Like Mike, I fished the tourny too. We managed to catch our fish on topwaters…all day long. NOW, Dan and I did managed to catch a lot of fish throughout the day, just not enough of the 18+ inchers.
We lost two at the boat that would have put us closer to 18#’s instead of a measely 13.6#’s. 
Lately, all of the lakes in the Annandale area have been producing on top water lures. Top’s on my list are: Cedar, Maple, Clearwater, Pleasant & Sylvia. AND this type of fishing will hold strong throughout the rest of August and September. 
I have attached a pic from a few years ago…my biggest bass ever caught on Clearwater using top water baits.
I call it time to have fun…because top water bassin’ for me is the BEST!! Jon