to invest in installing or selling and upgrading to a full wind shield for me. The space on the port side of the boat for fishing and netting is huge with nothing in the way. Last year I had 6 rookies in the boat lindy rigging off the port side with no problems fishing or netting fish. That in itself is a huge plus. If all I did was walleye fish big water like Leech, Winnie, LOW or Mille Lacs I’d go with a full shield with a top set type cover. But I love to fish bass as well as walleyes on the big water. We can have 3-4 full size guys casting for whatever with nothing in the way but the single console. The one thing I really would miss with a full windshield is having my rods right at hand on the front port side of the casting deck. Easy pickings not having to pull a rod from a locker. They are also not out of the the boat but laying on the floor and when we are moving a rod saver velcro strap secures them. Depending on what boat you have going to a port bubble might be easy or a major hassle. That’s one issue I have with lund they don’t make it an easy switch. On the plus side your full windshield is probably worth a lot of money to someone. Good luck with it

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to In-DepthOutdoors Basseyes!!!

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