My new trailer has surge breaks, my truck doesn’t have power from my 7 to 5 plug adapter to the trailer ( blue wire )it only has 4 wires coming out of it…I looked into my fuse box under the hood and have a spare not used relay position, I removed a relay already in the box and moved it to the open position and tested my adapter again, I have power to the brakes now… that should keep my surge brakes from activating when I back into my driveway. correct?
Question is can I get another relay of the same number and plug it into that open position and not expect to have any problems blowing fuses or messing up the processor black box that controls the electronics of my truck? I believe I could rewire the truck adapter to the brake lights from my rear blinker assembly to create a new blue wire to go with my 5 prong plug but I don’t have the knowledge to do it. thanks for any useful advice. Pk
May 12, 2011 at 6:08 pm