State Record Walleye

  • walleyebuster5
    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    To piggyback on Jbob’s post earlier. IT got me thinking. DO you guys think there’s a state record walleye(s) in most of the bigger walleye lakes in MN? ML,V,Leech,Red,Cass,etc.??

    I seem to think they’re all over the place,and in many of the midrange size lakes too. I always hear stories of the DNR shocking this lake or that lake and there’s a state record in there. What do you guys think/know?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    To piggyback on Jbob’s post earlier. IT got me thinking. DO you guys think there’s a state record walleye(s) in most of the bigger walleye lakes in MN? ML,V,Leech,Red,Cass,etc.??

    I seem to think they’re all over the place,and in many of the midrange size lakes too. I always hear stories of the DNR shocking this lake or that lake and there’s a state record in there. What do you guys think/know?

    In MN somewhere? Yes. Red? No way. At least not in the waters available to non-natives. Mille Lacs? No, can’t see that either. Even on the scale 10# fish don’t happen all that often there.

    Lake of the Woods? Yeah, I could see that. Rainy, BWAC lakes, maybe the MN or Mississippi Rivers… I think it is a possibility but you’ll need to look at the most fertile bodies of water or areas that receive little to no pressure. Preferably a combination of both. But that eternal optimist thinks “yeah, it could happen.”

    Preferably on MY next cast.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    The BWCA holds very good potential in my opinion. I know of a few 14 and 15 pounders caught in one lake we go to. There is just so much water that is unfished up there. Think of all the deep lakes with tulibee and other bait that big walleyes suspend on, they are virtually unreachable fishing out of a canoe. I have always wanted to troll cranks for a day over deep water but without any type of a motor, that would be a loooooooooong day of paddling lol.

    Posts: 1564

    You would need such a perfect combination of things to occur, including longivity.. Can it happen, sure, but look at the world record Musky, even with all the catch and release and yet not broken (IMHO, that fish most likely will come from GB or other part of great lakes due to ability to live unmolested for majority of it’s life). Like James said, it can happen on my next cast!!

    Posts: 1501

    Most definately in the Miss and MN.

    Oh wait…..NOT the MN

    Posts: 1960

    LOTW, Rainy, BWCA, Miss. Those are the areas I think there is a chance.

    As far as ML, URL, Winnie, Leech, Cass…..I would say no way.

    On the scale 10 lb fish are rare on the best of waters and nearly unheard of on the rest of the walleye producers. You hear lots of fish tales about 10# eyes, but talk to any long-term reputable taxidermist and they will tell you that a 10# walleye usually weighs about 8lbs. With the rarity of true tens on great waters, the odds of adding another 8 lbs and having that happen on other waters is just about nil IMO.


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    what about lake independence off 55? I took a 29 1/2 that came in over 11 pounds a few yeaars ago. just curious we were on a spot that was a 60 foot bowl up to 30 foot flat and 2 spikes that came up to 12 and 16 feet on it. just curious about any local deep hole lakes in the metro area.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    I’m curious as to why some of you think there is a walleye out there bigger than 17lbs in any of the systems listed above.

    My hope is that somewhere along the line, you’ve seen pictures & documentation of fish approaching 17lbs.

    If not, then why would you think there is one that big out there now or in the future?

    (not sure what the MN state record is but am guessing it’s bigger than 17lbs)

    If anyone has a picture of said fish, please post it here for the rest of us along with any info on the fish.

    Also, just so everyone knows exactly how big a walleye over 17lbs would have to be, post your estimate on its length & girth.

    My understanding of big walleyes would totally eliminate any walleye under 33″ long from weighing in at or over 17lbs.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    My hope is that somewhere along the line, you’ve seen pictures & documentation of fish approaching 17lbs.

    If not, then why would you think there is one that big out there now or in the future?


    WHy couldn’t there be one?

