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How many fishermen/fisherwomen like to golf ? “Poll”
March 15, 2004 at 3:45 am #296641
I use to golf all the time in high school and for a few years after, but when I got my first boat the golfing got put on the back burner. I get out golfing maybe once a year if I am lucky.
March 15, 2004 at 4:58 am #296818GOLF??????????
Ah hahahahaaahahahahahahahahahhaha
Ah hahahahahahahahahahahaahMarch 15, 2004 at 6:16 am #296797HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!
There is absolutely no reason to be laughing at golf. Its a very respectable pasttime….and anyways…at least its not soccer.March 15, 2004 at 12:05 pm #296823Ok Dave…who put you up to posting a question like that?
I thought this was a family website?Is this were it starts? Just an little poll question, then a Instant Graemilin putting and then…changing the name to “”.
Guys, PM Ecnook! Tell him you want to keep this site focus on fishing! We may have a chance to save our site!
March 15, 2004 at 2:06 pm #296843i get out golfing atleast a dozen times a year. I like to swing the clubs, but i do golfing when it is lightly raining outside or I can’t work. sometimes i take a day off and go and hit the links to go and get out some frustrations. but sometimes my frustrations get worse when that little white ball don’t go where i want it to.
March 15, 2004 at 2:38 pm #296850I golf for work sometimes, but I will never pay for it. We have people come in from NYC and Chicago and let us pick the any course to play on. They buy us balls, beer, lunch/snacks-not a bad deal.
So I voted “no”, but that doesnt mean that I wouldnt rather golf for free versus working.
Last summer I shot a 71…..but I did better on the back 9!
March 15, 2004 at 2:41 pm #296851If It’s good enough outside to go golfing, it’s even a better day to go fishing.
I voted NO to
March 15, 2004 at 2:43 pm #296852Quote:
Last summer I shot a 71…..but I did better on the back 9!
well that is awsome. well you must be the comic relief for them while they are golfing. ever try the happy gilmore swing, or teeing off with a putter??? then seem to crack alot of people up. I can usually hit my putter pretty good. but i have only done it a few times where i have gotten it down the fairway.
March 15, 2004 at 3:17 pm #296859teeing off with a putter is BAAAAAAD……unless you want to buy a new putter
believe me, i know
March 15, 2004 at 3:34 pm #296863My 1st shot ever was 3 years ago at Rush Creek. It went 45 degrees to the right, hit a tree and landed at my feet. I did get a par that day though, par 3 120 yards downhill into a stiff wind and hit it within 10′ of the hole. 2 putt and in.
I dont really shoot that bad, but w/ any honest scoring and a weak game on tough courses and the 7-8s come pretty easy.
March 15, 2004 at 4:59 pm #296881I find time in my life to do things other than fishing. Some of the most enjoyable was playing a round of golf with my father. This reminds me of a time we were heading out and my grandfather said that after shooting some “golfs” to be sure and bring one home for him to look at. At the course I took a ball with a big “smile” in it and inserted some bird feathers that were picked up during the day.
When arriving back at home , we presented this creature to my grandfather and told him to figure out how to cook it.March 15, 2004 at 5:07 pm #296884IT’S THE BEGINNING OF THE END!
There goes the neighborhood!
I find time in my life to do things other than fishing.
What kind of talk is this?
March 15, 2004 at 5:19 pm #296891Quote:
teeing off with a putter is BAAAAAAD……unless you want to buy a new putter
I’ve seen first hand what happens when you tee off with a putter. A guy on my high school golf team did it in a meet once. Had to putt with his 3 iron the rest of the day. Coach wasnt too pleased with him and it made it a long ride back home.
March 15, 2004 at 5:40 pm #296834ecnook:
Not only do I like to golf, but I operate one of the dam things. Because I am at the golf course all day long, it is great to get out at night to rip some lips or chase some big green toothy critters around. I do not golf a whole lot anymore, but hope to get the opportunity to get better at it again some day. The pic I sent along is the par 3 5th hole. They say that President Eisenhower hated this hole, but I think it was one of the others that disappeared with the new construction a couple of years ago.
March 15, 2004 at 5:50 pm #296896Why would you hit something so hard, and chase it so far, and not eat it???
I grew up across the street from a golf course, and I’ve spent more time sneeking in there fishing than I have golfing!!
March 15, 2004 at 6:09 pm #296905mbenson,
Is that Timber Ridge?
I find myself going back and forth summer to summer. Some years I fish more than I golf and vice versa. It’s another sport that lends itself well to cold beverages of the adult type.I entertain on the golf course a lot and it’s a great place to conduct business. I have virtually no clients that fish. That’s a shame because it would be nice to write off a few guide trips a year.
Golf is like fishing in a sense that there is always new equipment to buy every year!March 15, 2004 at 6:09 pm #296906I to have a theory on this subject
If the weathers nice enough to golf……….it’s more than good enough to fish
Never could understand why someone would want to chase a little white ball around in the short green grass
March 15, 2004 at 6:42 pm #296835SteveO:
That is Minocqua CC. If I remember correctly, aren’t you originally from Mercer? I agree with the guide thing and business. Here is a picture from the par 3 3rd hole that runs along the Thorofare in between Lakes Minocqua and Tomahawk.
March 15, 2004 at 7:06 pm #296915Not from Mercer but fish the Flambeau Flowage and River 4 or 5 times a year.
A good friend of mine ran the bar and restaurant area of Timber Ridge back in the mid 1980’s. We golfed up there a few times and really got into trouble at Landmark and the Whale. Great times and beautiful course.March 15, 2004 at 9:12 pm #296932mbenson,
Maybe you and I should set up a IDA Fish and Golf Tourney
March 15, 2004 at 9:35 pm #296934Tranberg.
I’m in for the Golf and Fish deal. Minocqua would be the perfect place.March 15, 2004 at 9:54 pm #296936Oh this one is fun! Especially for a “has been” and “wannabee” such as myself. (I used to be a superb golfer and have spent the past 5 years or so trying to learn how to fish)So I, #1 Like to fish #2 was a pretty fair golfer at one time. A specially flavored diet coke goes well with either – of that I am sure!
March 15, 2004 at 10:54 pm #296941
Maybe you and I should set up a IDA Fish and Golf Tourney
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