Thanks for the help guys. I did touch base with my banker. He said some people like working with cash, and others are not confortable with that kind of money. He did say to never take a check, cashiers, bank, or personal, without the bank/lending institution verifying it is good. He told me the following:
1. Set up a transfer before hand.
2. Be at the bank when they transfer the money, they can then verify the transfer, certify the title is clean (lien free), and if not we can do it in two transactions. First for the lien holder, second for the remainder of the cost to the seller.
3. When this is done, he signs the lien free title to me, the money is certified in the bank, we shake hands and walk out.
Now I just need to figure out how to make this happen. The wife is on board, and I see a new rig in my future