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    You would need such a perfect combination of things to occur, including longivity.. Can it happen, sure, but look at the world record Musky, even with all the catch and release and yet not broken (IMHO, that fish most likely will come from GB or other part of great lakes due to ability to live unmolested for majority of it’s life). Like James said, it can happen on my next cast!!

    -Pretty much agree with that take other than there is NO chance it will be on my next cast.

    I’d be surprised or shocked if there was an 18 pound Walleye anywhere in the state actually let alone multiple bodys of water. Then again I don’t believe there has ever been an 18 Walleye caught in MN.

    Posts: 1054

    Walleye: 17 pounds, 8 ounces, 35.8 inches, Seagull River (Cook County). 05/13/1979.

    Walleye-Sauger Hybrid: 9 pounds, 13.4 ounces, 27 inches, Mississippi River (Goodhue County). 03/20/1999.

    The Seagull river is not legal to fish during the spawn anymore. I had a friend who saw Leroy catch it. He said it was big fish slaughter back then.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Does anyone know of any 15 pounders hanging on anyone’s wall?

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294



    You would need such a perfect combination of things to occur, including longivity.. Can it happen, sure, but look at the world record Musky, even with all the catch and release and yet not broken (IMHO, that fish most likely will come from GB or other part of great lakes due to ability to live unmolested for majority of it’s life). Like James said, it can happen on my next cast!!

    -Pretty much agree with that take other than there is NO chance it will be on my next cast.

    I’d be surprised or shocked if there was an 18 pound Walleye anywhere in the state actually let alone multiple bodys of water. Then again I don’t believe there has ever been an 18 Walleye caught in MN.

    Call me a pessimist if you want, but you can add Wisconsin to that list as well.
    If there is one out there in either state, I would guess Green Bay would give you your best shot.

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    When I lived in Baudette in the late 70s, the owner of the Wig Wam by the name of Trabant, had a 14lb. 12oz. on the wall that he had caught ice fishing. From what I can remember, it was impresive.

    WBL, MN
    Posts: 95

    Not too long ago, there was a pig (14lbs I believe) caught on Pool 2. As we know, this is a catch and release. If anywhere cold produce something that big, it would be the Mississippi river system, especially during the spawn.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    Not too long ago, there was a pig (14lbs I believe) caught on Pool 2. As we know, this is a catch and release. If anywhere cold produce something that big, it would be the Mississippi river system, especially during the spawn.

    While 14lbs is an awesome walleye, its also a long ways away from 17 plus pounds.
    I’ve seen many very large walleyes from all over the Mississippi but none that would come close to 17+ pounds.
    It’s very hard for me to believe that a fish that big exist in the Mississippi river. They just don’t seem to live long enough in that system.

    Lake of the Woods, Rainy, Gull and maybe a few others here & there, maybe….

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Since fishermen are by default optimists, there are state records out there. Not many, but they exist. But I believe it will need to be a pre-spawn walleye in a fertile, large body of water with a lot of fatty baitfish for them to plump them up. The bad news is that there are so few the chances of catching one is much worse than the chance of winning the lottery. Now having said this, like the lottery, you can’t win it if you don’t play it. I’ll be out soon to catch her. Wish me luck.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Amen Timmy!! It truly does take A LOT to get a true 10 pound walleye. I have seen so many 30 inch fish that are in the 8 pound range it’s incredible. Now on the Mississippi that’s a different story lol. Heck a 30 inch fish full of eggs in winter is even tough to get to push the 10 pound mark.

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    As I remember the 1979 record was on a late spring when anglers were on pre-spawn fish. I believe that is a big factor. That state record fish may not be a state record from May spawn out until April. If you want to beat that record I think fishing prespawn walleyes April or May would increase your chances. Not too much water in the state open for that. All in all, you are more likely to be struck by lightning.

    Posts: 3835

    If there is such a fish around here I am certain to catch it from John’s boat so I can retake his boat mark and remind him of it everytime I see him.

