This morning, my 8 year old son climbs into my bed and snuggles in. Jonathan then turns to me and says that he needs to go to confession so he can make things right with God. I ask him why he needs to go to confession. Jon replies that he was thinking of some very bad words when he found out that his hockey bag was stolen and wants to apologize. I kindly asked him what words he was thinking. He replies that he would like to keep that between him and God.
I am now trying not to burst out laughing…..
I explain to Jon that you can talk to God whenever you want by praying. I then ask again what words he was thinking about.
Sheepishly, he turns and asks if he tells will he get into trouble for swearing.
I promise him he won’t.
So he tells me that he said G*d Damn, this s*cks, and one of the F words.
I am puzzled, my boy knows to swear 2 words that start with F.
My wife now WANTS to know what word he said, Jon looks at her and says Frickin………