Manure on your roadways

  • whiskeysour
    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    I agree with Randy on this.

    And when hauling my kids cattle to the fair the quickest way to get a tailgater to back off was to have the cows poop or pee.

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    What do you want them to do about it. Believe me it is not intentional. Didn’t have a easy winter so alot of farmers had to pile for most of the winter. If it is a safety concern that you’re worried about then I would contact someone about it but if it is just about the smell I think you should cut them some slack and deal with it.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    HA HA HA HA HA !!!

    And I thought the subject was Manicure your roadways


    Posts: 395


    Never bothered me when I lived in farm country. I always felt it best to never complain about a farmer if my belly was full.



    Posts: 395


    Farmers/Cow manure – NO PROBLEM, he/she helps pays taxes and contributes to the cost of road repairs.

    Amish/Horses – Big Problem. No $$$ contribution, just a huge pile of crap

    FYI- Amish pay property taxes and income taxes, just like you and I do. They just don’t pay gas tax.

    Posts: 5130


    FYI- Amish pay property taxes and income taxes, just like you and I do. They just don’t pay gas tax.

    Thank you PowerFred for bringing this up I am not sure where people got the notion that the Amish do not pay taxes or contribute to the economy. They pay taxes just like the rest of us. They pay interest on their loans and spend money in our cities.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    Calm down guys! I grew up on a farm and loved the way of life as a kid. Just not a fan of the poo.

    Thats just it walleye.. some guys see a post like this and like to jump chit (pun intended)(you know who you are)… yeah, there are “farmers” with manure spreaders that need repair, they are suppose to seal in the product, heck they want it on their field, not the road, but some are too lazy, overfill and slosh it over the sides….or have so muc h in their pits, they don’t care. Who here really thinks a “farmer” is feeding them anymore ??? They are now called “dairys” or a fancier name would be, BIG business. If their is poo on the road all the time, there is a problem, plain and simple. I grew up in the country myself and since you did too walleye, I think you know if something is excessive(which if a farm kid is questioning ) and it’s always easier for someone to take a shot at someone else, when they are not the ones “steppin” in it…

    Posts: 5130

    I would love to be able to smell the manure again, reminds me when I was a kid. Now I am in a concrete jungle and only poo I get to smell is from a sick person in the back of the ambulance…..THAT is unpleasant

    The only time manure is an issue for me is when it comes to safety. Especially if you are on a motorcycle and come around a corner or top a hill and there is a bunch of liquid crap on the road. I have been in that position before and it ain’t fun.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Mike, I hope you’re talking about manure from an open lot and not confinement slop. The latter will take your breath away or make you puke, possibly both. You can’t open your windows most days of decent weather, you can’t hang laundry outside. And it gets much worse when they stir it to pump it into the honey wagon to spread on the fields. They are supposed to knife it in. Yeah, right! Sometimes during the night it gets shot through the irrigation systems. If the ground is frozen it gets poured out on top to run into the road ditches in turn running to the drainage ditches in turn getting pumped into the Miss. River if it doesn’t settle to the bottom of the drainage ditch.
    But hey!!!!!!!!!! Maybe that’s why we have so many big flatheads here in Iowa! Anything is possible I guess.

    Posts: 3681


    I agree with Randy on this.

    And when hauling my kids cattle to the fair the quickest way to get a tailgater to back off was to have the cows poop or pee.

    How do you get them to poop or pee on command? I need a couple of these trained cows for my ride home from work.Do I need to raise the from birth or would I be able to train a old cow this?

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Love the smell of manure! Of course… I have horses at home here… so I am pretty used to it and rarely notice it anymore.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    That “crap” is full of ionized nitrogen and just like fertilizer will chew thru metal very quickly. I try to avoid it whenever possible and try to rinse it off ASAP if I have to drive thru it.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Having lived in the rural areas for so long, I just put up with it as it is part of living here.

    I do enjoy the smell of fresh cut alfalfa though.

    In regards to the ethanol, yes the subsidies are way to high and the only benefit is to the farmer for a bit higher corn price.

    I would guess that in the end, the consumers are paying through the nose for this ethanol.

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    If you live out in the rural areas, you just take it as one of those things. Ya…sometimes the rear “soup gate” doesn’t seal up all that well on the ” ol turd hearse ” as we called it. But then why would you want to follow so close ? Best advise is just slow down or try and straddle the mess, or take a different way.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I dunno, I generally see the mud that comes off the tire lugs on the road…the smell comes from the feeds.

    God Bless Cows and their manure. The world would be a much less happy place without it!

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Wow is all all I can think. That farmer maybe the the one I want to ask to hunt his/her land. I am sure that everybody has a job that someone can complain about

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    What got to me was when we lived in the country and the chicken ranch would dump the chicken manure in a field across the road from our house.

    It would sit there for a few days and I can tell you this, if the wind was right, the smell would about chase one out of the house.

    That chicken amonia was terrible.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    As the kid that’s cleaned out a few chicken barn in his young days…that’s something I could live without again.

    Kept the lungs clear though.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Did you work in Gaylord at the ranch BK?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    No, a private farm in West Lynn Township near Hutchinson.

    I attribute my liking to stink bait to the fact that I’ve stook in chicken crap for 6 hours many times.

    Stink bait has nothing over the chickens.

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099


    1) Drive a different route if it’s that big of a problem.
    2) Leave your car parked outside if it’s that dirty.
    3) Wash before placing in garage.
    I think we have enough laws. People who are from the country usually don’t have a problem with this sort of thing. People who move to the country usually do.

    I agree with z71hunt!!

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    You hit the nail on the head Drew.

    It comes with the territory living in farm country.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    OK…so far I have stayed out of this because I don’t mind driving through a little crap now and then. Great Grandpa has done it, Grandpa’s done it, Dad and I are still doing it!!!

    I get more Pee’od when I step in my dogs crap in my own yard

    Rock on dirty roads

    Is it OK to say crap

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    WalleyeBuster, I grew up near you and I think it’s safe to say it’s a crap highway. I used to joke they only spread half of it on the field and the rest got spread on the road.

    To all of those people that haven’t experienced this… I’ve seen it so bad that you could only drive 30-40mph on a county tar road.

    I agree if you live in the country you have to just deal with some stuff. I’ve just learned to live with it, but at some point I think it will cause an accident.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    I was born and raised in a small farming communtity so i’m used to it. My buddy had so many amish living on his road it got the name horse [censored] road. I’ll just deal with it and thank the lord for farmers. I’m pretty sure cow pies make up a small percentage of vehicular accidents.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I don’t think he is complaining about a little manure… it’s when half the load ends up on the road… it shouldn’t be. Don’t picture some dude in overalls, on a narrow front tractor pulling a old fashioned rear slinger.. picture a big track vehicle, pulling a 10,000 gallon liquid tank, with 12,000 gallons in it, going past your house….

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Yeah I know what he means. I just like saying cow pie and vehicular.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    picture some dude in overalls, on a narrow front tractor pulling a old fashioned rear slinger.. picture a big track vehicle, pulling a 10,000 gallon liquid tank, with 12,000 gallons in it, going past your house….

    Darn it G, now I an thinking of Tuck

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    I don’t think he is complaining about a little manure… it’s when half the load ends up on the road… it shouldn’t be. Don’t picture some dude in overalls, on a narrow front tractor pulling a old fashioned rear slinger.. picture a big track vehicle, pulling a 10,000 gallon liquid tank, with 12,000 gallons in it, going past your house….

    big G, I’m surprised with you
    We have all heard at our age chit happens

    You move into the area expect it. I’m tired of getting pushed out

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