    Anyone seen my 45lb channel cat around here? I know she swims in Mendota. I’ve been after her for 10 years and the closest I’ve come is 27.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Unlikely to catch one yes.. Is it out there. I truely believe so.. And I agree, prespawn is a must.

    Posts: 196

    the biggest walleye ive ever had hooked came from a 50 acre metro lake. was easily over 32 but my hook popped out as i was beaching it and she gave me the almighty tail wave… so yes i do believe there is a lake with the state record in it but i dont think it would be one of the big name lakes.. deffinately not mille lacs as i have only ever seen 1 eye from there over 30!

    Posts: 91

    How do I start this out…..O.k. Ya all aint goin’ to believe this but…. I have been gifted. In 1993, I caught a 13 lb. 10 o.z. walleye fom lake eerie. Verified on a scale and all that good sh…. From 1993 til 2010, I caught lots of walleyes from 8-12 lbs. I actually kind of lost a little interest in walleye fishing because I figured I would never catch a bigger one. Fast forward…2010, I was fishing the Mississippi river. I was on the phone with my buddy who was with me the previous spring when I boated an 11Lb. 6 oz. fish. I suddenly felt the tell tale thump and told him I got a big one on and had to go. I threw my cell phone on the floor ( damn things ) and proceeded to catch a walleye that tipped the scales at 14 lbs. 2 oz at Evertts Fine establishment. Both fish were caught within 50 ft. of each other. That, doesn’t really matter though. What does matter is there is a fishery capable of producing a new state record. Yes the Mississippi will produce it. The Mississippi is fertile enough and catch and release is strong. Remember, you heard it here first, the Mississippi will produce a new state record. OR MAYBE LAKE OF THE wOODS……..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I would guess there is a state record breaker either out there, or in the works. Is it in Mille Lacs, I would say now way… I have seen quite a few tickling and over 30″ though.. these are typically anywhere from 8 1/2-10 1/2 lbs…. another 6-7 lbs ?? No. Now the muskie, I believe there are quite a few lake chances for the record, including Mille Lacs BTW a 32″ WALLEYE will not resemble any eye you’ve ever caught before

    Posts: 91

    Just for the record, my walleye from lake Eerie was 33 1/4 inches long. My walleye from The mighty Miss. was 30 inches long. Yes the Miss. produces TANKS!!!

    sw. wright co.
    Posts: 30

    About 15 years ago during winter the big walleyes were on a big bite. Every week in the local paper there were pictures of walleyes[average of 3 a week]on the low side 8 pounders up to several 13.5’s. One night,in my fishhouse one that measured 34.25″ was on the floor for a moment,then forced back down the hole.The guy who caught it could not afford to mount it.This was a western Wright County lake. The next year you never heard of a big fish caught out there. The local paper than ran a report that stated “maybe some of those big walleyes should have been released last year” of course that statement was a year too late

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    walleyebuster, I do know of a legitimate 15lb 4oz that is mounted and will be on display at Schreiners as soon as we can get the walls lined with car siding. It was caught within 50yds of the Alma boat landing a couple wears ago

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    The rumor appears to be true.
    I’m hearing it 2nd hand info.
    Have the name of person and details, but will not release, as I have not talked to him personally.

    Apparantly, the DNR already has certified the fish and it is going through proper channels to make it legit. Apparantly, DNR was 15 feet away from the catch.

    Again, this is the “rumor”…….

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Now THAT gets me pumped!!! Can’t wait.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632


    The BWCA holds very good potential in my opinion. I know of a few 14 and 15 pounders caught in one lake we go to. There is just so much water that is unfished up there. Think of all the deep lakes with tulibee and other bait that big walleyes suspend on, they are virtually unreachable fishing out of a canoe. I have always wanted to troll cranks for a day over deep water but without any type of a motor, that would be a loooooooooong day of paddling lol.

    My biggest walleye came from the BWCA

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