How do you know you picked the right spot?

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13726

    I was out yesterday with a guy chasing down-run walleyes on the Wolf River. I had a milk-run of about 6 spots that traditionally do very well for me. My first spot is more of a community hole. About 3/4 mile run where the river channel has multiple inside/outside bends. Was a bit puzzled when I first pulled in there and only one boat drifting down. We set up and started our first drift. Suddenly a roar of engines converged on us. Minutes later, I had Mark Martin, Dan and Chase Plautz, Robert Blosser, Gary Parsons, Brian Keller, and a few more guys I didn’t know from the AIM Pro Qualifier all drifting the same segment of river. As crowded as it became, I thought is was awesome to see the class these guys displayed. Very respectful towards other boaters and sharing information with many locals. Was very enjoyable to fish amongst these guys for the day and chat about various things.

    Though, I didn’t understand why nearly 100% of these guys were bouncing meat? I guess the pro’s never read about B-fish-N Chartreuse/Orange core ringworms with a 1/4oz Chartreuse jig
    It was a very tough bite for most, and not many fish being caught. The few guys concentrating on using their electronics, were dialing in on spot-on-the-spot locations. The dramatic drop in the water temps had the eyes nosed up tight behind any structure in the main channel. Key was to lift your jig over a log and drop it in the little hole behind it without getting snagged up first. Felt like I was at the Bank making a deposit….
    Only saw one nice female caught amongst everyone. Rest were mostly milted out males in the 14″ to 18″ range

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2969

    Thanks for the report

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4062

    You must have been in the right spot because Martin is leading, Dan Plautz is 3rd, and the Parsons are in the top 10.

    Sounds like a fun day.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13726


    You must have been in the right spot because Martin is leading, Dan Plautz is 3rd, and the Parsons are in the top 10.

    Sounds like a fun day.

    Wish I had my camera with me…my bassboat sure looked a little out of place with all the wrapped walleye rigs. It was fun to visit a bit with these guys. I’ve had the opportunity to fish with a number of the guys that are in this tournament in the past.

    I am renaming my GPS cord for this spot to the “Million $$ Hole” At one time, there were 19 walleye rigs stacked up in there. At a ballpark of $55,000 each that’s $1,045,000. plus all the other boats that were in there.

    Posts: 44

    just curious randy on how many over 12 inches did you boat that day! some pros didnt even get A BITE!

    Posts: 1899


    You must have been in the right spot because Martin is leading, Dan Plautz is 3rd, and the Parsons are in the top 10.

    Sounds like a fun day.

    Mark Martin in lead? Cool. Was he in the #5 Go Daddy boat?

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458


    Mark Martin in lead? Cool. Was he in the #5 Go Daddy boat?

    Now that would be a cool boat wrap especially if Danica was in the boat. That would bring out some spectators. Unfortunately this is a different Mark Martin and we probably wont be seeing Danica along for a boat ride anytime soon

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13726


    just curious randy on how many over 12 inches did you boat that day! some pros didn’t even get A BITE!

    I had 7 that were all solid fish in the 16″-18″ range. The pros I watched that were catching fish were on the same type of pattern as myself. Of the few guys getting fish, we didn’t see very many small fish caught. All the fish I marked and caught were tucked up tight behind some form of structure in the main channel with a 1′ to 2′ drop directly behind it. In hind sight, a great pattern to have done yesterday would have been to anchor and drop short 3-ways. We were drifting way too fast for finesse fishing.

    The screen shot of the 2 pockets are where most of the pros caught there fish and we hit a couple. The side scan of the two trees were my best two spots of the day

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