Did Minnesota pass a *New* regulation for 2011, allowing you to fish two lines only while being stationary on open water, (no casting)????
April 16, 2011 at 12:42 am
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Did Minnesota pass a *New* regulation for 2011, allowing you to fish two lines only while being stationary on open water, (no casting)????
Thanks for asking!
Short answer: Still working on it.
Long answer: DNR Legislative update 4.15.11
As the 2011 Legislative Session starts to move towards Easter break I thought I would send out a quick update about where the DNR Policy bills are at. For the most part all bills are progressing smoothly and meeting policy deadlines in both the House and Senate should be no problem.
This year the DNR introduced five bills. The annual land sales bill is HF 1230 and SF 712. On the House side this bill was heard on Thursday and referred to the Floor. The Senate bill was heard in Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday and sent to the floor.
The Game and Fish bill is HF 984 / SF 943. The House File has passed all committees and is on the floor. This bill contains the two line fishing amendment and also removes the current Zone 3 deer hunting management as well as limitations on the number of special regulation lakes (60) and also will allow for dark house angling on Cass Lake. The Senate bill was heard on Tuesday in the Senate Environment Committee where a delete all amendment was offered. This bill does not contain the two line proposal or zone 3 language, however the Senate Finance bill (SF 1029) does contain language that allows for scopes on muzzle loaders and restricts the number of lakes with special regulations to 90 and also allows for dark house angling on Cass Lake. This bill was referred to Government Operations Committee in the Senate. Next week look for a special addition on the Game and Fish bills. We will send out detailed information on the House and Senate proposals at that time.
The DNR Technical bill is SF 692 / HF 1097. In the Senate this bill is on the floor and is also contained in the Senate Environment Finance Bill (SF 1029). In the House this bill was heard on Thursday and was laid over for possible inclusion in an Omnibus Policy bill.
The DNR Enforcement Bill is HF 956 / SF 975. On the Senate side this bill is on the floor and also contained in the Senate Finance bill (SF 1029).
The DNR AIS bill is HF 1162 / SF 1115. This a culmination of work from the NR Invasive Species Task Force and also DNR staff recommendations. On the House side that has passed Environment and Public Safety Committees and has been re-referred to the Judiciary Committee (after that Civil Law, Ways and Means and the floor). On the Senate side the bill passed out of the Environment Committee on Tuesday and is awaiting a hearing in Judiciary and Public Safety. I want to thank everyone who has helped get this bill this far!
For copies of the factsheets that describe these bills please go to:
As always if you have any questions about any information contained in this message or any other legislative issues please feel free to contact me at 651-259-5024 or [email protected]
Have a great weekend and make sure you get outside and enjoy our great states natural resources!
Bob Meier
The way I read the law in the Startrib last week it stated,” two lines could be used when anchored and casting was not allowed”. I guess you have to just drop your lines over the side of the boat.
IF that’s true…it would be a HUGE win for catfisherman!
…and wouldn’t have to go to Iowa to fish cats with two lines Mr. Shepard!
Seriously, bills are being introduced. That’s a long way from becoming law.
If by no casting they mean only still fishing and no artificials, that is just dumb. You are more likely to get 2 fish on at the same time still fishing than 1 still fished and one line casting an artificial.
And it better allow it fishing from shore.
I hope they kill the line 2 line bill as it is proposed, if they are concerned about fish mortality, there will be gut hooked walleyes all over Mille lacs, point being there should no stipulation as to what method your using, this is just as bad as when the camera debate was going on you couldnt be in possesion of fishing gear.
As far as muzzle loaders go here is how it should be if you want to use a scope on your inline bolt action rifle then you hunt in the firarms season.If you truely want to hunt with a muzzle loader you hunt the muzzle loader season in late NOV -DEC with your precussion or flintlock rifle then with no scopes the way the season was orinally set up for the guys who think they are Davie Crockett or Daniel Boone. You know the Kentucy style rifles etc.
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