I can’t post on here my true feelings for this group but I like how Mississippi handled the situation!!
Funeral protestors
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I can’t post on here my true feelings for this group but I like how Mississippi handled the situation!!
Funeral protestors
This is the way things were handled a few years ago when right ment more than being polliticaly correct!!Way to go!
These protesters need to be round up and shipped to Cuba. The reason they have the freedom to protest is because of the people who are willing to fight and die for the country. Maybe if they lost there right to protest they would realise just how good they have it.
THANKE YOU to all who serve.
Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving in our armed forces! God Bless all of you.
Wow! Thanks for sharing that, it was the best thing I have seen on the internet in a long, long time. God bless our fallen men and women.
Thanx for posting Ed…..we have a fallen soldier coming home today and having his funeral in Waverly, IA….please take time this morning to say a prayer….
Route is already being lined with people to keep the protesters away
Thanks to all who have served or are now.
As far as the protesters, well, I cannot say what I would like to say.
It’s very sad that these people have to go after a family in mourning.
I guess we all know who the real A$$CLOWNS are.
now if everywhere else would follow Ole Miss example there might not be such a issue with them problem children who are miguided.
Here is to to before us, those like us damn few of
us left
Thank you for posting this. It is great to see a town come together to protect their own. This is America.
My son is looking at ROTC, he comes from a long line of soldiers.
Thanks for post. It is very sad that this group of protestors even think about doing this to any fallen soldier who is fighting for us to fish,hunt,go to movies with our families and have our freedom. I feel very sorry for the family having to deal with the death of there son and then to have these bunch of ***clowns to deal with also. Thank you to who have served and our serving currently. GOD BLESS
BRILLIANT!!! No one hurt,well except for the big mouthed one, and a family could morn in peace….
Brilliant indeed, Brandon Mississippi has a lot to be proud of and to top it off they honored their reason to be proud by confronting a sticky situation with cleverness. The story now is about Staff Sgt Jason Rogers and the town that came together to mourn and honer.
Thank you Staff Sgt Jason Rogers for your service and that goes out to all who have served.
I would like to add take the time to get to know a veteran and their family in your neighborhood if you have not done so already that support will go a long way.
When those people announced they were going to show up here in Hastings a couple of months ago the Hastings residents showed up in force. Lo and behold they didnt show up because the said “there was a more important place to be”. In reality they were going to get their butts kicked if they would have showed up. They state their beliefs but are chicken to be confronted.
There’s been a few of these posted on Utube and imho if watching any of these doesn’t bring a tear to your eye something’s wrong.
While most motorcycler riders seem to get a bad rap the Patriot Guard has done much to fight these numbnuts from westbro and have done it legally, my hats off to them and the people in Miss who made it difficult for them a$$holes to protest.
I’m not so sure I’d show such restraint.
Thank you, all those who served and will serve…God bless.
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